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Kintsugi (mend the broken) Revised

  There are moment's hard  to absorb, and moment's that absorb completely, moments like a screeching, screaming felt in the throat, ...

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

The leader's regard

                                           The leader’s regard

Today, tomorrow, maybe a few days more we can endure. Some
of us will fall back do to weakness, or can’t bear it any longer,
to those still standing I give support and those dead make me stride a bit further.

Soon life will pass by and the pack will dismiss their woes, but I see harder days to go. Here I stand contemplating my path, for every death there is life and for every life there is joy and for every joy also sadness.

Victory doesn’t belong to he that claims it, but to he who tries.
I long to see does who felt short here and me there,because after all the struggles there was no reward. Here I stand and as the sun gives to shaded , my cries will be on a different note.

BY: Raphael G

Dilemma of the desire

                      DILEMMA OF THE DESIRE

My young years have flown by like migratory birds which will never return,

All things I, desire to do and yet not accomplished,

My desire is a great pain in my intestines and bones, that feed on me and though there isn't no greater desire, that road also has its Burdens,

Those I, rely on and associate with have been of no significant help but despair. Though I don't condemn them for they to ride a similar road,

My surroundings are like a prison which I, constantly war against because of circumstance. Many lost can be attributed to my surroundings,

I daily question why things go this way, and is there a purpose? I'm flatter of how life has been for me, and I, look ahead for more surprises as I, struggle to fulfill my desire.

BY: Raphael G

infinite quotes

To the many surprise that life offers, the only surprise to me is the lost of a true friend.

To the many roads that spread before us, the inexperienced claims victory.

To understanding, discernment, and wisdom the righteous knowledge has been revealed, and the path of such ones is like the light of the morning sun that gets brighter and brighter as the day draws to a close.

By : Raphael G

The weight of talent

                                      The weight of talent

Far beyond our scope of reason there lays comfort,

Beyond our maturing minds we find a host of complex reasoning,

As our experience increases we are set free or imprisoned by the offset of outcome,

As time presses on we embrace for a new challenge,

we are as vulnerable as the last subject who conceived a brighter tomorrow,

Who among us can grasp the wind?

Who among us can see the sound?

Who among us can dictate the time?

We must press on with unwavering conviction that a true gesture is our only allied, and that our only escape from the falsehood that heavily entangles our motives is not to concede.

The character of many is refined through a process, the good deeds become a blurry cloud that obscures our vision,

We know so much and yet so little, so little and yet find a way. Can a physically blind man see a physical realm?

And does a thinker becomes weighted down because his projection of thought?

If I’m wrong condemn me, if I’m right execute a judgment.

By : Raphael G

Monday, February 20, 2017



The nomads rejoice when they see newly land,
The elder widow rejoice when she sees newly weds,

The new born cries because of future sorrow,

The peasant rejoice when he sees the rainy season,

The married couple are sad, because her sterile womb can't

The criminal is guilty of a crime he doesn't understand,

Low in spirit is the heart breaker for he has lost his touch.

The poor and the rich have embarked in a race, they both will greet in the end.

The days are long, the nights are short, life passes by and so does our dreams.

There are times, things we most hope on, comes and crushes the expectation of what could have been but isn't.

I look around to comprehend the seasons, each one brings a message, even the wind tells about the future.

I stared at the birds, to listen to their interpretations, they cry and weep, rejoice and reflect of what brings the next day.

At times what causes us to be or not to be, depends on how much thought you gave to the matter.

Give a day to reason, give a day to understanding, give a
day to patience, give a day to happiness, give a day to love, give a day to peace, and a day to rest,
so you may see the pain of labor, and the sorrow of ruins.

Sometimes I'm viewed as cruel, tasteless, cold, mechanical, misplaced, but inside of me, outflows of tears overcome me, because of what has become of this world.

BY: Raphael G

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Android revised

The Android


How is it possible that the Bible anticipated the science?

The Bible is a book that was written many centuries ago, today is the only book globally and historically, was able to corroborate what our great scientists have discovered to this day. How about if we take a short walk to the past?

To begin, note that the Bible was written centuries ago, what you will read below really surprise you!

> Science means "knowledge", and true science always agrees with the observable evidence.

Scientific advances continue unfolding wonders and mysteries of our universe. Interestingly, there is a book that has anticipated what modern science now confirms.

 (*Click Here*)  http://www.foxnews.com/scitech/2012/03/11/former-nasa-specialist-claims-was-fired-over-intelligent-design/

1. Job 26:7 The earth floats in space. While other sources placed the earth on the back of an elephant or a turtle, or was held by Atlas, the Bible predicted what is now commonly known ... “God He hangs the earth upon nothing”.

2. Hebrews 11:3 The building is composed of atomic particles, invisible to our eyes. It was not until in the 19th century it was discovered that all visible matter consists of invisible elements.

3. Genesis 6:15 exact dimensions for the stability of ships. boat builders are well aware that for a ship afloat needs to be over six times its width. Keep in mind that God gave Noah the ideal dimensions 4.500 years ago.

4. Leviticus 15:13 Wash in water currents. For centuries people naively washed in standing water, but now recognize the need for clean water to avoid infection.

5. Deuteronomy 23:12-13 Healthcare Industry. God commanded his people to always have a shovel so they could cover the stool (toilet). The historical record indicates the first World War many soldiers died of infection in the absence of isolating human waste.

6. Job 38:16 oceans contain sources. Most of the ocean floor is in total darkness due to the enormous depth and atmospheric pressure. Job would have been impossible to explore the sources of the oceans. Recently, it was known that the oceans were fed only by rivers and rain. It was only in 1970 with the aid of submarines built to withstand 6,000 pounds per square inch pressure, oceanographers discovered the existence of sources in the ocean floors.

7. Jonah 2:5-6 Mountains in the background of the ocean. Only in the last century this was proven by the invention of sonar. Today we have accurate maps of the sea-floor where mountains and volcanoes are shown.

8. Acts 14:17 The cause of Joy and Joy. Evolution cannot explain the emotions. Matter and energy are inanimate. Only the Bible explains that it was God who brought joy in our hearts (Psalm 4:7), and the unspeakable joy is found only in the presence of the Creator. “... in thy presence is fullness of joy "( Psalm 16:11 ).

9. Leviticus 17:11, 14 Life is in the Blood. Healthy blood is needed to carry nutrients to every cell in the body. Years ago this function was not known that blood plays and as a result many people bled to death in which is included George Washington.

10. Genesis 1:24 The Life Rank Species. There are genetic barriers that prevent one species changing to another totally different. The immense variety of species known to produce only according to their own kind, unlike what is evolutionary theory.

11. John 15:13 The Self-denial and self sacrifice. History reveals that countless people have endangered their lives and even died for love of others. This reality cannot be explained, much less understood through natural selection or survival of the fittest (Romans 5:7-8).

12. Genesis 1:20-22 The Dilemma of the Chicken or the Egg is resolved. Which came first? ... This question has plagued philosophers for centuries. The Bible states that God created birds with the ability to reproduce according to their species.

13. Revelation 4:11 The Dilemma of the protein or DNA. For evolutionists the dilemma of the chicken or the egg is, as the chickens and any other bodies consisting of proteins. Assembly code for each protein is within the DNA; however, for the manufacture of DNA itself is required proteins. So what was the first protein or DNA? The Biblical answer is that both were created simultaneously.

14. Genesis 2:7 and 3:19 Our body is made of the dust of the earth. Scientists have discovered that the human body is composed of 28 elements all found in the very land.

15. Genesis 2:1-2 The First Law of Thermodynamics is established. This indicates that the total amount of matter and energy are constant. One can be converted to another, but the total quantity always remains the same.

16. Genesis 1:1-3 Time, Space, Matter and Energy. The first three verses of Genesis express all known aspects of Creation. “In the beginning "time" God created the heavens "space" and the earth "stuff" ... And God said, Let there be light 'energy' " .

17. Genesis 1:1 The Universe had a Beginning. Beginning with the studies of Albert Einstein in early 1900 and continuing today, science has confirmed the Biblical approach that the universe had a beginning.
Genesis 1:2 'the earth proved to be formless and waste and there was darkness upon the surface,' has been a mystery to Bible scholars and scientist alike, until now.  

18. Isaiah 40:22 The earth is spherical. Before any other historical record of the Bible said the earth was round.

19. Luke 17:34-36 The rotation of the Earth. Jesus said that His coming would be some sleeping at night while others would be working during the day. A clear evidence of the rotation of the Earth causing day and night of simultaneously in different parts of the world.

20. Genesis 9:13-16 The origin of the Rainbow. Before the Flood did not know about rainbow (Genesis 2:5-6). Rainbows are formed by rainfall where the droplets act as prisms, separating white sunlight into its spectrum of seven colors.

21. Job 38:24 The light can be divided. Isaac Newton proved it centuries ago. In the Bible it was recorded millennia's ago.

22. Psalm 8:8 Ocean Currents. Three thousand years ago the Bible described the "paths of the sea" Matthew Maury's father oceanography read this passage from the Bible and dedicated to investigate these alleged "paths". With study and dedication but above all their faith in the Word of God, today browsers have marine specific information following these currents, decreasing for many days the time required to navigate the oceans.

23. 1 Corinthians 6:18 The Sexual Promiscuity cause health disorders. The Bible warns that “he who sins sexually sins against his own body.” And on homosexuality warns: "... receiving in themselves the due penalty for their perversion "(Romans 1:27).

24. Genesis 1:27-28 Reproduction of Species. While evolution has no mechanism to explain the evolution of male and female organs, the Bible explains that from the beginning ( Mark 10:6-8 ) God made in order to propagate the human race and animal.

25. Jeremiah 33:22 Countless Number of Stars. At first glance be seen about 5,000 stars. God said that man was not going to count the stars of heaven. In the 17th century Galileo barely glimpsed the immensity of the universe with the help of the telescope. Today astronomers estimate a rough-Ten thousand billion trillion stars, this is equivalent to a 1 followed by 25 zeros.

26. Isaiah 40:26 The number of stars is finite. Although the figure for men is still unknown, for the Creator of them is not: " The account number of the stars; he called them all by name " ( Psalm 147:4 ).

27. Genesis 22:17 The Stars similar in number to the Grains of Sand of the Sea is surprisingly exaggerated the number of grains in the sand of the sea, however, this similarity was reflected in the Bible thousands of years before the scientists to make this comparison somewhat plausible.

28. Romans 1:20-32 Rejecting the Creator results in moral depravity. Fear of God affects the behavior and actions of each individual. Evolution allows debauchery and depravity because it denies the Being to which man should be.

29. Job 38:29-30 An Ice Age. Before the Flood the Bible is silent on the ice, however, after this event, there is this wonderful statement: " By the breath of God is the ice, and the broad waters are frozen "( Job 37:17 ).

Where did the water go...? the answer lays underneath the earth crust !! 

30. Jeremiah 1:5 Life Begins at Fertilization. The sentence of God on abortion is death ( Ex. 21-22-23 ). Today is an irrefutable biological fact that when the egg is fertilized a human being is conceived. Nothing is added to the cell but only oxygen and food, as well as an adult require to survive.

31. Job 10:8-12 Embryo Development. Until the second half of the 18th century, embryology was more a matter of speculation than knowledge. Caspar Friedrich Wolff was who introduced the theory that cells initially undifferentiated, differed to produce tissues and organs, as narrated in Job: “Thou hast clothed me with skin and flesh and knit me together with bones and sinews . "

32. Psalm 139:13-16 DNA. During the 1950s, Watson & Crick discovered the genetic blueprint for life. Three thousand years ago the Bible refers to this code written in every living organism. “Your eyes saw my unformed substance, and in your book were written all the days that were formed, without missing one.”

33. Acts 17:26 Created Mankind one bloodline. Studies in 1995 on the Y chromosomes from 38 different ethnic groups around the world yielded statistical data that are descended from one man. “This is the book of the generations of Adam ... "(Genesis 5:1).

34. Genesis 11:1-9 Different Ethnic Groups. Was in the rebellion of Babel where God changed the language and characteristics of people and spreading them on the face of the earth.

35. Ezekiel 47:12 In Plant Medicine. Ancient cultures used many herbal remedies. Today modern science has rediscovered what the Bible said.

36. Leviticus 11:9-12 Healthy Dietary Laws. In the Scriptures that we should avoid eating aquatic creatures that do not have fins and scales. Today we know that the same tend to consume waste and are very likely to cause infection.

37. Deuteronomy 14:8 Not long ago science learned that eating pork infected meat causes a disease called trichinosis. Believes that the Bible forbade eating pork more than 3,000 years before it was known as cooking the "pigs" in an appropriate manner.

38. Romans 1:25 Radical Environmentalists. The Word of God predicted that many would worship the creation rather than the Creator. And now the nature is called "Mother" and naturalism is a religion. (Also known as *New Age Faith*.)

39. Isaiah 50:3 Dark Matter and Black Holes. Cosmologists speculate that 98% of the known universe consists of dark matter, where are the black holes capable of preventing the escape of his own light tremendous gravitational field. The Bible refers to these holes until recently discovered in the following way: "... stars 'light' wandering, to whom is reserved forever "no escape" the blackness of darkness "( Jude 1:13 ).

40. Psalm 102:25-26 The Second Law of Thermodynamics (Entropy). This law states that everything in the universe is in decay and deteriorate gradually disorganized and decaying. The evolution directly contradicts this law, to prescribe that the changes occurring in organisms are only for their improvement and progress, not to its deterioration and extinction. The Bible states: "... and what is obsolete and aging will soon disappear "(Hebrews 8:13).

41. Genesis 5:4 Cain's Woman. Skeptics point out that Cain had a wife to marry; therefore, the Bible is full of lies. The Bible invites readers to "... make sense to understand the reading" (Nehemiah 8:8), and not only read but too "... search the Scriptures ... "(John 5:39), and finally “the reader understand "(Mark 13:14). Cain married one of her sisters because Adam and Eve begat many sons and daughters, not just the two of them.

42. Leviticus 18:6 Incest Laws. Marry close relatives was safe in antiquity because the person's DNA was relatively clean at the time. God shortened the days of men in Genesis 6:3, resulting in errors and defects in genes that accumulate errors between close relatives and produce anomalies and malformations in the offspring of these respective partners.

43. Deuteronomy 22:9 Mix Seeds Genetically is Harmful. The Bible warns that stir seeds results in different types, crops, threatening the health of people who ingest these foods. Today there is a rise in diseases caused by genetically altered fruits and vegetables

44. Ecclesiastes 1:7 The Hydro-logic Cycle. Four thousand years ago the Bible spoke about the water cycle consists of: evaporation, atmospheric transportation, distillation and precipitation. The Bible describes: " He brings the drops of water "air transportation" to the vapor into rain "evaporation" which distilled the clouds 'distillation', dripping in abundance over men 'precipitation' "( Job 36: 27-28 ). This is exactly what the weather taught today!

45. Psalms 139:16 "Your eyes saw even the embryo of me, And in your book all its parts were down in writing, As regards the days when they were formed And there was not yet one among them".Only within the last few decades have scientist able too document this statement through ultra-sound and x-ray instruments.As for the genetic code "The human genome project" came to it's sense that we humans are 99.9% identical...a blow-back to the hardcore atheist and evolutionist alike that God made them all according to it's kind.

46.Two teams of astronomers have discovered the largest and farthest reservoir of water ever detected in the universe. The water, equivalent to 140 trillion times all the water in the world's ocean, surrounds a huge, feeding black hole, called a quasar, more than 12 billion light-years away. "The environment around this quasar is very unique in that it's producing this huge mass of water," said Matt Bradford, a scientist at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif. "It's another demonstration that water is pervasive throughout the universe, even at the very earliest times."

47.The Universe has a tremendous amount of order to it and it all had to have begun in a precise fashion. It is equipped with fixed physical laws and with natural constants that are precisely and ideally suited to support a planet like ours and all the life on it.

For instance, the precise settings of the four fundamental physical forces (electromagnetism, gravity, strong nuclear force, and weak nuclear force), affect every object in the universe. They are set and balanced so precisely that even slight changes could render the universe lifeless.

So even if it were somehow proven that it was possible that the matter and energy in the universe could have popped into existence all by itself, the design of the universe is so complex that it completely defies the concept of it originating through random chance. Those who truly rely on scientific explanations do not base their conclusions on random chance. 

48.The science of mathematical probability offers striking proof that the Genesis creation account must have come from a source with knowledge of the events. The account lists 10 major stages in this order: (1) a beginning; (2) a primitive earth in darkness and enshrouded in heavy gases and water; (3) light; (4) an expanse or atmosphere; (5) large areas of dry land; (6) land plants; (7) sun, moon and stars discernible(observable) in the expanse, and seasons beginning; (8) sea monsters and flying creatures; (9) wild and tame beasts, mammals; (10) man. Science agrees that these stages occurred in this general order. What are the chances that the writer of Genesis just guessed this order? The same as if you picked at random the numbers 1 to 10 from a box, and drew them in consecutive order. The chances of doing this on your first try are 1 in 3,628,800! So, to say the writer just happened to list the foregoing events in the right order without getting the facts from somewhere is not realistic.

49.Molecular biologist Michael Denton once stated:

“In terms of complexity, an individual cell is nothing when compared with a system like the mammalian brain. The human brain consists of about ten thousand million nerve cells. Each nerve cell puts out somewhere in the region of between ten thousand and one hundred thousand connecting fibres by which it makes contact with other nerve cells in the brain. Altogether the total number of connections in the human brain approaches . . . a thousand million million.”

Denton continues: “Even if only one hundredth of the connections in the brain were specifically organized, this would still represent a system containing a much greater number of specific connections than in the entire communications network on Earth.”

The human brain makes even the most advanced computers look primitive. Science writer Morton Hunt said: “Our active memories hold several billion times more information than a large contemporary research computer.”'

  • Then God proceeded to make the expanse and to make a division between the waters that should be beneath the expanse and the waters that should be above the expanse.

  • on this day all the springs of the vast watery deep were broken open and the floodgates of the heavens were opened.
   50.  Writer : Isaiah
Place written : Jerusalem
Writing completed : After 732 B.C.E
Yes 2,700 hundreds years ago...the inspired men of Almighty God (YHWH) knew this all to well...while modern science is still banging their small knowledge against the chuck-board !
By co-incidence every element is found and contained, within the potters vessel !
It is amazing to know how the Bible was able to describe our past, present and future. If after reading this, you thought that God is a non-existent, it has been wrong, but today may be the perfect time, so you can repent of all your heart and see what God has shown you today, through its Word.

Friday, February 10, 2017

Ink n paper

                                           Ink and paper

The ability to self-express, I mean really to convey the true person (the secret person) individual,
takes on a whole dimension and approach.
Being spontaneous to many is like bursting with words and actions aimlessly. But to the well trained and sight, being the true-self, took on a life time of achievements.

The emotional-self (nurturing being) and logical-self (mechanical being) these characters are at a cross-point, since the beginning of time, and just as ancient ! The balance of gifts, may take someone a life cycle and then at our last death stroke we become endow with the ultimate expression.

To be truly free is not rationalizing that we are the wind...to ride the wind is an abstract mindset.

To flow like a mighty river or a gentle stream invokes great passion, when the spirit is stirred it reveals wonders...yet there is a hollow void that chokes at the end.

So where are we ? When the questions and answers are so inspiringly crafted, that seeking the ultimate-expression can lead to a host of the unknown !

Again I take to the Ink and white paper, they hold and record the knowledge...lost and found, seeking its audience, breaking all barriers...setting a path on which there can be guidance, not demanding nor dictating , just benevolent...patient and all embracing.

Raphael G

Lament for departed doll

                   Lament for departed doll

Here once again I sit surrounded by creation. By a small stream of water that tell tales about my life's esteems that once were so plentiful and massive trees that reveal history. By musical bird’s that play haunting melodies, expressing their version of happiness. By laborious creatures that don't give up trying and a restless sunlight beaming on the leaves of where I shade.

Here I sit in the middle of nowhere all directions I look there's a road or a passageway someone once took, my heart desires to help but, who knows how far they stumble forth?
As I patiently sit observing my surroundings I saw a cat decorated in flashing colors distracted and even took no notice of me determine by her pains and a belly full of unborn kittens, she flagged by anxious about her where about's.

Here in the middle of nowhere one comes to meditate and initiate contact with his creator. As I sat patiently a few cautious passers bye's managed to stroll along their path and I wandered!
I long to know and press ever forward too that extra mile to find a road or a path that can lead me to you. For every breath of air fills me with wonderful thoughts about you. Here I send you things a heart can do.

Everything in life is temporarily but the memories of you are everlasting. Your innocent smile brings joy to all low in spirit. Present yourself to me in ways unknown and I, will judge you righteous, for your ways are wonderful, beautiful, and charming. I'm the one who knows and will not give in trying to interpret them. For your ways, are signals to those who follow.

I have found my way towards you, with the little courage that resides me, and the valor I can summons from above. Truly I'm like a young lad in search of understanding, Like the birth of a new star awaiting acceptance, awaiting placing, seeking instruction, finding little hope, stumbling to reach hearts, and yet I weep, I joy, I endure, with many thanks for my very existence is a privilege.

Renew your friendship with me, just as the season compliments one another. Point my way out to the light again, lead my soul out of captivity, be the one to save me and I will be in debt to you forever. Compassion, mercy, reason, and love had a debate at the end they all gave way and rejoiced.

BY:Raphael G

© right

If life is a Struggle

If life is a Struggle

If life is a struggle, what does death offers in the long run?

Why do we grief over our short comings?

In high places sits the arrogant, time makes the calls and he is of little means!
Time is a thief it robs us of our youth, it makes us gray and savvy, only to reverse as we become children again in our unstable state.

If only we could remain children’s forever can we challenge time?

Time produces; time reduces, and time the crook that steals values as it never burns out. When one wonders time laughs, when one is hurting time laughs, when one is lonely time laughs, time follows no command it is space to be filled, infinite like the thief’s treachery, ever present to observe and molest our slightest moments, like a 
motionless predator it works its web, and consumes, destroys.

The time capsule that never runs out, the subjects trapped in its belly with little hope, time the unscrupulous vigilant, the giver and taker of life.

Time drags when it is having greater moments, the time is and the time will come for all under its sight to time no more!

If not for the cosmos, and the seasons we would be like the dust particles, cosmic drift tossed in the wind, miniature particles of matter that resemble time itself in so many ways.

The Great Spirit is great, find him and make him your allied. Bow to the mysteries and secrets that simple minds charge at, because understanding is not its helper.

The balance of nature is becoming undone, who can reverse it? Oh father/mother earth that sustains life for a little while, you that shelters the offspring’s of creation in the bosom of paradise, she calls for the souls to fertilize her grounds, she cries out with open mouth and a belly that’s never satisfied.

(C) write protected

Raphael G
Spring of 2010

Lost Cause

                                                   Lost cause

Ask yourself this question ? When was the last time I spoke to someone or something ? And when you were about to let loose with free will and free expression, you shrunk in moving forward ! Because one reasoned that if I let go, It might herniate the little gains I have already made. When in reality you had anything. Searching for the ultimate expression or the lost cause...what was the intuitive guide ? What drove you to start and then stop, short of what could have been the moment of cutting loose. If today or tomorrow or yesterday we are haunted with the pass that never was, then whom would you blame ?

Well one can always put someone or something in front to sacrifice...and there are many more then willing. They seek a cause or the lost cause but never were part of it...so the cause never mind them. Only the brave can self-express, in the barrios...in the ghetto's...behind the prison walls...in the welfare lines, soup lines, living under bridges, frozen in time...looking for the hands outs other never saw with a heart of kind. Others became victims of a higher conspiracy dying in the fields with a shovel in their hands...willing partakers or lost in the cause of that ultimate expression, that haunts...haunts and haunts.

So I come to you, again probing the air waves and frequencies trying dial and tune-in of what maybe the consensus of a premature dying audience. Distracted by the trivial formulas of life...what is the opium, what is the grass, what is the spirit ! When was the last time a war ended ! When was the last time you expressed yourself freely ? Keeping seeking what is the hardest to find...eventually someone or something has to give in, I'm on the side of the lost cause, since its hardest to reveal and cut loose.

I'm not the brave... not yet, still looking and seeking the audience...maybe I find someone or something amongst the crowd. Maybe a brother or a sister coming up or down in the struggle, that I can knock off course in their gauntlet of excuses. When the manifestation was right in front of them...staring at the eyes, but they can't see with the physical eyes or spiritual eyes...even the conscience become numb.

Do we give up ? Do I give up ? May that never be the case ! A Puerto Rican has died...a PR is born, the final report, a humanitarian, a good Samaritan, a man of good conscience and activities, alongside those whom he choose to die with him. And he never gave up trying, combing the air waves and tuning in, the frequencies, vibes of his brethren, that was the lost cause...to his dying day he was satisfied.

We all died somehow, while other's start a new beginning, after all it drives the implants, virtues, making the unaware a suitable vessel that become the wheels of this chariot ! Yes the wheels keeping turning, the engines keeps running, and the lost cause keeping right behind chasing, braves in front or rear, haunting and haunting until someone or something can rise from ashes of this manifestation.

So here I come before you again asking, what has become of the moment ! Have we seized it or it has overcome us ? Can we be braves or half braves...or just turn away from truly being free to self-express, no matter the circumstance you're the ultimate expression, so go out and find it...and bring back to where should be... where it belongs.

BY : Raphael

Friday, January 8, 2016

Prisoner's Chant

                                              Prisoner's chant

My angelic looking host as the wheels in the sky turn on their axis,
you cast a net of hope,

I will always be a prisoner under the bluest sky, and innocent smile no man ever broke,
your presences I felt behind the walls of jungles and savage dungeon, a wise-man silence never spoke.

Your foot-step's I counted with every stroke, heavy heart, restless, nevertheless a smile no man ever broke.

In my contemptible state angels guarded my safe keeping, until a bright light cracks open the chasm...a seeker in twist and turns finally, inquisitive yearns.

The Kabuki drama of long ago...once again unfolds casting the net of hope, who is worthy in my madness ? But a celestial host, subjects under cover, bluest sky, smiles rapture the air innocence's oblivion host.

Foot-step's in the darkness Kabuki dancer's, permeate the stage they once performance laud, bow...applause.

A prisoner's chant awakens celestial bodies; needful dancer's in a world of shadow's and voices create magical muse. Silence rule, commotions stir! Environmental challenges in a colorful galactic spectrum...vibrations, frequencies, the physical, the spiritual phenomenon...the unlearned, the unseen...make available their useful and timely presences.

Who is worthy in my madness ? Invited guest, trivial matters, parade of marcher's...seeker's heavy heart, the unaware !

From the audience unto the stage; from the stage unto the audience, an eye-witness of a crime scene, a conspiracy once to often seeking heavy hearts, mourner's delight, stranger among strange....a prisoner chant !

Raphael G


Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Dream Weaver

Dream weaver

Like a voyage of long ago,
A time long awaited, where the inspiration rejuvenates an inspirator of dreams,
there aren't rehearsed dreams better than agitated currents,
nothing prepares an inspirator for events so impacting like these...only that emotions and innate feelings incorporate to weave complex feelings that exhaust the soul already in surrender.
Again I find myself embracing for the shock of my life...like it was yesterday.

I reason like a innocent young lad in my search for truth, harmony, feelings, principles, and virtues...Oh Lord save me' help me' give strength...understanding in this world of dreams that never seem to seize pouring my way...I'm not dignified of the leveled thinking.

If poetry is letters of second hand, why do I find myself hindered in what is revealed before me? If poetry is letters of second hand' why do I summons a supreme being? Like this was a debate between me and the creator! My reinforcement is to continue revealing the fundamental things of the heart and pursue the current correctness in guiding the senses.

Never doubt what I write...from the most profound things of the heart inspired reasoning ushers forth what the dream weaver feels in his inspired search.

There can be no falsehood in revealing...more likely it is the initial stage to convocate dialogue, where there is invocation souls come together like poetry and the letters to promote communication in the field of thinking. Poetry and its power for sure have gained its rewarding crown for time to come.

She weaves my broken dreams,
she's soft like the morning mist,
she has these beautiful blues...one is the vast oceans...the other a bright sky in a touching spring break,
she's a master work of whom the thinkers of modern and ancient times debate if she is true or not,
she's an electrifying maiden, no need for dynamic energy to assemble my thoughts,
She would be a great lament if lost and the Divine beings would lament her for an eternity.
What would become of me if she was bones of my bones and fresh of my fresh? I care for her like the hen care for their kind.
I would be enchanted with her like a toddler and toy of interest,
she would be my toy in my eternal toddling.

What can a poor gentile man do for a maiden such touching? If life is all I possess ...than my sacrifice is not in vain!
She's hope for a fallen people and they anticipate in her revealing treasures, O' grandiose king of eternity woe' to me if this was letter of second hand, you are my guide...My fort and my call...you my Judge' that the reality is the sacred expression.

O' my Lord equip me for the outstanding of this dream, you well know my tragedy...I'm innocent in this dream that I can't construct, prepare my path according to the events of worth and surprises in which I must embrace, I ask no more...otherwise that the sacred expression returns fortified in a world of abnegation and absences.
© right protected
By: Raphael G


Amish Shack

                                        The Amish Shack
They the raving blues that never seem too tire out always on a move like Nomadic caravans from the slightest sound or encompassing position, like a satellite hovering and dancing from above it intrigues and fascinate the observer. The piercing blues that cause so much commotion and excitement in my soul, sending it into bliss of mind bending thoughts. Like a foundries heat that consumes my inquisitive yearnings that contest debate, promoting sanity in an ever winding circular motion of complex undertaking.
Like a dungeon they imprison me as they go about its taxing ways, innocently partaker of the observer; oblivion host. In a world of sadness blue is not so blue after all, the oceans, the vaulted sky, the covenant arc, blue is eternal as promise from above. Two blue pearls in its sockets that reveal enigmas and provide a multitude of reasoning.
Enlighten me, charm me, lead my soul captive in want. I make oath with almighty Yahweh, to never remove me from your sight, keeping me writing and sleepless day and night. Drain my energy, my life’s resources! I feel the sense and meaning of true giving around you. Let heavens be weighted down on our behalf and its host rejoice one more time. If it’s a sin to let go from the abundance of the heart, than I boast as one of them all. I chase the heart as a child would after the passing of a butterfly, as it explores the new world of curiosities laughing and smiling with-out contempt lighting up the biggest fires racing out of control in a givers want.
The poet in quest to decipher meaning and revelations, the ultimate opportunity to engage in a ritual so ancient and yet all embracing. Like an outcast in all his approach, like mission all too impossible… he makes good medicine of what is placed before him. A road tread once too often he walks away with his head bow ever vigilant of what’s next in his quest to reveal.
The enigmatic blues and beautiful of them all, the one subject unique of them all. The shack I frequent to quell my thirst and hunger, the honoree of my life esteems tossed oblivion host. The inspirations never seem to vanish yet I have matured riddled; only if I could remain youthful forever to chase the uncatchable, to race against the wind one more time, to exhaust not like a wolverine relentless in his search, his pursuit. Oh almighty God be the blue eyes in the world in which I seek encouragement, and we shall write many good words together.
I write for you Oh mighty one at all times, when I contemplate beauty of all sort not far away I’m writing about your infinite designs, the everlasting perfect bond of love… imprinted in us humans. She is beautiful like Eden’ indeed and many jubilating souls praise her for the woman she has become. A thousand spring seasons may linger in paradise, but as for me you will be my favorite under God Almighty's watchful eyes; as I serene you and him with expressions of endearment.
I have made you my daily prayer and in these last days I’m not sure about my call, but certainly I have faith that in paradise God almighty; will afford me an link pen where my thoughts race once again after you. Just too unsettled my soul their twins, who is worthy? Of this inspiration only those beautiful blues can tell. Admirable and skilled parents worthy of tribute and off-springs that shower like a cascading powerful crag of waterfalls keep pushing my threshold… I seek an audience with you once again because my spirit is always at lost.
10/2010/01/2011 By: Raphael G
(C) Right protected

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Martyr/Party Of YHWH

                  or Lance Collins
All one needs to know about Johnny Todd

 The English word “martyr” is derived from the Greek term mar′tys, meaning “witness”—that is, one who observes a deed or event. But the Greek word means more than that. The Biblical mar′tys is also “active,” states one Greek lexicon, “called upon to tell what he has seen and heard, to proclaim what he knows.” All true Christians, and all faith of good will, have the obligation to bear witness to what they know about Jehovah/God Almighty (YHWH) and his purposes. (Luke 24:48; Acts 1:8) The Scriptures call Stephen a “witness” for speaking about Jesus.—Acts 22:20,

 Christian witnessing often means facing opposition, arrest, beatings, and even death. Thus, from as early as the second century C.E., “martyr” also came to signify one who suffers such consequences rather than renounce his faith. It is in this sense that Stephen may be called the first Christian martyr. Originally, though, a person was considered a “martyr” because he witnessed, not because he died. Well either way is acceptable and the later of much more weightier  matter since the giver and taker has full authority over the subject.

“At hearing these things they felt cut to their hearts and began to gnash their teeth at him.”—Acts 7:54  Yes the powers to be would prefer one remains silent and not expand on the erosive and corruptible work undermining our human existence. They prefer one not learn and come to a full knowledge or contemptible breaching of the hidden hand. A diligent researcher can be counter-productive and balance to the ever menacing architect "of the great question?" pertaining to the Universal challenge, imposed by hot seat dictators or counterfeiters that have been at work from long ago.

Monument to Witness Holocaust Survivor Unveiled in Germany

 Museum and monument open to the public.

Gamaliel, “a Law teacher esteemed by all the people, made his case....

  “Do not meddle with these men, but let them alone; (because.. if this scheme or this work is from men, it will be overthrown; but if it is from God, you will not be able to overthrow them;) otherwise, you may perhaps be found fighters actually against God.” (Acts 5:38, 39)

Remember these words in acts they serve as a witness that the Almighty is at work, and certainly backing all believers in the struggles. Undaunted, they continued “every day in the temple and from house to house” the work of “declaring the good news about the Christ.”* (Acts 5:42) The demons also shake and tremble at the sight of Godly people and before they arrive they take to flee, closing doors... shouting and indiscriminately feeling a sense of withdraw.(James 2:19 "You believe that there is one God, do you? You are doing quite well. And yet the demons believe and shudder." 

The arch enemy is well aware of the power of Jesus Christ...
“Did you come to destroy us?” (Mark 1:24)they are our enemies, so make it your own too shun them from every wrong activity it may try lead one into. There are also many accounts when they acknowledge the Messiah, identifying him before on-looker's. What was the response...(Mark 5:7...10) " Then he cried out with a loud voice: “What have I to do with you, Jesus, Son of the Most High God? I put you under oath by God not to torment me.” For Jesus had been saying to it: “Come out of the man, you unclean spirit.” But Jesus asked him: “What is your name?” And he replied: “My name is Legion, because there are many of us.” 10 And he kept pleading with Jesus not to send the spirits out of the country...
31 And they kept pleading with him not to order them to go away into the abyss. 

                                                                 John Huss

An Italian clergyman pronounced the sentence of condemnation for Huss. Even at that time, he said that he would only be convinced once he has been given proof from Holy Scriptures. As a result, he was enrobed in priestly vestments and asked to recant. Still, he refused. At this, all his ornaments were taken and his priestly tonsure was destroyed. Huss was deprived of all rights and was delivered to the secular powers. A high paper hat, with the word 'Haeresiarcha' inscribed on it, was placed on his head and he was taken away by armed men.
At the execution ground, Huss spread his hands and prayed aloud. After undressing him, the executioners tied his hands behind his back with ropes. His neck was tied, with a chain, to a stake around which wood and straw had been piled up, in such a way that it covered him up to the neck. Count Palatine asked Huss for the last time whether he wanted to recant and save his life or die. Huss preferred to die and was thus, burnt to death.

                                                     John Huss Documentary

So with this comforting news and witnessing work we take heed to remain ever vigilant, light bearer's until the final call. There is a large list of people of faith whom gave their life, so that other could live. Martyr's of first and second century down to our present day, awaiting trials in prison in communist countries and repressive dictator’s.

 William Tyndale

"Let it not make thee despair, neither yet discourage thee, O reader, that it is forbidden thee in pain of life and goods, or that it is made breaking of the king's peace, or treason unto his highness, to read the Word of thy soul's health—for if God be on our side, what matter maketh it who be against us, be they bishops, cardinals, popes."

William Tyndale could speak seven languages and was proficient in ancient Hebrew and Greek. He was a priest whose intellectual gifts and disciplined life could have taken him a long way in the church—had he not had one compulsion: to teach English men and women the good news of justification by faith.

Tyndale had discovered this doctrine when he read Erasmus's Greek edition of the New Testament. What better way to share this message with his countrymen than to put an English version of the New Testament into their hands? This, in fact, became Tyndale's life passion, aptly summed up in the words of his mentor, Erasmus: "Christ desires his mysteries to be published abroad as widely as possible. I would that [the Gospels and the epistles of Paul] were translated into all languages, of all Christian people, and that they might be read and known."

Also many reforms carried their works in the likes of John Wycliff, thou there was already revisionist as early as the 1200's in France and Spain...a group of scholars and followers known as the https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lollards they sworn to continue were he left off.

God's outlaw/documentary

I don't infringe on any copy right or intellectual property...on the same basis I expect the same, but the question never occurs to me. I to cut and paste...and can't call it my own. labored property would be usurping if a taken without consent. So rest free I have no interest in personal gains only that which is by inheritance.