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Kintsugi (mend the broken) Revised

  There are moment's hard  to absorb, and moment's that absorb completely, moments like a screeching, screaming felt in the throat, ...

Saturday, October 5, 2024

YHWH slave girl


Those who say you can’t, I say knowing you is better !

Who are you ? Who are those that speak like unlearned...men/woman, addressing a supreme power structure, belittling the highest and Divine.

Who has giving you access to peer into those columns of power ? They offend and have pieces (bits) of understanding, reasoning, and insight !

So I say this, knowing you is better and level up to my agitated spirit...I must silence their activities so they can utter greater and wiser chants.

Almighty and Divine, ancient of old, eternity pursues, follows you...How glorious is your kingdom ? What powers you hide ? What secrets you keep ?

Break into her dreams (vaults), guide her senses, sooth her spirit and direct those thoughts to align in continuity with your superlatives harmonious notes. Mold the potter's vessel to your own measurements...finest choice.
Saintly and Divine (Jehovah) bless be your name to time indefinite to time indefinite...breach into her rhythms, frequencies, pauses, and create a safe and free zone of never ending want to chase, sanctify your holiness.
Your slave girl, is a young resourceful subject with well bred credentials. Watch over her curiously well, relay your intrigues...net her activities in a force-field of protection, grant her your highest favors, unconditional love.

 * Special guest!

Rafael G Gonzalez





Me seria un gran regocijo levantar del hades/sheol y seguir mojando la tinta igual como lo ago hoy,
Escribiendo para una joven sierva que me a llevado captivo el corazon,
Una joven doncella que a de ser alabada y apreciada junto a los seres Divino, respetada, separada en orden y proposito de Dios.
Alabanzas y canciones musicles...elogio y santificacion en lo lejano del oceano, anclado en busca de mi corazon.
En ella hay mil mujeres diestras, una carrera fija, una promesa en miles…
En ella reside la luz del espiritu de Jehovah Dios.
La siento como un latigo en mi alma, como una alarma en mi corazon. En oferta daria todo lo que no poseo para que se cumpla El Divino y superlativo deseo de un santo creator.
En sacrificio y resureccion, hades/sheol por escrito un voto ofresco en honra fiel, para que su servicio leal se cumpla, en el corridor del tiempo y orden de Jehovah Dios.
It would be a great joy for me to rise from Hades/Sheol and continue to wet the ink the same as I did today,
Writing for a young slave girl who holds captive my heart,
A young maiden who is to be praised and appreciated together with Divine beings, respected, separated in order and purpose from God.
Praise and musical songs...praise and sanctification in the distant ocean, anchored in search of my heart.
In her are found a thousand right-handed women, fit for the race, a promise in thousands…
In her dwells the light of the spirit of Jehovah God,
I feel her like lashes in my soul, like an alarm in my heart. On offer I would give everything that I do not possess so that the Divine and superlative desire of a holy creator may be fulfilled.
In sacrifice and resurrection, Hades/Sheol...by writing a vow I offered in good faith and honor, so that her loyal service will be fulfilled, in the corridor of time and order of Almighty Jehovah God.
* Special guest!

Rafa El G Gonzalez

Thursday, October 3, 2024





 If I the rainmaker,

I would give command to a special cloud called glory, too follow your footsteps closely and make those tear drops of rain into heavenly flower-beds in which your grace can tread on.
In the paradise of Almighty God (YHWH) you would kick-start every springs parade of marchers and fashions delight,
The meadows, prairies, oasis and the parched regions all await your vibrational drive, the fields dressing...your shadow in holy blessings.
Collaboration is root deep, exchange mutual, guard what is sacred, honor your call.
You are essential beauty and nature relies on you,
Divine poetry dazzles upon you,
nothing like you in absence, nothing like your presence...just an unforgettable aura.
Si yo soy el hacedor de lluvia,
Yo daría orden a una nube especial llamada gloria, para que siguiera de cerca tus pasos y hiciera que las gotas lagrimosas de lluvia se convirtieran en celestiales campos de flores en los que tu gracia pueda pisar.
En el paraíso de Dios Todopoderoso (YHWH), iniciarías cada desfile de primavera de manifestantes y modas delicias,
Los prados, las praderas, los oasis y las regiones áridas esperan tu impulso vibratorio, los campos visten... tu sombra con santas bendiciones.
La colaboración es raiz profunda, el intercambio es mutuo, guarda lo que es sagrado, honra tu llamada.
Eres belleza esencial y la naturaleza se apoya en ti,
Poesia divina deslumbra sobre ti,
nada como tu en ausencia, nada como tu presencia...solo una aura inolvidavible.
* Special guest!

Rafael G Gonzalez

Love notes


Love is the most powerful elixir, the greatest of tonics, the most prescribe remedy, an ancient-alien formula, nothing like it in absentia, nothing like it when administered in the right doses.
It is the perfect gift found deep remote in the vastness of the soul and beyond. Ask me if I know such thing ? and I will say this...only in concept. 
Understanding the expression is my life greatest drive. One day I shall be filled in true holiness, in love with the emptiness that has shadowed me, and the expression as my companion for the souls duration.

Only for you !

The greatest expression of Love, is giving it all back to it's rightful owner. It is unselfish, loyal, faithful, superlative, Divine and beyond. It is patient because eternity shadows side-by-side, it is in firm relationship with the vastness of enigmatic strangeness we so dearly hold. Perfectly binding as the ultimate expression, the few get to truly experience. Ancient like infinite itself, sweet and all embracing, soul searching as it makes the calls, the choicest subject trapped in its web...love-joy and jubilee, flowers beds rest.

Praise and laud the Almighty God (YHWH) to time and time indefinite !

* Special guest

Rafael G Gonzalez

Deep-Freeze (Revised)


She is truly an expression of Almighty God reserves,
She puts (me) into a deep-freeze as I go about my ways,
I would love to approach her and carry on simply, but its not that easy or trivial,
So if I walk away from these interludes, its because I must first come down from these high’s and return to homeostasis (low’s) to express myself freely from a long thawing process.
As I pen these short words from absences, her presences shadows (me) and surely I’m lost in those episodes, her ways are much welcoming and there's nothing to reproach. 
She is above average, and has the guidance, coaching of exceptional parents.
when you read this I'm moved by my love for you to connect, exchange, and shake with vibrations, while every cell in my body breathes, exhale and searches for that fine-tuning.
Patience becomes enigmatic, timing eludes (me), the space between us becomes a chasm, yet I seek to capture every moment with the resiliency of an able body.
I can’t say no more...
Rafael G Gonzalez
Ella es verdaderamente una expresión de las reservas de Dios Todopoderoso,
Ella me pone (a mí) en un gran congelo mientras sigo mis caminos,
Me encantaría acercarme a ella y continuar simplemente, pero no es tan fácil ni trivial.
Entonces, si me alejo de estos interludios, es porque primero debo bajar de estos altos y regresar a la homeostasis (bajos) para expresarme libremente de un largo proceso de descongelación.
Mientras escribo estas cortas palabras desde las ausencias, sus presencias me ensombrecen y seguramente me pierdo en esos episodios, sus maneras son muy acogedoras y no hay nada que reprochar.
Ella está por encima del promedio y tiene la guía y el entrenamiento de padres excepcionales.
cuando leas esto me conmueve mi amor por ti para conectarme, intercambiarme y sacudirme con vibraciones, mientras cada célula de mi cuerpo respira, exhala y busca esa sintonía-fina.
 La paciencia se vuelve enigmática, el tiempo se me escapa, el espacio entre nosotros se convierte en un abismo, pero busco capturar cada momento con la resiliencia de un cuerpo capaz.
 no puedo decir mas...
* Special guest
Rafael G Gonzalez

Divine poetry veils you (Revised)

To me the purest form of language is being able to express yourself freely, When King David went after God Almighty (Jehovah) heart, what do you think that action entailed? Obviously he let go of the gifts (charity) already present, and released all back to it's rightfully place. Without Jehovah help he wouldn't be able accomplish this exchange between Divinity and humanly composition.

I can't say no more ! Just exalt and praise and praise...

Nothing like you in absence, nothing like her presence...just an unforgettable aura.
Divine poetry veils you,
Why you cause so much commotion in my soul ?
From the vast deepness you draw (me) out, you guide my senses with the finest of touch,
I give chase to a safe-guarded world, clueless in human form seeking what is superlative and Divine,
what resonates in the deep echo's in the chase, and I far from burning out !
If time and patience makes the calls, if time infinite like space itself...who is the time-keeper ?
To all the fine-tuning and mysteries I bow/submit, if there is a way you have my loyalty,
In vows and oath...the Almighty and Divine, grant (me) access to your faithful slave girl, until she is full with love-joy.
Rafael G Gonzalez
Nada como tú en ausencia, nada como tu presencia...
sólo una aura inolvidable.
La poesía Divina te es un velo,
Por qué causas tanta conmoción en mi alma?
Desde la vasta profundidad que (me) sacas, guías mis sentidos con el tacto más fino,
Doy caza a un mundo protegido, despistado en forma humana que busca lo que es superlativo y Divino,
Lo que resuena en lo profundo tambien está en la busqueda, ¡
y yo lejos de agotarme!
Si el tiempo y la paciencia hacen las llamadas,
si el tiempo es infinito como el espacio mismo... ¿quién es el marcador del tiempo?
A todos los afinamientos y misterios que me inclino/sumeto, si de seguro tienes mi lealtad,
En votos y juramento... el Todopoderoso y Divino, concédeme acceso a tu fiel esclava, hasta que esta se llene de amor y alegría.

* Special guest

Rafael G Gonzalez

Dones especiales/special gifts (Revised)


 Por cada bocanada de aire que se toma, falta un elemento, 
Por cada descompresión como para exhalar, 
Algo sale de las bóvedas secretas,  
Ella completa el ciclo de los anhelos de mi vida, 
A medida que avanzo en mi día, sus presencias me acechan, 
Su colorido es como lo sagrado del arco iris,  
Como el vacío de los cielos huecos a mitad de camino, ella (me) llena con la gloria y la alegría de los dones espirituales,  
Ella expía todo lo que falta y me completa,  
Por momentos siento una correlación, una conexión, como un vínculo, como un portal, como una masa de puente que estamos dispuestos a colisionar y crear esos canales a los que nos atraemos... o debería decir un ser supremo.  
Tengo la impresión de que lo que el Dios Todopoderoso (YHWH) ha unido ningún poder puede desatarlo,  
Ella es la esclava de Dios, anterior a (mi) en el despertar y debo seguir ese camino hasta mi último aliento si ese es el llamado.  
En la cámara sagrada (taller) ella es y será el gozo del amor de Jehová Dios…. ¡No puedo decir nada más!

 Rafa EL G Gonzalez
For every stroke of breath taken, there is an element missing,
For every decompression as to exhale,
Something leaves the secret vaults,
She completes the cycle of my life's yearns,
As I go about my day her presences stalks (me),
Her colorfulness like the sacredness of the rainbow,
Like the emptiness of midway hollow skies, she fills (me) with the glory and joy of spiritual gifts,
She atones everything missing and makes (me) whole,
At times I feel a correlation, a connection, like a link, like a portal, like a bridge mass that we are set to collide and create those channels to which we attract...or should I say a supreme being.
I’m under the impression that what the Almighty God (YHWH) has brought together no power can untie,
She is God’s slave girl, prior to (me) in the awakening and I must follow that path to my last breath stroke if that be the call.
In the sacred chamber (workshop) she is and will be Jehovah’s love joy….
I can’t say no more !
* Special guest
Rafael G Gonzalez


Odds/Oppositions (Revised)

 The odds or opposition, it matters not the busy bodies in a consortium of ill guided counsel. The traditions of antiquated hindrance that herniated all aspects that are truly of good nature.

Why step in an arena that is truly a novelty to the unlearned. Why not rebuilt the sagging image that drags all that which is fruitful.

Those who are guided by the spirit live by spirit and there is no corruption. Those with a well trained conscience give a thorough and complete witness before a host that is pure, saintly, benevolent, and sway nor bend to wishes of hearts and souls in detestable reasoning's. 

In conclusion do not destroy what you haven't built, and stay busy on your own affairs, that way that which is built becomes a lodge and resting place for a moments pause.

If you fear (me) and what I write, when the real fear arrives, and the shadow enemy makes the calls you will embrace it with greater eagerness !

Is it sacred to remain ignorant to the chains/shackles that heavily entangles and a snare, the master's we so masterly revere !

Si temes (a mí) y a lo que escribo, cuando llegue el verdadero miedo y el enemigo en la sombra  los llamados lo abrazarás con mayor afán!

¡Es sagrado permanecer ignorante de las cadenas/grilletes que enredan pesadamente y son una trampa, y los maestros que tan magistralmente reverenciamos!

 * Special guest

Rafa EL G Gonzalez

9th son/nueve (Revised)

soy el hijo de nueve el ultimo de una familia humilde, modesta…
cuando sali del taller sagrado un ser Divino me recibio con manos abriertas,
soy su encanto hasta este dia, y dia por dia estare y que logre su objetivo en su engendro,
sere feliz, nada ni nadie podra quebrantar ese gozo,
la alegria que siento de servir, y estar a su disposicion,
estira esta vasija y moldea...moldea, te sere algo util por que eres confiable y nada de lo que te propones a fallado.
Tus poesias Divinas ensayan mi arrededor, todo suspira grandeza, todo elojian tu santidad,
nadien como tu ni nada en lo minimo,
me eres un placer envocar tu nombre O’ Jehovah, me energizas y inspiras gran emocion,
me conmueve las largas noches..descanzo arrebatado, medito en tus magnificas obras,
Jehovah eres muy deseable, placentero, me inquietas, me siento a verte conocido largo tiempo atras,
soy ignorante a causa de tu poder, eres autoridad suprema,
quisiera que sellara mis pensamientos y tambien mi boca, no soy digno de acercarme a un Rey soverano eterno en cual soy su propiedad,
como es possible ser hecho a tu semejansa ?
A lo largo de las divisiones en una noche estellada espero tu presencia, se me agita el espiritu y tengo tu audiencia,
por que me tratas con tanta audaz ?
Por que me eres tan fiel ? Acaso me debes algo ? 
Dichoso en mi podreza el tener acceso a tus riquezas, en lo escondito de cuatro paredes que tu iluminacion replandesca !
I am the son of nine, the last of a humble, modest family...
When I left the sacred workshop, a Divine being welcomed me with open hands,
I am his charm to this day, and day by day I will be and may He achieve his goal in this birth,
I will be happy, nothing and no one can break that joy,
the joy I feel to serve, and will be at his disposal,
stretch this vessel and mold it... mold it, I will be useful to you because you are trustworthy and nothing you propose has failed.
Your Divine poems rehearse around me, everything sighs greatness, everything praises your holiness,
no one like you or anything in the least,
It is a pleasure for me to invoke your name O' Jehovah, you energize me and inspire great emotion,
I am moved by the long nights... I rest raptly, I meditate on your magnificent works,
Jehovah, you are very desirable, pleasant, you uplift me, I feel having known you for a long time,
I am ignorant because of your power, you are the supreme authority,
I would like you to seal my thoughts and also my mouth, I am not worthy of approaching an eternal sovereign King in which I am his property,
How is it possible to be made in your likeness?
Throughout the divisions on a starry night I wait for your presence, my spirit stirs and I have your audience,
Why do you treat me so boldly?
Why are you so faithful to me?
Do you owe me something?
Blessed is my modesty to have access to your riches, in the hidden place of four walls that your illumination shines!
* Special guest
*taken from "access granted "
Rafael G Gonzalez

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

True love joy (Revised) *


Cosmos flowers

Guard her like a force-field of protection, built a shield around her encampment
guide her foot-steps as of the fine-tuning of the cosmos
she is truly love-joy and beyond
Where can I go and not find her, what have you done O’ Almighty and Divine...what are your sublime charms up to, why have you kept (me) restless?
Eternity keeps watch over such fineness, in love eternity has fallen
I will live or die trying, she is your slave girl and with greater eagerness I give chase to energies embracing energies
grant (me) access so that those chapters you so sweetly keep and cause your saintly person to shake and vibrate, renew and exchange
the purest dynamic power is found at the core, who has gained access and who have you favored, and what are your choicest ?
A date I have with eternity in love, and superlativeness as gifts bestowed.
* Special guest
Rafael G Gonzalez

star-bright and beyond (Revised)

Eyes that are like two starlight's, star-bright and beyond, light that leads to the soul,

 In turn the Almighty Divine "to the highest power" can map your sacred spiral and reveal,
granting access to the most finest of expression, and intrigues,
I'm lost and can't find the way out from the maze,
If anything keep me hostage in this black hole of mind bending thoughts.
Two black pearls joined dancing within sockets of purest ivory,

She is enigmatic as day is to the night, as night is to day break,

I wish to be left alone...for a moments pause.
* Special guest
Rafael G Gonzalez

Holy mist/Rocio Santo * D.A.N


Rocio Santo

Que los frutos del espíritu, Divino Todopoderoso, hueste de huestes Jehová Dios...Se conviérta en el rocio de la mañana, que energizan tu estructura subatómica.
Que a lo largo del día esta sinergia se convierta en la nueva raíz de colaboración profunda de la síntesis devocional,
Que seas la preferida entre los aderezos de los campos,
Que su impulso vibratorio se convierta en una masa de puente que canalice las transmisiones subliminales entre usted y el hueste Divino,
Serán esos códigos, impresiones, intercambios y mensajes los que el común apreciará tanto,
Será la descendencia de tales, a semejanza...parterres de flores destinados al taburete de un rey glorioso
Que el vientre: y será el altar, taller en el que brota y se despliega toda inspiración.
Joven y precoz, pero muy desirable...in las rotaciones de la guardia, mantienes todo en reposo y gran congelo.
* Special guest
Rafa El Gonzalez
Mayo 3, 2023
Holy mist

May the fruits of the spirit, Almighty Divine, host-of-host Jehovah God...become like the morning mist, that energize your sub-atomic structure.
Through-out the day may this synergy become the new root deep collaboration of devotional synthesis,
May you be the highly preferred among the fields dressings,
May your vibrational drive become a bridge mass that channels subliminal transmissions between you and Divine host.
It shall be those codes, imprints, exchange and messages the common hold so dear,
It shall be the offspring's of such, in likeness of flower beds meant for a king’s foot-stool,
May the womb : and it shall be the altar, work-shop in which all inspiration stems and rolls-out.
Young and early, but very desirable...in the rotations of the guard, you keep all in stand-still and deep -freeze.
Rafa El G
May 3, 2023

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Chief in peace

The UN is an impotent organization, and a toothless tiger ! It's a good place to give oratory to walls without ears. It has reach it's allotted time in the world stage, and the ugliness of it's dimensional character put into question, by remaining idle to world crises it helplessly manage. The New World order in which it so eagerly aspired is nothing more then a wet dream and pipeline waste. Every manifestation that grinds at humanity eventually finds a higher power to contend with, and this being the case forming against this apparatus and the image it falsely exhibits at the world stage. It has reach terminal point...turning point and there is no reforming something that has left such a scar in it's short years of formation. Some of the most vocal head of States have made their way into this building speaking great signs, yet to be kept like echoes in this chamber. Anyone with a minimum of insight can see, and question it's complacency, bias, and favoritism...the Security Council sits on the same grounds.

Rafael G

The chief in peace leads the procession claiming 2018...the year of peace. It's not the Pope this time making such bold statement, it's the Chief of the UN. As you can see both heads are confused of who is the symbolic deity of globe peace. The symbolic gesture is an ongoing symbiotic psychosis, in which neither one can separate from the events.
The greatest of wars, have been fought in the spirit world, and not physical. When all subsides there then we will have peace.
Rafael G Gonzalez

Pope Paul VI, when addressing the United Nations in 1965, said: “The peoples of the earth turn to the United Nations as the last hope of concord and peace; We presume to present here, together with Our own, their tribute of honor and of hope.”—The Pope’s Visit (New York, 1965), Time-Life Special Report, p. 26

Catholic historian E. I. Watkin writes: “Painful as the admission must be, we cannot in the interest of a false edification or dishonest loyalty deny or ignore the historical fact that Bishops have consistently supported all wars waged by the government of their country. I do not know in fact of a single instance in which a national hierarchy has condemned as unjust any war . . . Whatever the official theory, in practice ‘my country always right’ has been the maxim followed in wartime by Catholic Bishops.”—Morals and Missiles (London, 1959), edited by Charles S. Thompson, pp. 57, 58.

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Light. shades.Darkness


Only the events shapes the outcome,

all that starts on firm footing eventually finds greater traction,

when light and darkness, as light is to darkness, have their cordial exchange, how many can see the smooth transitioning...without the faults ?

light operate in the clear, shades are the cover for nefarious activities,

True meaning has it's origin in the purest of light...in the many shades counterfeits exchange in between the cloak and subtle deceptive powers.

Light and darkness are not the complimentary of good and bad...both events are absent of mischief, the alignment of both are beyond compare.

light compliments both darkness and shades...before there was darkness light was always, so as not to be blinded or stumble, remove the faults in those transitions !

Rafael G Gonzalez

Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Quest what ?

 A surgeon removed this thing from my left knee, I wont go into details of what could possibly be, but I'm certain. I spent to weeks in a military hospital in a coma at Fort sill, OK, Why I'm still alive is the Divine will of Almighty God (YHWH).

I have reversed a very serious and rare blood cancer...and my current Dr. said I can't send you for lab work on this past condition because your health/medical profile doesn't meet the criteria. It went into remission four years going.

I have all the document if any one is curious enough to ask the question ? So I place Almighty God as my witness, of what I say stand for. If it be my faith, courage, resiliency, boldness...I surrender to my master creator, I submit with all gratitude for his unequal kindness, love and mercy.

God has healed....Now that you know, channel those feelings/energies to a higher power ! You have my blessings !

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

If I boast !


If I boast it's certainly not the same way others may see it fit, and if my boasting creates some kind of friction, I boast even greater, because through the operations of the Holiest-of-Holiest my person is being manifest in weakness and tribulations for the betterment of those who feel left behind...and certainly its not my cause.
Now that you know channel those feelings/energies to a higher power !

Rafa EL G Gonzalez

Monday, June 3, 2024

Invisible Host
















To the director. A melody of David. Psalms 19:1  The heavens are declaring the glory of God;The skies above* proclaim the work of his hands.

Romans 1:20
For his invisible qualities are clearly seen from the world’s creation onward, because they are perceived by the things made, even his eternal power and God-ship, so that they are inexcusable.

2 Corinthians 4:18 while we keep our eyes, not on the things seen, but on the things unseen. For the things seen are temporary, but the things unseen are everlasting.

Hebrews 11:1-40  Faith is the assured expectation of what is hoped for, the evident demonstration of realities that are not seen.

Monday, May 13, 2024

Parasites undo the harm


Dr. Clark was known worldwide for her knowledge about and expertise on parasites.

She was the first to recognize that one does not get parasites only in tropical countries. Parasites can cause great damage to the human body, weakening our immune system and cause disease.Only the adult stage is the one that should "normally" live in humans (and then only in the intestine). Instead Dr. Clark realized that the human species are now heavily infested with parasites. Globalization has also given its contribution to this. Global travel reduces our planet to the size of our backyards and in order to keep our own backyards clean, the neighbors must keep backyards clean too. So it is with keeping our bodies free of viruses, bacteria and parasites. We all must be free of them. We can do this electrically with zapping and Parasite Cleanse which removes more than 120 species of parasites without any side effects.

For more obstinate parasites such as ascaris and tapeworms, refer to the Mop-up Program


A parasite is a tiny organism that lives on or in another host organism and is fed at the expense of its host. In other words the parasites that live inside us use up our vitamins, proteins and all other nutrients. Not only do they do this, they also do their "business" inside us releasing their toxic bacteria and viruses inside us.

There are three principal groups that cause sickness in humans:

  1. PROTOZOA – unicellular microscopic organisms such as plasmodium, cryptosporidium or entamoeba
  2. HELMINTHES – multicellular organisms visible to the human eye such as flatworms (trematodes), cestodes (tapeworms), acantocepalins e round worms (nematodes)
  3. ECTOPARASITES – bigger insects – these act as vectors transmitting illness such as ticks, lice and mites

Heavy parasitism is caused also by the water and food we take in.

Flatworms such as Trematodes (Flukes) are small suckers that attach themselves to our tissues, suck and release eggs. They can release from 25'000 to 50'000 eggs per day


Associated with intestinal problems such as colitis, Crohn's , endometriosis, HIV and the malignant part of cancer

Liver parasite associated with Crohn's disease, chronic fatigue, allergies

Pancreatic parasite associated with diabetes and a low immunity

Liver parasite associated with Crohn's disease, chronic fatigue, allergies. Can cause carcinoma of the bile ducts and liver

Lung parasite associated with Pneumocystis carnii, EBV and CMV

NEMATODES (roundworms)

Dog heartworm associated with migraine headache and heart disorders

Biggest intestinal parasite. About 1 billiard people worldwide are infected. Many children as it come from the soil, food and feces. They can stay in our body asymptomatic for many years while robbing us of our copper and iron, weakening our bones. Releases 200,000 eggs per day.
Associated with herpes, eczema, psoriasis, joint and muscle disorders, allergies, swollen eyelids, indigestion and inflammation, anemia, coxsackie virus, adenovirus, mycobacterium, mumps. Its larval stages are associated with lung disorder , seizures and asthma.

TAPEWORM STAGES (Cestodes – flatworm):
The head called the scolex has 4 vents that attach themselves and absorb our nutrients . The neck produces segments and each segment produces eggs. A segment can produce up to 50'000 eggs and an adult Taenia solium can have up to 1000 segments and grow up to 7 meters.
Associated with colds. Produces malonic acid that inhibits the Krebs Cycle and produces harmful bacteria.

Bladder parasites associated with bladder disorders

The species that infect man are the Ancylostoma Duodenum and the Necatore Americanus.

They can come in through our skin and go preferably to the duodenum. They cause bleeding, anemia, arthritis, joint and muscle pains, schizophrenia and intestinal problems.

Associated 100% with headaches, arthritis, joint and muscle pain.

Infects about 09 million people worldwide. Comes from food, water and dust. They live in the colon and the females make up to 15000 worms.

From meat and pets.
Muscle parasite that causes joint and muscle pain. Associated with fibromyalgia and brings bacteria such as Streptococcus, Staphylococcus, Costridium and Camphylobacter. It can also go to the muscle of the eye.







Find out more on Parasites and see their preferred Location

Copyright notice – Excerpts taken from "The Cure of all Diseases" written by Dr. Clark


Dr. Clark was the first to realize that we are heavily infested with parasites. Man has always had parasites and the normal cycle is that our immune system should eliminate them. What causes them instead to dwell and thrive in us in all their larval stages?

Dr. Clark shows us that just as man has food preferences, parasites, which are also living things, have their own food preferences and have adapted to the solvents and metals in our environment much more quickly than their human hosts. Parasites are also strongly associated with food allergies.

This is bad news for us because parasites will use up our food, our vitamins, and our minerals while releasing their own harmful bacteria, metals, viruses, toxins, and other waste products in us.

The healthy of us have few, the sick have many parasites.

Unfortunately, globalization is deciding for us how our food should be sterilized, how our water should be cleaned, and the purity standards for our food supplements.
In order to stay healthy, it is vital that we return to nature as much as possible, preparing food from scratch and finding clean sources of water.

For humans it is also the food and water that decides our health and whether we are heavily parasitized and destined to a life of low energy and lots of medicine.



Food requirement: onion
Preferred solvent: alcohol isopropyl


Food requirement: wheat (partly digested into gluten and gladin)


Food requirement: LIMONENE- found in lemons, orange oil, pine needles, peppermint etc
Preferred solvent: methanol


Food requirement: oats


Food requirement: potatoes


Food requirement: milk sugar


Food requirement: QUERCITIN - found also in cantaloupe, cheese, cucumbers etc


Food requirement: corn


Food requirement: lemon
Preferred solvent: benzene


Food requirement: cinnamon


Food requirement: sorghum, acetaldehyde

By eliminating these foods for 3 weeks you will have starved most of your parasites. You can then start to introduce one food once a week.

Also food oils need to be eliminated until the body has digested all the accumulated food oils. Food oils are the food for most Oncoviruses which are released by parasites and give immortality to cancer cells and to bacteria cells. You can help to remove accumulated food oils by taking enzymes such as pancreatin-lipase or digestive enzymes.

Parasites also trigger our food allergies. Allergies open the door to inflammation, which opens the door to more bacteria and viruses.

Check out the Parasite Gallery

(Taken from Dr. Clark’s book "The Prevention of all Cancers" )

Monday, May 6, 2024

expreso mi llanto/express yearns

Jehovah’ me eres una total santidad,

me guias en esa misma expresion Divina,

conoces bien mis actos mas intimos,

mi confianza se aloja en ti, y solamente en ti…no hay partidos entre nosotros,

permiteme un corto alargamiento mas para que se manifieste lo escrito,

me examina diariamente como si fuese notas perdidas, asi es tu apego hacia mi,

un esclavo sin rumbo en busca de tu colorido espendor,

extiende mi llanto asi ti, que nunca se apaque en busca de tus obras superlativas,

mi Santo y eleogiado ser Divino te expreso lo que siento y no te oculto nada muy bien lo sabes,

si el sheol abriera las puertas a cualquier momento  se que me buscarian aquellos encuentros,

inquieto por ti lo inanimado de mis huesos, de seguro me eres memoria en la profundidad.

Jehovah, you are a total holiness to me,

You guide me in that same Divine expression,

You know my most intimate acts well,

My trust resides in you, and only in you…there are no parties between us,

Allow me one more short extension so that what is written can be manifested,

He examines me daily as if I were lost notes, this is your attachment to me,

an aimless slave in search of your colorful splendor,

He spreads my tears so that it never subsides in search of your superlative works,

My Holy and praised Divine being, I express to you what I feel and I do not hide anything from you, you know it very well,

If Sheol opened the doors at any moment I know those moments you would seek me out,

The inanimateness of my bones are restless for you, you are surely a memory to me in the depths.

Rafa EL G Gonzalez