Psalm 139:14
PLEASE GRANT ME, ONE FAVOR, HELP ME, SHARE THIS PAGE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD ALMIGHTY TO ALL YOU CAN. Let's together make this year 2025...a memorial beyond my expectations. Thank you all for visiting and staying with me, my loyal love be with you every step of the way. Blessed be you ! When a person of conscience lets go of that gift, the truth shines greater ! So Express freely like we're all meant to be...songbirds of freedom. I have made it easier for research by adding # Labels.
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Saturday, March 1, 2025
Pipe-lines of life (Revised)
Psalm 139:14
Thursday, February 27, 2025
Holy mist/Rocio Santo * N
May the fruits of the spirit, Almighty Divine, host-of-host Jehovah God...become like the morning mist, that energize your sub-atomic structure.
Wednesday, February 26, 2025
Pure energy fine tuning (Revised)
Rafa EL G Gonzalez
When you read this may the power of the Holiest keep under vigilance !
Whether one realize it or not, being pick out of the masses, from the vast numbers of the global population is an exceptional wake-up call. The Almighty Divine is pure energy...we in turn are also energy. From a finger nail to a single strand of hair follicle. With that said, the selection is not by chance, the higher power to which we were created seeks out what belongs to it. Is like frequencies in the stock pile missing within itself, in order to remain fine-tuned what it attracts is in harmony with superlative Divine guidance.
Please allow (me) to praise and worship the Holiest and Divine.
What the normal eye see’s is what I don’t see, I’m going to get
spiritual and philosophical. If one takes a simple rubber-band and
flexes it proximity 50 times it losses flexibility, elasticity and
eventually slaps. Or one can take the simple rubber-band and flex-it
in full beyond the threshold and eventually it will break.
human rubber-band is of the same function, we are in the middle
between two highly opposing tents good/and bad, its a tug-of-war in
which we are being utilized as instruments of choice and separated
accordingly through the knowledge gained. We have free will to pick
which side separates us, but not which side chooses us. The election
by which we become the instrument, depending on which side wants it
more. The good/benevolent reaches out and the opposing tent exercises
contractual rights to do the same. For better or worse its
expectation to remain expandable. Too what point ?
So there are two ways to break-down expeditiously or through momentum or accepting non resistance and eventually washing away without the knowledge. Gaining insight of why the ups /downs in our everyday struggles would balance the playing field, and the chessboard of player’s can reveal their hand more openly of the pulls and stretching, we our all subject one way or the other.
I have just revealed my
hand of why we/us are being stretched thin and because of knowledge
gained, remaining expandable...something will eventually break...and
breaking is not that one throws in the towel, but through trial and
perseverance access granted. Beyond the scope of reasoning why some
are targets for the greater call or awakening is somethings that
remains insolvent in a series of episodes I wish not to disclose.
Who is your equal, who is your rival, what's the opposition ? You the all seeing, all loving and benevolent, stage-cast the insensible like pawns in a borderless chessboard.
For every move made you're light years away and not one miserable among the mortals or immortals can access your hand unless granted.
this much I know!
Rafael G Gonzalez
Tuesday, February 25, 2025
New Jerusalem (Revised)

Paradise does not belong to the faithless, who stoned the prophets, whose blessings God revoked,

Monday, February 24, 2025
Love where are you (Revised)
Love where are you
I can also love you for what you're not, imperfect being chasing a desire so innate, far from understanding,
(C) right
My happiest moments (Revised)
Just like the cosmos hang in space, in a weightless environment
Almighty God (YHWH) bears my ups/downs in the same symbiotic state we all find
What the Almighty and Divine, sovereign Lord of the universe seeks in form of submission is a pure heart,
with that said, something dies in (me) everyday something created internally and externally it consumes and withers the finest of (me), exhausting my reserves and I fading seeking the cause,
I wish my call came swift like the thrashing wind,
my return peaceful which my heart contends,
in the rain drops of tears, my soul soak's the journey/experience playing out an endless commotion,
in the high's and low's of distortional views, those feelings that race, shall consume just as well,
I seek the comfort of your loneliness,
your depression,
your anxiety,
your bi-polar-ism,
your autism,
your schizophrenia,
any and all imbalance that strip away your true person, the sacred person...that which in labor pains were formed,
the anomalies attached interfering with Divine gifts, spiritual cadence, expressive frequencies, bridges, channels, a network hacked,
all man-made conditions and in that comfort of your host, send them packing to the abyss never to return..."your not needed here anymore" !
Embracing sanity and returning to full expression, releasing the fruits of the spirit
and acquiring the attributes of Holiest and Divine,
my happiest moments were not so difficult after all.
Praise him while you can...just praise him !
Please allow (me) to worship you (YHWH)
Rafael G Gonzalez
what dulls the senses II ? (Revised)
Until death do us apart, or until insanity and grief carves a better outlet,
I want no part of neither one, I'm not a masochistic or on a joy ride for proving grounds.
I slave for what is good and righteous...a resistor to broken will. There is no markers pointing to either directions. If my faith is challenged my Divine being shall cover for my weaknesses.
Yet I have not failed in my quest to understanding. My sacrifice is to my beloved...but God first, this much I know !
My Lord is very close at hand all the time as the enemy extends his madness...but I'm aware on its countless attempts. The Almighty Divine always at the scene...if God on my side whom against me ?
The superlative call is to the braves, those whom yearn and sigh, mourn the greater revelation. It is to them the ancient of ancient...eternal of old, that keeps the consuming fire alive...rosie, hot. If one stays the course of the conscience, your days will have no end.
Freewill or the challenge, what dulls the senses ?
Extremism, fanaticism, over-zealous..applying a perfect law to a imperfect body, blindly.
Carrying out the mandates to the point of exhaustion. I have reasons to amend a broken rhythm (my limited scope on what is superlative).
My contention, it takes a great plot to balance out the fine prints. In my insensible chase...the senses have yielded a fine tune conscience, that is the product to work with. I beg forgiveness by stretching the boundaries in my contemptible state...I await the superlative expression that which is bestow to my conscience !
Saturday, February 22, 2025
King of King's (Revised)
Thursday, February 20, 2025
Global family/much love
Sunday, February 16, 2025
Un tributo a la paciencia (Revised) *
10/1/24 3:44 AM
Saturday, February 15, 2025
Moon Light (Revised)
To my brother Russel means (Revised)
I don’t entertain excuses or pardons, so
Wednesday, February 12, 2025
Everlasting Apologies/disculpas eternas
Let be the expression my everlasting apologies,
the poetic notes a sentiment searching it's host,
actions and reactions a misalignment of a bi-polarized model of radical
high's and low's,
that shifts, transition it's axis in complete despair ,
the room that filled the eagerness of heart,
love in the chills of ice,
colder and colder working it's web,
the end-times cycle (receiving end)...the assembly of faithful under the greatest of trials,
but the true word never failed,
a beginning or end...the signs all to obvious,
the search not for the faint of heart,
I prefer you stay in your place and allow the expression to find it's audience and contend,
under severity, machinations of the hidden hand a small gathering at work,
So I praise and praise...Almighty God (YHWH) what's next ?
let (me) sing to you my song everyday "take me home a place suited for each other...but take (me) home ".
Que la expresión sea mis disculpas eternas,
las notas poéticas un sentimiento en busca de su anfitrión,
acciones y reacciones una desalineación de un modelo bipolarizado de radicalidad de altos y bajas, que transiciona su eje en completo desconsuelo,
la habitación que llenó el entusiasmo del corazón,
el amor en los escalofríos del hielo,
más y más frío tejiendo su red,
el ciclo del fin de los tiempos (marcadores)... la asamblea de fieles bajo la mayor de las pruebas,
pero la verdadera palabra nunca falló,
un principio... un fin... las señales son demasiado obvias,
la búsqueda no es para los débiles de corazón,
prefiero que te quedes en tu lugar y permitas que la expresión encuentre su audiencia y contienda,
bajo severidad, maquinaciones de la mano oculta una pequeña reunión en acción,
Así que alabo y alabo... Dios Todopoderoso (YHWH) ¿qué sigue?
Déjame cantarte mi canción todos los días "Llévame a casa, a un lugar adecuado para cada uno...pero llévame a casa".
Rafael G Gonzalez