Ask me how I found the light ? I will say this, by tracing back the foundations and man's quest for the greater revelation. Am I in ignorance may that never be the case, to emulate the father creator, I have disowned myself and seek an audience with the perfect being, that is the light, infinite knowledge, compassion, mercy and a true warrior for righteousness and justice. He is equal to all, impartial to all, none and ever will compare to the one and only. In my relentless search for the ultimate GOD, I can honestly say creation speaks in silence !
I'm constantly forced to ask within, how can we/I ever truly be a spiritual person...when our bodies (temple) of the soul, is saturated with negative energies causing so many anomalies, that interfere with that growth ? If I serve out the allotted time, certainly it is a gauntlet well fought' yet I wasn't the whole person I was meant to be !!! This drama that unfolds inside of me, to a point drives the affliction, challenges that become the actuating force in an inquisitive process... Of why my innocence's and the crushing expectations.
If I’m weak in flesh and yet chosen, ordain to do the powerful work’s of the spirit, then the spirit bears my weakness in the flesh. And if the spirit contends with my weakness I have become powerful. If the spirit actuates my life force, then I have overcome my greatest adversary. For it has become my strong-hold, in my contemptible state.
So being weak in flesh, and contemptible...the spirit takes pleasure that I have fought a great battle in my extremities. Left for dead...died many times, yet powerful to on-looker’s, humble in understanding.
Internalized by my conflict, and much aware of how its utilized, weaponize
against me, here again is my helper. The power over the spirit working it’s ancient secret formula. The flesh and weakness have become silent in their activities as the faith bears all, supports it all...that we have overcome and never left behind.
So what is asked of us ? We don’t indulge in flesh or weakness, yet there ever present ! Does the helper take pleasure in our lowest point ? See for yourself, if He adopted us in our lowest point, certainly his goal would be to make us greater in our highest ! Men/Woman of little faith, how many times can a heart break, and how many times can it mend ? If He can see through all our short-sightedness, why can’t we ?
By : Raphael G
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