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Kintsugi (mend the broken) Revised

  There are moment's hard  to absorb, and moment's that absorb completely, moments like a screeching, screaming felt in the throat, ...

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Steadfast reaching out

                   Steadfast reaching out

One can find themselves easy, if adjusting to a superficial environment is easy contention ! Where are the adjustments ?

But the unseen, sighing... and yearns with words un-uttered (unspoken). It collaborates with messengers, and porters to herald the words. Partially digested, patiently it awaits...awaits for the total consume and nourishment.

In place are a chess-board of players, each one moves accordingly to the chess-masters wishes. The play-ground and field in turn becomes the host to which moves are made, to fill vacuums and gaps...subjects in a Kabuki drama oblivious comma,

Ancient drama, players the same, millennium's in the making, hour glass sifting, markers and signs all to obvious. Nations in parallel, masses awakens, consumer and destroyer ever present, a menace to yearn sighing the unuttered.

A call is made...I hear...I feel...sounds, frequencies, vibrations, colorful spectrum's of lights, I reach the same...why I'm I here ? Nourish with completeness of sacred expressions moves the player.

The benevolent host unuttered the scheme, foundations shakes...playing fields rearrange, the play-ground fruitful, never the forgotten. The endless cycle...or so it seems, what do they do ? Trapped in the belly of a time capsule allotted wishes that never metastasize ! Able bodies in trivial matters, charger at the gauntlet...the other side the unspeakable !

Restless in the quest to remain the under nourished, the contention tailor made or made to order...the host running thin makes for the next move ! Selection, choices, calls not for the many.


By: Raphael G

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