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Kintsugi (mend the broken) Revised

  There are moment's hard  to absorb, and moment's that absorb completely, moments like a screeching, screaming felt in the throat, ...

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

The leader's regard

                                           The leader’s regard

Today, tomorrow, maybe a few days more we can endure. Some
of us will fall back do to weakness, or can’t bear it any longer,
to those still standing I give support and those dead make me stride a bit further.

Soon life will pass by and the pack will dismiss their woes, but I see harder days to go. Here I stand contemplating my path, for every death there is life and for every life there is joy and for every joy also sadness.

Victory doesn’t belong to he that claims it, but to he who tries.
I long to see does who felt short here and me there,because after all the struggles there was no reward. Here I stand and as the sun gives to shaded , my cries will be on a different note.

BY: Raphael G

Dilemma of the desire

                      DILEMMA OF THE DESIRE

My young years have flown by like migratory birds which will never return,

All things I, desire to do and yet not accomplished,

My desire is a great pain in my intestines and bones, that feed on me and though there isn't no greater desire, that road also has its Burdens,

Those I, rely on and associate with have been of no significant help but despair. Though I don't condemn them for they to ride a similar road,

My surroundings are like a prison which I, constantly war against because of circumstance. Many lost can be attributed to my surroundings,

I daily question why things go this way, and is there a purpose? I'm flatter of how life has been for me, and I, look ahead for more surprises as I, struggle to fulfill my desire.

BY: Raphael G

infinite quotes

To the many surprise that life offers, the only surprise to me is the lost of a true friend.

To the many roads that spread before us, the inexperienced claims victory.

To understanding, discernment, and wisdom the righteous knowledge has been revealed, and the path of such ones is like the light of the morning sun that gets brighter and brighter as the day draws to a close.

By : Raphael G

The weight of talent

                                      The weight of talent

Far beyond our scope of reason there lays comfort,

Beyond our maturing minds we find a host of complex reasoning,

As our experience increases we are set free or imprisoned by the offset of outcome,

As time presses on we embrace for a new challenge,

we are as vulnerable as the last subject who conceived a brighter tomorrow,

Who among us can grasp the wind?

Who among us can see the sound?

Who among us can dictate the time?

We must press on with unwavering conviction that a true gesture is our only allied, and that our only escape from the falsehood that heavily entangles our motives is not to concede.

The character of many is refined through a process, the good deeds become a blurry cloud that obscures our vision,

We know so much and yet so little, so little and yet find a way. Can a physically blind man see a physical realm?

And does a thinker becomes weighted down because his projection of thought?

If I’m wrong condemn me, if I’m right execute a judgment.

By : Raphael G

Monday, February 20, 2017



The nomads rejoice when they see newly land,
The elder widow rejoice when she sees newly weds,

The new born cries because of future sorrow,

The peasant rejoice when he sees the rainy season,

The married couple are sad, because her sterile womb can't

The criminal is guilty of a crime he doesn't understand,

Low in spirit is the heart breaker for he has lost his touch.

The poor and the rich have embarked in a race, they both will greet in the end.

The days are long, the nights are short, life passes by and so does our dreams.

There are times, things we most hope on, comes and crushes the expectation of what could have been but isn't.

I look around to comprehend the seasons, each one brings a message, even the wind tells about the future.

I stared at the birds, to listen to their interpretations, they cry and weep, rejoice and reflect of what brings the next day.

At times what causes us to be or not to be, depends on how much thought you gave to the matter.

Give a day to reason, give a day to understanding, give a
day to patience, give a day to happiness, give a day to love, give a day to peace, and a day to rest,
so you may see the pain of labor, and the sorrow of ruins.

Sometimes I'm viewed as cruel, tasteless, cold, mechanical, misplaced, but inside of me, outflows of tears overcome me, because of what has become of this world.

BY: Raphael G