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Kintsugi (mend the broken) Revised

  There are moment's hard  to absorb, and moment's that absorb completely, moments like a screeching, screaming felt in the throat, ...

Tuesday, March 21, 2017


What projection one finds more appealing ? The outer shell (materialistic being ) or the inner shell (spiritualistic being )? The outer shell is here today and gone tomorrow...the inner shell is here today and remains forever, eternalized in mass energy.

The question will query the answers on what foundations one builds enduring or perishable expectations. Again the question will probe a heart condition, predetermined or yielding accordingly to knowledge gained on one's projections.

The balancing act absorbs the mass energy in projections, when trivial is first and question secondary. Of what significance is gaining the world and losing the most valuable ? In our formless state, during time absent of guidance (unguided energy) by laws beyond our reach the miracle begins, energies attract energies to the point we become material....but energy first.

Being that we are materialistic and spiritualistic...why is a higher energy (power) attracted to the inner shell ? And is there a condescending attachment to which we are not synchronized with ? As human beings we are inseparable to both...yet there is higher leaning at best towards the inner shell (spiritualistic) self why ? In our formless state, then material, energy, programming is absent...during our incubation period projection come in the form passed from generation, after generation implants and gifts that become question and answers in gained or loss knowledge.

So we have this yearning, innate, superlative gift expressive as conscience, the ever awaken other half which becomes a pathway into transcendency. To be fully aware or at least able to manage the wide over-load of these projections, one must have accurate knowledge...this being the safe guard to which becomes the light itself, without crashing the fragile gains we so much take to granted.

Where can I go from your Spirit? Where can I flee from your presence? In other words energies is always manifesting in our lives, For you created my inmost being;
you knit me together in my mother’s womb (sacred Chamber). I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that fully well.

Coincidences is a word I rarely use when it comes to energies, its almost impossible for opposites to make lasting bonding connections to each other. So the product that you have become, may not be the final product to which you are called. Let me explain...to fully deploy our senses and gifts, during the incubation period some malevolent lost energies have misplaced errors in the genetic codes through tinkering with those divine expressions. 

We are not half the projection we are meant to be...and then there is choice. The superlative expression is not absent of conscience...never. It actually seeks the choicest energies on which to merge. It is an ongoing process of time consuming separation, some will find themselves through trial and chance while others inherit more expressive vibrations. In the long run the ultimate goal is finding you, and not conceding to the primordial lost energies to which we are all subjects...one way or the other.

We find everyday that something is fighting us, or we are fighting it. Call it what you elect to relate, and then we move on. Its not that simply its very persistent, hanging around until our last death stroke. It is subtle...benign, almost to the point we consider it part of our make-up of the twist and turns, reasons the gullible slave to which you are the call. Confuse and distracted from the daily routines we, some how by-pass true meaning and its disguise.

Again the age old conspiracy manifest disguise and meaning in the form of active or passive energies, the inexperienced become the prefer target since they are still trying to harness the greater expression. No matter the many transformation it plots, we are summons with deep rooted divine gifts to counter some very sophisticated projections, only the few will ever chart its' pathway to really break free. Its a challenge for the choicest expression woven with special characters deep in the sacred chambers...the workshop of a superlative spiritual guide.

By : Raphael G
