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  If I boast it's certainly not the same way others may see it fit, and if my boasting creates some kind of friction, I boast even great...

Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Hello, Loneliness

 Loneliness :is an unpleasant emotional response to perceived isolation.

It's a complete misfit to utter the words I'm alone or I feel lonely,

Not a split second or heart beat goes unnoticed in that (so called) void,

There is an Omnipresence for those who invoke it,

 There is a silence that echoes like thunders,

There is an energy that fills the gaps of our immaterial soul,

We are nourished every passing seconds of those thoughts,

Insightful in hearing,

Insightful in listening,

insightful in feelings,

How can we ever be empty,

Observable creation, doesn't speak or agree with our laments, yet it fills us with images, sounds, vibrations, frequencies beyond compare.

Hello, loneliness...I have missed you from long ago,

You have vacated my invitations,

Have you not found a suitable subject,

Next time of seconds...don't feel so misplaced.



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