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Sunday, April 3, 2022

IQ Test

Just wanted to tell the audience a little about myself...besides my little bio...Special thanks to all whom have frequent this blog...Indonesia much love, you are exceptional.

In a separate post I tell it like it is..Called "gratitude" thou the silence stimulates me :}

What is an exceptionally high IQ?
A Breakdown of IQ Scores...
The average score on an IQ test is 100
115 to 129: Above average or bright.
130 to 144: Moderately gifted.
145 to 159: Highly gifted.
160 to 179: Exceptionally gifted or bright
And then those who are Genius....
I have taken three IQ test in three different states, In Jersey : Above Average...that was after being discharged from the armed forces.
In Florida For Job screening, The same.
And lastly in Tennessee: That score was exceptional gifted or bright...that score is the highest.
Thou I have bumped my head more then the average :} Physically
I don't like boasting, as most gifted child...but the score tells how one master's information and process it. Not how one uses it...if that means nothing to you !

Hong Kong – Average IQ of 107...Is that why my blog gets so many hits ? :}
China has the spirit of innovation, none have ever contribute so much and thou Indonesia is not in the above category, they have shown lot of love in our blog and Germany.
I was under the impress that the USA would place highest...but when a population is being genetically modified through tinted foods, I was wrong.
Puerto Rico with a very small population and not the list above...look how many work for NASA....https://en.wikipedia.org/.../List_of_Puerto_Ricans_in_the...
WOW :}>}

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