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La Ignorancia/Ignorance

    "La verdadera Sabituria,      es reconocer tu propia ignorancia"                                                 ...

Sunday, August 13, 2023

Jiddu state of mind


We have reduced the world to its present state of chaos by our self-centred activity, by our prejudices, our hatreds, our nationalism, and when we say we cannot do anything about it, we are accepting disorder in ourselves as inevitable. We have splintered the world into fragments and if we ourselves are broken, fragmented, our relationship with the world will also be broken. But if, when we act, we act totally, then our relationship with the world undergoes a tremendous revolution.
After all, any movement which is worth while, any action which has any deep significance, must begin with each one of us. I must change first; I must see what is the nature and structure of my relationship with the world - and in the very seeing is the doing; therefore I, as a human being living in the world, bring about a different quality, and that quality, it seems to me, is the quality of the religious mind.
The religious mind is something entirely different from the mind that believes in religion. You cannot be religious and yet be a Hindu, a Muslim, a Christian, a Buddhist. A religious mind does not seek at all, it cannot experiment with truth. Truth is not something dictated by your pleasure or pain, or by your conditioning as a Hindu or whatever religion you belong to. The religious mind is a state of mind in which there is no fear and therefore no belief whatsoever but only what is - what actually is.
~ J Krishnamurti Freedom from the Known Chapter 16

A religious mind is inquisitive, the spiritual mind is innate, it contends with that which is superlative and it's guidance must coincide with that which is also superlativeness. In my years in searching for the ultimate God, my experience has been a relentless pursue for a connection, for a revelation that imparts Divinity and all the attributes of finest design. I have found my God, which seeks (me) in the stillness, silence of a yearning heart to piece together all the vast overloads that which I seek in that grandeur.

It's been no easy task...and in prayer's, supplications, talk's I commune with such' as I would with this audience as (the medium). Yes, the spirituality of this mind-set invoked a host which I would have never found otherwise. YHWH-through historical writings and signature of God, has made my search equal for the things you hear and read today, which is the ultimate expression.

Let (me) just clarify one last thing the mindset or state of mind, becomes a reality once, a person disowns all that is pass and embrace the higher learning or ultimate expression, which is the truth and let go free. With the truth we can harness the needful apparatus to undo, the great question ? of why so much pain and human suffering. The 30,000 thousand god's become subject for endless search, when the human mindset submits to greater call of spirituality.

"one can't experiment with truth"- Jiddu

I hope you get the point !

Rafael G Gonzalez

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