Thursday, October 3, 2024

Divine poetry veils you (Revised) * D.A.N

To me the purest form of language is being able to express yourself freely, When King David went after God Almighty (Jehovah) heart, what do you think that action entailed? Obviously he let go of the gifts (charity) already present, and released all back to it's rightfully place. Without Jehovah help he wouldn't be able accomplish this exchange between Divinity and humanly composition.

I can't say no more ! Just exalt and praise and praise...

Nothing like you in absence, nothing like her presence...just an unforgettable aura.
Divine poetry veils you,
Why you cause so much commotion in my soul ?
From the vast deepness you draw (me) out, you guide my senses with the finest of touch,
I give chase to a safe-guarded world, clueless in human form seeking what is superlative and Divine,
what resonates in the deep echo's in the chase, and I far from burning out !
If time and patience makes the calls, if time infinite like space itself...who is the time-keeper ?
To all the fine-tuning and mysteries I bow/submit, if there is a way you have my loyalty,
In vows and oath...the Almighty and Divine, grant (me) access to your faithful slave girl, until she is full with love-joy.
Rafael G Gonzalez
Nada como tú en ausencia, nada como tu presencia...
sólo una aura inolvidable.
La poesía Divina te es un velo,
Por qué causas tanta conmoción en mi alma?
Desde la vasta profundidad que (me) sacas, guías mis sentidos con el tacto más fino,
Doy caza a un mundo protegido, despistado en forma humana que busca lo que es superlativo y Divino,
Lo que resuena en lo profundo tambien está en la busqueda, ¡
y yo lejos de agotarme!
Si el tiempo y la paciencia hacen las llamadas,
si el tiempo es infinito como el espacio mismo... ¿quién es el marcador del tiempo?
A todos los afinamientos y misterios que me inclino/sumeto, si de seguro tienes mi lealtad,
En votos y juramento... el Todopoderoso y Divino, concédeme acceso a tu fiel esclava, hasta que esta se llene de amor y alegría.

* Special guest

Rafael G Gonzalez

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