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Espinas/Thorns (Revised)

  Si la espina es fisica O' de otros aspectos rudimentario ciertamente no lo es en lo espiritual,   y para esto tengo securidad, interve...

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Un tributo a la paciencia (Revised) *


Un tributo a la paciencia
Perdoname por no haber cedido a tus impulsos,
a tu direcion,
a tus momentos designados,
 Te vestiste de gala y recevistes el premio major,
a tus actos benevulos,
cuando mas necesitado...hay estabas tu,
Nunca me dejetes sin salida,
Me llenates de gran agaunte,
Me orientates en gran consuelo,
Como un marca paso y reloj de arena, no hacias cuenta del tiempo,
Estuviestes siempre a mi alcance,
Nunca te molestates con mi ignorancia,
Endureces y cedes con razonamiento inolvidable,
Tus actos para conmigo son superlativo,
Tu presencia a lo largo de mi camino te are compan~ia eternal,
Mi impaciencia no fue tu quebranto, sino tu fortaleza…
Te as comportado como una enigma Divina, y reabastecido mi mas grandes 
deseos...en deudas estare por duracion y existencia.
A tribute to patience
Forgive (me) for not having conceded into your impulses,
to your direction,
to your designated moments, 
you dressed to the nines and received the major prize,
to your benevolent acts,
When I were most in need,
Never left (me) without a way out,
You fill (me) with great endurance,
You guided (me) in great comfort,
Like a pacemaker and hourglass,
you didn't keep track of time,
You were always within my reach,
Never bother with my ignorance,
You harden and yield with unforgettable reasoning,
Your actions towards (me) are superlative,
Your presence along my path will be my eternal company,
My impatience was not your brokenness, but your strength... You have 
acted like a Divine enigma,
and replenished my greatest desires...I will be in debt for time and duration of my existence.
 * special guest
Rafael G Gonzalez

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