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Kintsugi (mend the broken) Revised

  There are moment's hard  to absorb, and moment's that absorb completely, moments like a screeching, screaming felt in the throat, ...

Thursday, July 13, 2023

Knitted in memory


Jehovah...mi santo, ingeniero creador... las obras de tus manos claman tu santidad,
toda vibracion y expression elogian un ser Divino.
Tu grandeza no tiene rival,
porque me eres tan fiel ? Acaso me debes algo ? Acaso entras con las manos vacia ?
Despreciable soy yo, y una eternidad no paga tus actos benevolo de caridad perpetua.
No encuentro entrada ni salida, estoy perdido en busca de tus respuestas !
Se te sobra la audacia en tratos conmigo,
Cuanto tiempo me tuvistes tejido en memoria, y cuando sali del taller sagrado...no fuiste tu quien estiro la mano en bendiciones y expressiones sagrada ?
Jehovah...my holy one, creative engineer... the works of your hands cries out for your holiness,
all vibration and expression praise a Divine being.
Your greatness has no rival,
why are you so faithful to me? Do you owe me anything? Do you ever come with empty hands?
Despicable am I, and eternity does not repay your benevolent acts of perpetual charity.
I can't find a way in or out, I'm lost looking for your answers!
You have too much boldness in dealing with me,
When you had me knitted in memory, and when I broke open the sacred chamber...wasn't it you,who stretched out your hand in blessings and sacred expressions ?
Rafael G Gonzalez

Sunday, July 9, 2023

Special Guest


Sovereign Lord Jehovah, bless be your name to time and time indefinite...who is the mere mortal to query your Divine creeds ?
What can he see, feel, touch and understand...that it reasons I’m powerful !
I have come to knowledge among the elites, among the wild beast in the fields, also gods on earth!
A mere buzz in the wind without guidance is his boast, narcissistic self-absorbed-abstract-mindset.
What would become of men without direction?
Could it navigate its way in the cosmos?
Could it ever reach infinity?
Can it hold destiny for thousands of years in a standstill ?
Can it weave/mend life in a microscopic form and predict, stage-cast its unique performance, gifts, expressions, and host Divine implants each with personalize touch ?
Magnificent is He and script writer, from the realms far, beyond and remote, I hold presence as a special guest.
Almighty and Divine...grant me a thousand years and keep the fire burning that which scorched me, I shall wait and upon my return fill those sweet chapters in secret you kept.
Rafa EL G Gonzalez