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Kintsugi (mend the broken) Revised

  There are moment's hard  to absorb, and moment's that absorb completely, moments like a screeching, screaming felt in the throat, ...

Thursday, July 27, 2023

Purple Triangle

May your spirit fill us with holiness, courage and patience's, so that we can overcome the enemy.

The infamous slanderer that has cause great disturbance and has challenged our faith with countless schemes.
Give us insight into his treacherous acts to with-stand those machinations, Keep us in reserve for the final call, so that your Divine will take place timely and accordingly.
The true and faithful will not shrink when pressed beyond our means, we summons a higher power for those moments of glory to your honor.
Make us the strong rock, we ask in supplications and services to your Holy name. Deny us not this moment to shine as warrior’s for truth and faith, grant us these least of favors.
We’re not cowards, and bear witness of your Holy and Divine will. Instill into us the instrument for theocratic order with the seal of approval.
With perseverance and great endurance we, await your orders...with our eyes on the prize and on mission.
Rafael G Gonzalez
image copy right JW.org

Wednesday, July 26, 2023



It’s not easy to shake the Holy-spirit when, it moves one into action,

it is free-will and act of devotion.

Through a chance of faith the sensation is mutual, a deep feeling to a higher call can not be denied.

A glorious time for reflection,

A moment to pause and test truth when accomplished at full-force,

A pause in time to gather all rightfully gain and reserved,

A pause in time to show-up for the work’s of Almighty God,

A pause in time to take the challenge…

it will shake foundations, but that is the call to vibrate in Holy journeys, to express the long awaited scene of training and preparation.

To fill in the gaps of that mutual consortium, to which we’re summons.

In prayer and expectation I, have not stretched the boundaries,

I have much affection for you, If this is the actuating force...then I concede.

Time...space… and infinite are all equal, but eternity belongs to us !

Rafa El G Gonzalez