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Espinas/Thorns (Revised)

  Si la espina es fisica O' de otros aspectos rudimentario ciertamente no lo es en lo espiritual,   y para esto tengo securidad, interve...

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Odds/Oppositions (Revised)

 The odds or opposition, it matters not the busy bodies in a consortium of ill guided counsel. The traditions of antiquated hindrance that herniated all aspects that are truly of good nature.

Why step in an arena that is truly a novelty to the unlearned. Why not rebuilt the sagging image that drags all that which is fruitful.

Those who are guided by the spirit live by spirit and there is no corruption. Those with a well trained conscience give a thorough and complete witness before a host that is pure, saintly, benevolent, and sway nor bend to wishes of hearts and souls in detestable reasoning's. 

In conclusion do not destroy what you haven't built, and stay busy on your own affairs, that way that which is built becomes a lodge and resting place for a moments pause.

If you fear (me) and what I write, when the real fear arrives, and the shadow enemy makes the calls you will embrace it with greater eagerness !

Is it sacred to remain ignorant to the chains/shackles that heavily entangles and a snare, the master's we so masterly revere !

Si temes (a mí) y a lo que escribo, cuando llegue el verdadero miedo y el enemigo en la sombra  los llamados lo abrazarás con mayor afán!

¡Es sagrado permanecer ignorante de las cadenas/grilletes que enredan pesadamente y son una trampa, y los maestros que tan magistralmente reverenciamos!

 * Special guest

Rafa EL G Gonzalez

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