Monday, May 6, 2024

expreso mi llanto/express yearns

Jehovah’ me eres una total santidad,

me guias en esa misma expresion Divina,

conoces bien mis actos mas intimos,

mi confianza se aloja en ti, y solamente en ti…no hay partidos entre nosotros,

permiteme un corto alargamiento mas para que se manifieste lo escrito,

me examina diariamente como si fuese notas perdidas, asi es tu apego hacia mi,

un esclavo sin rumbo en busca de tu colorido espendor,

extiende mi llanto asi ti, que nunca se apaque en busca de tus obras superlativas,

mi Santo y eleogiado ser Divino te expreso lo que siento y no te oculto nada muy bien lo sabes,

si el sheol abriera las puertas a cualquier momento  se que me buscarian aquellos encuentros,

inquieto por ti lo inanimado de mis huesos, de seguro me eres memoria en la profundidad.

Jehovah, you are a total holiness to me,

You guide me in that same Divine expression,

You know my most intimate acts well,

My trust resides in you, and only in you…there are no parties between us,

Allow me one more short extension so that what is written can be manifested,

He examines me daily as if I were lost notes, this is your attachment to me,

an aimless slave in search of your colorful splendor,

He spreads my tears so that it never subsides in search of your superlative works,

My Holy and praised Divine being, I express to you what I feel and I do not hide anything from you, you know it very well,

If Sheol opened the doors at any moment I know those moments you would seek me out,

The inanimateness of my bones are restless for you, you are surely a memory to me in the depths.

Rafa EL G Gonzalez

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