Monday, October 7, 2024

Let the light shine (Revised) *



Let (me) comfort you, my dear host-of-host...Holiest-of-Holiest.

I can recall how you felt cut to the heart as your covenant nation, which

you considered in Holy matrimony (figurative speaking).

They went astray and absorbed by other adulterous nations of phallic worship.

How through Abraham the faithful, your promise came into fruition and Jacob, blessed with twelve sons (twelve tribes) and how you organized the growing numbers of these. The Northern Kingdom and Southern Kingdom. The constant rivalry and treacherous acts of disobedience, the blood-letting of these offspring's. Yet your patience and everlasting love...kept you in mission and eye's on the prize, the greater outcome.

How you made calls after calls for their return,

How you appointed Kings 45 (forty five) in succession, 1117 B.C.E.(Saul first King).  In fulfillment of this kingdom covenant toward David, there followed a line of kings of Jerusalem all in the family line of King David. Counted from David’s kingship in Jerusalem in 1070 B.C.E. this kingdom with a dynasty of Davidic kings in Jerusalem lasted for 463 years, or till 607 B.C.E. So this means that, when we count from the year 1117 B.C.E., when the prophet Samuel anointed Saul as king over all Israel, the nation of Israel had visible kings for 510 years. However, Jehovah was the invisible King. of Davidic dynasty. Judges, Prophets, and finally your begotten son (Jesus) welcome reign, the finalist in succession.

You have overly extended, stretched the fruits of your Divine spirit, and undeserved-kindness.

I’m just a rogue (rough-man) of the nations, a pawn in the grand schemes of things…

I don’t fit your Saintly and Divine superlative yearns, but I will say this allow (me) to be a comforter, for those distressing calls not taken into account.

Your begotten son Jesus (welcome-reign) continued in the path of out-reach, to the nations tossed about  like  sheep's without shepherds. The heaviest of emotional sentiments poured like rain showers, Divine poetry alludes compassion beyond compare. How you wish to gather your personal property like a "hen gather's it’s chicks under it’s wing"...should I continue pressing the quality of your person ?

Jesus (welcome-reign) made good to reference your tireless work, and so he stated “if my father at work, so I’m at work.”

Through a selection of order, the Holy spirit commissioned Jesus (welcome reign) “son” and gave authority to bring about suitable vessels, for the final gathering. Til this day you have made (me) one of those selections.

I seek your presence once to often, and have not denied (me) access, this I well know!

It is through the expression that you have made right, so please make use of this vessel and hold nothing back, and take (me) home as you wish.

Allow (me) to reciprocate those distressing calls, yearns, signals and this slave be humbled at the least.

I don’t question your supreme authority or extreme, balanced power. I don’t need to see the waters divide, clouds of fire, great walls crumble, large armies defeated in one night, or Angel’s illuminate my darkest path.

You my dear have done charitable acts beyond my debt I shall be for life duration which is the eternal call.

Praised, laud, sanctify be your Holiest name (Jehovah=YHWH)

* Special quest (YHWH)

Rafael G Gonzalez

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