Monday, October 7, 2024

Victory Song "we shall overcome" *


"Sing to Jehovah"! — Watchtower ONLINE LIBRARY 

Take me home in victory and triumphant in all gratitude deprive not my life’s sojourn to serve out the allotment time and with meaningful aperture into the New World.

Let me, taste the expression of promise and the words of a loyal King. Life holds all meaning if we can cause the enemy of the Almighty God to slip with the little of expression he leaned on,

being the lesser was not on equal terms when we have guidance and power over the spirit through the Mightiest-of-Mightiest eternal host,

It wont be long before this wretched and decaying system goes into convulsions for a long awaited over-haul, and the victory song “ We shall overcome” and “take me to the promise” as we march ever forward with renewed strength and greatest of hope.

I can see the new horizon coming into view and it never looked so touching to glance at a distance and moments of pause,

There is a great crowd and a vast mixed company of parade-marchers moving steadfast and forward, with an army of light bearer’s in witnessing to the Celestial host (Jehovah God and welcome reign). So remain focus and “keep the eyes on prize and stay on mission” I be there with with you or die trying that is the call.

My greatest of LOVE is when I open my eye’s and see you there, in vows and oath...I can only hope we can hold hands together and eternity in LOVE embrace.

“Only fear Jehovah, and you must serve him in truth with all your heart; for see what great things he has done for you.”—1 Sam. 12:24.

Praise, laud, sanctify the Almighty God Jehovah (YHWH).

* Special guest

 Rafael G Gonzalez

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