Saturday, October 12, 2024

My special guest * D.A.N

 Jehovah (YHWH) Almighty and Divine blessed be your name to time infinite,

all these emotions, commotions all this burning and heighten feelings I must shift it all back to you.

It is because of you, I spend restless nights evoking your Divine person,

so that the credit all falls back on your saintly schemes and Holiest of operations,

I'm awake, alert and in full expectations,

take me home and make use of this vessel,

you so rightly have claim over as personal property,

as a closing statement...if I must say it only a few have access,

energies link with superb energies,

My dear please comfort her with the gentlest of touch make her our choice,

it is through these lost moments I find reality to be a blitz and brain storming to be the true nature of your framing what the heart can weave,

yes, it takes me away deep into the night and your spirit doesn't release.

 *special guest (YHWH) *D.A.N

Rafael Gonzalez

10/12/24 3:33am


Friday, October 11, 2024

El Coqui (revised)

The Native frog from Puerto Rico and Hawaii that causes much commotion to the restless soul's...Or is it the other way around? One of my original poems...about this creatures journey's to strange lands.

Copy (R)
Raphael G

03/24/13 2:44 AM

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Divine schemes * Special guest


May your Divine schemes look upon (me), and never depart from (me), may it take deep root as far as the earth's core.
Grant the courage and access to view your commands, mandates, as the blessings already present in gifts and charitable works of your hands.
My heart is heavy for you,
Allow (me) to fight the good fight until my soul slowly wear's out (dims) and through dynamic energy replenish and recycle for those greater moments not yet seen.
If dreaming is the counterfeit of reality...I boast even greater, for what you have made material it truly fits well.
Truly you're my God (Jehovah) the Almighty and Divine, host-of-host...and among the countless god's, they remain impotent, powerless and a shame to look upon. I have made you my strong-hold and summons that supreme authority to seize what is rightfully yours.
Que tus esquema Divinos, tus planes Divinos me miren y nunca se aparten de mí, que echen raíces profundas hasta el núcleo de la tierra.
Concede la valentía y el acceso a ver tus mandamientos, mandatos, como las bendiciones ya presentes en los dones y obras caritativas de tus manos.
Mi corazón está pesado por ti,
Permíteme pelear la buena batalla hasta que mi alma se desgaste lentamente (se atenúe) y a través de energía dinámica, reponga y recicle para esos momentos más importantes que aún no se han visto.
Si el soñar es la falsificación de la realidad... Me jactaré aún más, porque lo que has hecho material realmente encaja bien.
En verdad eres mi Dios (Jehová), Todopoderoso y Divino, hueste de huestes... y entre los innumerables dioses, ellos permanecen impotentes, sin poder y es una vergüenza mirarlos.
Te he hecho mi fortaleza y convoco a esa autoridad suprema para que se apodere de lo que es sumamente su derecho.
Rafa EL G Gonzalez

Monday, October 7, 2024

Consumed (Revised) *

This is how I, feel in serving the Almighty God...and applying this scripture " gave to Caeser the things of and God the things of. It's very thin-line like walking on water for a human-being.
I have become consumed with the reality that we are human shields between to two highly organized opposing tents, in which we are used in the advancement of hidden agendas. we have at times little insight into its source or operations. It's beyond the average human understanding, it is spiritual and physical. We’re stretched like a human rubber-band to the point of exhaustion, we know so little yet find a way out, from our daily twist and turns. It's indiscriminate, it has no eyes or logic, it is blind, we’re encouraged to carry on in the faith.

Faith has its limits, so death becomes the logical a death roll recipient, it is the most viable battle cry. As I peer into the unseen, the drama...above the average, a grotesques portrait is magically revealed like a master's paint brush... canvas its timely piece. I reach out for something to save me from this selective service, I question how do I carry this out-of-body challenges...spiritual, physical consumed by its indiscriminate blindness.

Again and again, the human suffering, the news of the helpless, the rubber-band stretches and stretches to the point it breaks countless...the unaware! Like the leaves driven and tossed by the winds of change into relevant places...the mothers, fathers, the little, the young, the unborn and so death.

The relief so long anticipated, the challenges never to metastasize, the selective service for which we became a call of duty to decipher the higher revelations.
Is it real ? Just like the pain that actuates me, to pen these words of truth, I feel vexed and young, eternalized in my father's heart, defying and humble, my time is approaching, can the space allotted be extended until one totally consumes me !

Remember the pains of labor, all the pain equates to the joyous harmony of everlasting attachments between the two opposing forces. It's not the time, but that moment spent nourishing the energy whether positive or is being discovered. Don't see time...seize the opportunity !
* That same year, a blood test discovered I had a very rare advanced blood cancer. The reason it didn't take me, out an excellent care-taker and the greater schemes for spiritual warfare ! It went into remission and not by chance, fours or better. I never knew about it's disappearing act.
By: Raphael G

Let the light shine (Revised) *



Let (me) comfort you, my dear host-of-host...Holiest-of-Holiest.

I can recall how you felt cut to the heart as your covenant nation, which

you considered in Holy matrimony (figurative speaking).

They went astray and absorbed by other adulterous nations of phallic worship.

How through Abraham the faithful, your promise came into fruition and Jacob, blessed with twelve sons (twelve tribes) and how you organized the growing numbers of these. The Northern Kingdom and Southern Kingdom. The constant rivalry and treacherous acts of disobedience, the blood-letting of these offspring's. Yet your patience and everlasting love...kept you in mission and eye's on the prize, the greater outcome.

How you made calls after calls for their return,

How you appointed Kings 45 (forty five) in succession, 1117 B.C.E.(Saul first King).  In fulfillment of this kingdom covenant toward David, there followed a line of kings of Jerusalem all in the family line of King David. Counted from David’s kingship in Jerusalem in 1070 B.C.E. this kingdom with a dynasty of Davidic kings in Jerusalem lasted for 463 years, or till 607 B.C.E. So this means that, when we count from the year 1117 B.C.E., when the prophet Samuel anointed Saul as king over all Israel, the nation of Israel had visible kings for 510 years. However, Jehovah was the invisible King. of Davidic dynasty. Judges, Prophets, and finally your begotten son (Jesus) welcome reign, the finalist in succession.

You have overly extended, stretched the fruits of your Divine spirit, and undeserved-kindness.

I’m just a rogue (rough-man) of the nations, a pawn in the grand schemes of things…

I don’t fit your Saintly and Divine superlative yearns, but I will say this allow (me) to be a comforter, for those distressing calls not taken into account.

Your begotten son Jesus (welcome-reign) continued in the path of out-reach, to the nations tossed about  like  sheep's without shepherds. The heaviest of emotional sentiments poured like rain showers, Divine poetry alludes compassion beyond compare. How you wish to gather your personal property like a "hen gather's it’s chicks under it’s wing"...should I continue pressing the quality of your person ?

Jesus (welcome-reign) made good to reference your tireless work, and so he stated “if my father at work, so I’m at work.”

Through a selection of order, the Holy spirit commissioned Jesus (welcome reign) “son” and gave authority to bring about suitable vessels, for the final gathering. Til this day you have made (me) one of those selections.

I seek your presence once to often, and have not denied (me) access, this I well know!

It is through the expression that you have made right, so please make use of this vessel and hold nothing back, and take (me) home as you wish.

Allow (me) to reciprocate those distressing calls, yearns, signals and this slave be humbled at the least.

I don’t question your supreme authority or extreme, balanced power. I don’t need to see the waters divide, clouds of fire, great walls crumble, large armies defeated in one night, or Angel’s illuminate my darkest path.

You my dear have done charitable acts beyond my debt I shall be for life duration which is the eternal call.

Praised, laud, sanctify be your Holiest name (Jehovah=YHWH)

* Special quest (YHWH)

Rafael G Gonzalez

Victory Song "we shall overcome" *


"Sing to Jehovah"! — Watchtower ONLINE LIBRARY 

Take me home in victory and triumphant in all gratitude deprive not my life’s sojourn to serve out the allotment time and with meaningful aperture into the New World.

Let me, taste the expression of promise and the words of a loyal King. Life holds all meaning if we can cause the enemy of the Almighty God to slip with the little of expression he leaned on,

being the lesser was not on equal terms when we have guidance and power over the spirit through the Mightiest-of-Mightiest eternal host,

It wont be long before this wretched and decaying system goes into convulsions for a long awaited over-haul, and the victory song “ We shall overcome” and “take me to the promise” as we march ever forward with renewed strength and greatest of hope.

I can see the new horizon coming into view and it never looked so touching to glance at a distance and moments of pause,

There is a great crowd and a vast mixed company of parade-marchers moving steadfast and forward, with an army of light bearer’s in witnessing to the Celestial host (Jehovah God and welcome reign). So remain focus and “keep the eyes on prize and stay on mission” I be there with with you or die trying that is the call.

My greatest of LOVE is when I open my eye’s and see you there, in vows and oath...I can only hope we can hold hands together and eternity in LOVE embrace.

“Only fear Jehovah, and you must serve him in truth with all your heart; for see what great things he has done for you.”—1 Sam. 12:24.

Praise, laud, sanctify the Almighty God Jehovah (YHWH).

* Special guest

 Rafael G Gonzalez