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Kintsugi (mend the broken) Revised

  There are moment's hard  to absorb, and moment's that absorb completely, moments like a screeching, screaming felt in the throat, ...

Monday, March 3, 2025

By all Means

Everything is meaningless when I hold the greatest of means,

happiness and self fulfillment aren't achieved in the abundance of the eye's view,

life takes on a different trajectory when abundance become enough and by all means the whole person is manifest like light and shades in a complete day cycle (subtle),

we hardly take into account the transition but very visible to the well learned, 

to be gainfully intuitive the adaptation is meaningless if we didn't have a guide,

in our ups/downs and fault-lines the enrichment and vastness made riddles of what is considered valuable and what is low grade,

in the Lord and Almighty God I found every purpose to which that guide labored and is at work to this day to bring forth a suitable vessel to frame in his grandiose glory,

it would be oblivious to (me) to take up means (trivialities), when I have all the resources,

with that said in Almighty God (YHWH) I trust...in debt and meaningful needs, carry-out your Divine will !

Please allow (me) to praise,worship you (YHWH) while I can....


Rafael G Gonzalez

Sunday, March 2, 2025

Special guest II * D.A.N (Revised)


I have missed her like a fleeting spring breeze of many seasons,

Her absences has become a memorial stamped in my soul,

I'm under the good impression that these forces will merge if there be a Divine will,

A call is heard and it's not your average day-break,

in places I have not known a hang-over of moments (Experiences) pass replace the void I eagerly embrace to often,

what stands against these verses have never expand the superlativeness/excellences of a quality so Divine,

yes, in life's journeys...truth, loyalty, and love are the sojourner's in the invisible presences it can no longer deny,

If I seek a comforter its a hollow void, and in these thoughts that emanate from the profound deep....certainly are my guide,

I must continue pressing forward until one totally consumes me,

as touching as it may seem, not so touching the absence, presences and all encompassing, that is God's slave girl that we hold so dear,

Our hearts are an open portal for your access, only a few in a selection and you one of them,

 Until my heart gives up it's beats/rhythm...I shall praise God's (YHWH) finest of expressions, that reside and dwell deeply woven in the pipe-lines of life,

She lights up the house of God like a lamp stand, and her smile a thousand color spectrum and millenniums of love joy,

From what stockpile of those energies you released her, and after the fine-tuning what draft orders are in place ?

Praise and laud the Almighty God (YHWH)...just praise him !

Please allow (me) to worship the Holiest-of-Holiest !


La he extrañado como una brisa primaveral fugaz de muchas estaciones,

Su ausencias se han convertido en un memorial estampado en mi alma,

Tengo la buena impresión de que estas fuerzas se fusionarán si hay una voluntad Divina,

Se escucha un llamado y no es un amanecer común,

en lugares que no he conocido, una resaca de momentos (experiencias) pasado reemplazan el vacío que abrazo con entusiasmo y con demasiada frecuencia,

lo que se opone a estos versos nunca han expandido la superlatividad/excelencias de una cualidad tan Divina,

sí, en los viajes de la vida... la verdad, la lealtad y el amor son los peregrinos en las presencias invisibles que ya no se puede negar,

Si busco un consolador es un vacío hueco, y en estos pensamientos que emanan de lo profundo... ciertamente son mi guía,

Debo seguir presionando hacia adelante hasta que uno me consuma por completo,

por conmovedor que parezca, no tan conmovedor la ausencia, las presencias y todo lo abarcante, que es la esclava de Dios que tanto apreciamos,

Hasta que mi corazón abandone sus latidos/ritmo... alabaré las más finas expresiones de Dios (YHWH), que residen y moran profundamente entretejidas en las tuberías de la vida,

Ella ilumina la casa de Dios como un candelabro divino, y su sonrisa es un espectro de mil colores y milenios de amor y alegría,

¿De qué reservas de esas energías la liberaste y, después del ajuste-fino,qué órdenes preliminares están en vigor?

Rafael G Gonzalez

Alaben y ensalcen al Dios Todopoderoso (YHWH)... ¡simplemente alábenlo!

¡Por favor, permíteme adorar al Santo...Santísimo!

*YHWH (Slave girl) D.A.N
