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Kintsugi (mend the broken) Revised

  There are moment's hard  to absorb, and moment's that absorb completely, moments like a screeching, screaming felt in the throat, ...

Showing posts with label *YHWH. Show all posts
Showing posts with label *YHWH. Show all posts

Saturday, February 22, 2025

King of King's (Revised)


King David, King Solomon and the rest of king’s 14 in succession of 500 years plus  of dynastic rule. The king’s of the North and the King’s of the South, all experienced Divine sanctions. I’m not going to point out every King and the opposition, but “I will say this”...that what the Almighty King of heavens and earth, Jehovah (YHWH) God brings into his house (tent) is a special guest.
How we cherish that invite is of particular interest, a few King’s truly valued the symbiotic relationship. It is of great recourse engaging how this Divine figure responded and reasoned it all out, in a symbiotic exchange. Some of these King’s were very wicked and vile, barbarian’s in nature, misguided by opposition and inherently against the Divine will.
It leaves me dumbfounded, lost in thought, exhausted in spirit, yet renewed at the passing of this allotted space I occupy in my master's domain. I speak of King’s because who am I ? but a miserable mortal, searching my master’s house...chasing his heart...stretching the fruit’s of the spirit, he left behind and attributes I can’t encompass.
I get emotionally charged in revealing the work’s of the Holy spirit, and also consider how charged is the Holiest-of-Holiest, host-of-host. A power structure I can feel...sense...and see all to obvious through the power of faith, and how every living things declares glory.
Praise the Almighty God Jehovah (YHWH), To the highest power.
El rey David, el rey Salomón y el resto de los 14 reyes en la sucesión de 1.500 años de gobierno dinástico. Los reyes del Norte y los Reyes del Sur experimentaron sanciones Divinas. No voy a señalar a cada Rey y la oposición, pero “diré esto”... que lo que el Rey Todopoderoso de los cielos y de la tierra, Jehová (YHWH) Dios trae a su casa (tienda) es un invitado especial. .
Es de particular interés cómo apreciamos esa invitación, algunos reyes realmente valoraron la relación simbiótica. Es de gran ayuda comprender cómo esta figura Divina respondió y razonó todo, en un intercambio simbiótico. Algunos de estos Reyes eran muy malvados y viles, de naturaleza bárbara, descarriados por la oposición e inherentemente contrarios a la voluntad Divina.
Me deja estupefacto, perdido en mis pensamientos, agotado en espíritu, pero renovado ante el paso de este espacio asignado que ocupo en el dominio de mi maestro. Hablo de reyes porque ¿quién soy yo? pero un mortal miserable, registrando la casa de mi amo... persiguiendo su corazón... estirando los frutos del espíritu, dejó atrás atributos que no puedo abarcar.
Me siento cargado emocionalmente al revelar la obra del Espíritu Santo, y también considero cuán cargado está el Lugar Santísimo, la hueste de las huestes. Una estructura de poder que puedo sentir... sentir... y ver todo muy obvio a través del poder de la fe, y cómo todos los seres vivos declaran su gloria.
Alabado sea EL Dios Todopoderoso Jehová (YHWH), Al poder supremo, mas alto.
 10/16/23 12:42 PM
Rafael G Gonzalez

Monday, February 3, 2025

Eternity in love *Special guest

Let me hear your loyal love in the morning,For I trust in you. Make known to me the way I should walk,+For to you I turn.. Psalms 143:8

Love is a Divine attribute, we as human beings can’t even come close in defining it...
embracing it... manifesting it... expressing it...
every effort we make of it, only causes greater commotion of how it finds 
traction in our lives.
I live for a time not to far in distance, where love resides at it’s highest peak in expression,
there I find my beloved nested in sublime charm.
Superlative like Divinity itself, of purest expression...no mortal can ever attain , 
but emulate in benevolence and eternity in love,
seeking immortality,
seeking the expression,
seeking the one I love.
* Special guest D.A.N

Published on
10/3/24 1:22 AM
Rafael G Gonzalez

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Eternal Crush (Revised)


 Jehovah God Almighty and Divine is my eternal crush,

There can not be any other parties between us,

We shall hold hands together and on the wings of love, (He) carries me home for the duration of that sublime sentiment,

I shall write and sing melodies, and from out of the deeps introduce new songs for the assembly, gatherings for the faithful,

Love and pain are equally matched, and there's nothing but love-joy...jubilation,

Birth pains are like disquieting storms and the finest theatrics in melodies they chant,

In patience I wait and my heart race like a meteor chasing across the mid-night skies.

I constantly inform you about her pleasantness and desire to make her our choice !

10/04/24 The perfect ten !

* Special guest!

Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Rise and Shine * D.A.N (Revised)

CDN media


May my love be your battle field,

and my loyalty overlap eternity,

Why you feel agitated and spirit unease?

Why you seek a replacement ? 

do you not know who guides your disquieting heart impulses? 

Let me see you smile again and cause our father's person to rejoice until he becomes filled with your grace,

I have been observing your wonderful person, but there is one who can showcase

your true expression,

This morning I woke and there stood this omnipresence, this causative feeling and you were part of this drama, 

once to often it takes hold of (me) like an instrument awaiting it's performance, stage-casting to audience in amazement,

If blessing and undeserved-kindness were to be summarized, you have gone to far...I would prefer to remain in the ashes of creation,

If this be my last to a prelude, remember you have our standing ovation.


Que mi amor sea tu campo de batalla,

y mi lealtad se superponga a la eternidad,

¿Por qué te sientes agitada y tu espíritu excitado?

¿Por qué buscas un reemplazo?

¿No sabes quién guía los impulsos inquietantes de tu corazón?

Déjame verte sonreír de nuevo y hacer que la persona de mi padre se regocije hasta que se llene de tu gracia,

He estado observando tu maravillosa persona, pero hay alguien que puede mostrar

tu verdadera expresión,

Esta mañana me desperté y allí estaba esta omnipresencia, este sentimiento causante y tú eras parte de este drama,

una vez más se apodera de mí como un instrumento que espera su actuación, presentándose ante el público asombrado,

Si la bendición y la bondad inmerecida tuvieran que resumirse, has ido demasiado lejos... Preferiría permanecer en las cenizas de la creación,

Si este es mi último preludio, recuerda que tienes nuestra ovación de pie.

Rafael G Gonzalez


12/17/24 4:17 AM

Sunday, December 15, 2024

My guest eternal presence


When you rise and shine praise him,

when you first open your eyes after a sound sleep laud him great,

every breath you take may that energy carries connotation of that Holy name,

for every exhalation may the witnessing carry great tidings,

every break you take and in between sanctify his kindness,

bless be the fruits of his Holiest spirit,

bless be his Holiest attributes,

make him your strong-hold in your contemptible state, his guidance never fails,

keep seeking the person of the Almighty, loyal, benevolent and Divine,

in your short comings count the victories that will amass to your favor,

your staying power and reliance will remind the enemy that Almighty God (YHWH) had the upper hand in all events,

Walk with him and cherish the moment that access granted, 

With all power and expression bestowed feel him, energize your whole person in great shadows and grace.

Make him your guest and have an open invitation for eternal presence.

Rafael G Gonzalez

Thursday, December 12, 2024

Friday, December 6, 2024

Special guest II * D.A.N (Revised)


I have missed her like a fleeting spring breeze of many seasons,

Her absences has become a memorial stamped in my soul,

I'm under the good impression that these forces will merge if there be a Divine will,

A call is heard and it's not your average day-break,

in places I have not known a hang-over of moments (Experiences) pass replace the void I eagerly embrace to often,

what stands against these verses have never expand the superlativeness/excellences of a quality so Divine,

yes, in life's journeys...truth, loyalty, and love are the sojourner's in the invisible presences it can no longer deny,

If I seek a comforter its a hollow void, and in these thoughts that emanate from the profound deep....certainly are my guide,

I must continue pressing forward until one totally consumes me,

as touching as it may seem, not so touching the absence, presences and all encompassing, that is God's slave girl that we hold so dear,

Our hearts are an open portal for your access, only a few in a selection and you one of them,

Until my heart gives up it's beats/rhythm...I shall praise God's (YHWH) finest of expressions, that reside and dwell deeply woven in the pipe-lines of life,

She lights up the house of God like a lamp stand, and her smile a thousand color spectrum and millenniums of love joy,

From what stockpile of those energies you released her, and after the fine-tuning what draft orders are in place ?

Praise and laud the Almighty God (YHWH)...just praise him !


La he extrañado como una brisa primaveral fugaz de muchas estaciones,

Su ausencias se han convertido en un memorial estampado en mi alma,

Tengo la buena impresión de que estas fuerzas se fusionarán si hay una voluntad Divina,

Se escucha un llamado y no es un amanecer común,

en lugares que no he conocido, una resaca de momentos (experiencias) pasado reemplazan el vacío que abrazo con entusiasmo y con demasiada frecuencia,

lo que se opone a estos versos nunca han expandido la superlatividad/excelencias de una cualidad tan Divina,

sí, en los viajes de la vida... la verdad, la lealtad y el amor son los peregrinos en las presencias invisibles que ya no se puede negar,

Si busco un consolador es un vacío hueco, y en estos pensamientos que emanan de lo profundo... ciertamente son mi guía,

Debo seguir presionando hacia adelante hasta que uno me consuma por completo,

por conmovedor que parezca, no tan conmovedor la ausencia, las presencias y todo lo abarcante, que es la esclava de Dios que tanto apreciamos,

Hasta que mi corazón abandone sus latidos/ritmo... alabaré las más finas expresiones de Dios (YHWH), que residen y moran profundamente entretejidas en las tuberías de la vida,

Ella ilumina la casa de Dios como un candelabro divino, y su sonrisa es un espectro de mil colores y milenios de amor y alegría,

¿De qué reservas de esas energías la liberaste y, después del ajuste-fino,qué órdenes preliminares están en vigor?

Rafael G Gonzalez

Alaben y ensalcen al Dios Todopoderoso (YHWH)... ¡simplemente alábenlo!

*YHWH (Slave girl) D.A.N




Wednesday, November 20, 2024

Lord set me free * D.A.N (Revised)


If I can't achieve it,

I exert him until he can set me free,

because I want to sing and ride like the wind,

destination free,

loyalty is the vestment, attire of the Almighty God, 

and this quality I shall attain as the gift of trials,

I shall seek and earn his loyal love, his heart mend in the vastness of memories,

His saintly person radiate, vibrate with extreme joy and in that excitement feel 

a total comfort, harmony of what is Divine,

Should I continue pressing the qualities of your person ? In my lowest point which is the deeps, a call is heard of that wonderful, awesome jubilee we share.

I wish to have known your works earlier to color ink those moments in pause,

take (me) home a place where we are suited for each other, in the cradle of paradise, in the clouds of invisible host, draft (me) into that stock pile of purest energy...but do as you wish, a Divine will be at work this much I'm well aware.

Praise and laud the Almighty God, that of Abraham, Moses, Jacob and the rest of faithful.

 Señor libérame

 Si no lo puedo lograr,

lo ejercito hasta que pueda liberarme,

porque quiero cantar y cabalgar como el viento,

destino libre,

la lealtad es la vestidura, el atavío del Dios Todopoderoso,

y esta cualidad la alcanzaré como el don de las pruebas,

buscaré y ganaré su amor leal, su corazón se remendará en la inmensidad de los recuerdos,

su santa persona irradiará, vibrará con alegría extrema y en esa emoción sentiré

un consuelo total, armonía de lo Divino,

¿Deberia seguir presionando las cualidades de tu persona? En mi punto más bajo que es lo profundo, se escucha un llamado de ese maravilloso, asombroso jubileo que compartimos.

Me hubiese gustado conocer de antes tus obras, para dar color a esos momentos de pausa,

llévame a casa, a un lugar donde estemos hechos el uno para el otro, en la cuna del paraíso, en las nubes de un ejército invisible, llévame a ese depósito de energía más pura... pero haz lo que quieras, un Divino estará trabajando, de eso estoy muy consciente.

Alabado sea el Dios Todopoderoso, el de Abraham, Moisés, Jacob y el resto de los fieles.

*Invitado especial( YHWH)

*YHWH Special guest

Rafael G Gonzalez

Tuesday, November 12, 2024

Bridges (Revised)

Since very young years, I have embraced an alien concept, where men/woman...woman/men shared the same language. A language of peace, love and harmony...a pure language, where bridges and its many channels below are crossed effortlessly, charts and compass...the pure language.

A transmission medium highly synchronized, its frequencies fine-tuned to capture vibrational pauses and serene silence. If there is such a thing I shall find it !

Love is not bound by special interest, its infinite in its quest to bridge an innate feeling...of compassion, mercy, kindness, long suffering, a spirit of giving and not receiving. 
It may be blind but, not lost...lost but finds the way. It is committed to the object it holds so dear, if a sacrifice is needed, it offers the last expression of endearment as an act, superlative to all submissions to an undefined riddle few will ever go beyond. 
Love is a redeemer, an ancient light who has pour it's shadow bestowing humanity with great signs of the same. The truly brave are a strong link to the fallen, yet love covers all.

It is a shaky bridge...but love covers all, love and faith are steadfast, unmovable. One can work the same formula through the spirit; there one can access what is superlative.

 Raphael G

 Sat May 13, 2017

Sunday, November 3, 2024

Internal conflicts (Revised)

  I will speak truth that is alien to man, so that the conscientious alarm carrying out it's internal conflicts, can set the stage for an awaken new self. If I can be that guide in my own struggles, then I can truly be free. 

And when I say free, it's not on my own accord, but by a new set of virtues absent of pass yearnings for the revelations to a higher state of conformity. Disowning the self is letting go completely all that which has been a hindrance, and embarking on a continuance journey of reparation and restoration of that newly acquire calling of awareness,

Being conscience of these out of body exchanges is an overgrowth of collective assignments in life's journeys and alignment with the internal conflicts. It becomes the life long experience and duration, that can become a question of selection and not chance. How many of us at one time or another felt like life affairs had no alignment with the internal conflicts ?

 Our daily routines (life affairs) and conscience (internal conflicts) were at odds with each other, being that the call was placed on (me) and me not on the call. I feel singled out and privileged that the implants in form of conscientiousness can't be dismissed. The expression woven deep, hammered into our DNA by means beyond  human understanding is awakening, vibrating, seeking it's new path and focused with a revived charge to spark.

In retrospect what is internal become external and we engage the exchange with the freedom of purest invocation of that new self. So we carry on as light bearers, illuminating the darkest path in the most subtle substitution of enigmatic shades, light and darkness.

A mind...A heart...A conscience...A spirit... all encapsulated in a contraption of fresh and bones with these I'm suited to make spiritual warfare, and theocratic order !

Praise and sanctify the Almighty God (YHWH)

Diré la verdad que es ajena al hombre, para que la alarma consciente que lleva a cabo sus conflictos internos, pueda preparar el escenario para un nuevo yo despierto. Si puedo ser ese guía en mis propias luchas, entonces podré ser verdaderamente libre.

Y cuando digo libre, no es por mi propia voluntad, sino por un nuevo conjunto de virtudes ausentes de anhelos pasados ​​por las revelaciones a un estado superior de conformidad. Desconocer el yo es dejar ir completamente todo lo que ha sido un obstáculo y embarcarse en un viaje continuo de reparación y restauración de ese llamado recién adquirido de conciencia.

Ser consciente de estos intercambios fuera del cuerpo es un crecimiento excesivo de las tareas colectivas en los viajes de la vida y la alineación con los conflictos internos. Se convierte en la experiencia y la duración de toda la vida, que puede convertirse en una cuestión de selección y no de azar.

¿Cuántos de nosotros en un momento u otro sentimos que los asuntos de la vida no estaban alineados con los conflictos internos? Nuestras rutinas diarias (asuntos de la vida) y nuestra conciencia (conflictos internos) estaban en desacuerdo entre sí, siendo que el llamado estaba puesto en (mí) y yo no estaba en el llamado. Me siento singularizado y privilegiado de que los implantes en forma de conciencia no puedan ser descartados. La expresión entretejida profundamente, martillada en nuestro ADN por medios más allá del entendimiento humano está despertando, vibrando, buscando su nuevo camino y enfocándose con una carga renovada para encender.

En retrospectiva, lo que es interno se vuelve externo y nos involucramos en el intercambio con la libertad de la invocación más pura de ese nuevo yo. Así que continuamos como portadores de luz, iluminando el camino más oscuro en la sustitución más sutil de sombras enigmáticas, luz y oscuridad.

Una mente... Un corazón... Una conciencia... Un espíritu... todo encapsulado en un artilugio de huesos y piel fresca con estos soy apto para hacer guerra espiritual y orden teocrático!

Alabado sea y santifique al Dios Todopoderoso (YHWH)

Rafael G Gonzalez

Thursday, October 31, 2024

Divine love *


Divine love is highly embracing, overwhelming, all encompassing...only cowards find it to be a challenge,

Those who have been searched (intentions read out loud) by the Holy spirit can give a thorough and complete witness in absences of fear,

loyal love echoes from the most remote, and this perfect quality can not be summarized, defined or expressed at it's least form,

The continuance expansion of this quality is fully dependent on nourishment, not something to be left along the side road as trivial matters,

I ask this question when does the teaching becomes antiquated, when does the rhythmic overtones exhaust the subject or when the subject require a different approach ? 

In the presence of Divine Love the teaching is never antiquated ! The subject is never exhausting, by seeking it we endeavor to a higher state of consciousness as it can't be defined, summarized or in a cowardly manner fear it's true attachment !

El amor divino es sumamente abrazante, abrumador, abarca todo, sólo los cobardes lo encuentran un desafío,

Aquellos que han sido buscados (intenciones leídas en voz alta) por el Espíritu Santo pueden dar un testimonio completo en ausencia del miedo,

El amor leal resuena desde lo más remoto, y esta cualidad perfecta no puede resumirse, definirse ni expresarse en su forma más mínima,

La expansión continua de esta cualidad depende completamente de la nutrición, no es algo que se deje a un lado como un asunto trivial,

Hago esta pregunta: ¿cuándo la enseñanza se vuelve anticuada, cuando los matices rítmicos agotan el tema o cuando el tema requiere un enfoque diferente? 

 ¡En presencia del Amor Divino la enseñanza nunca es anticuada! El tema nunca es agotador, al buscarlo nos esforzamos por alcanzar un estado superior de conciencia, ya que no puede definirse, resumirse o temer de manera cobarde su verdadero apego y hallazgo.

*Special guest

Rafael G gonzalez

Monday, October 14, 2024

True and Faithful


You’ who dare challenge “The Almighty Divine and host-of-host”
You' who through countless counterfeits, schemes and treacherous acts of calculus...swept into a black-hole with no end in sight.
How have you’ fared against the supreme power structure ? Have you gained anything of worth ? Have you’ added a second of breath to your’ eternal damnation ?
How have you’ fared against the lesser of flesh and bones ? Your’ preferred target for bullying and carrying out an endless scores ?
Have these also made your’ challenge of twisted views, a shameful act of desperation ?
Hold and be hold...a cloud of lightening that bear witness through faith, that your’ cowardly acts conceive no fruits, these Men/Woman of faith, have been a thorn and rise from the ashes you’ consider weak and playground.
Through their weakness, a force-field protects like a shield and growing everyday...mightier and mightier.
You’ the so-called angel of light, in drunk darkness you’ have fallen and left the original place of birth among the stars, expelled and no place found for you’ but a suitable dungeon. This is what “The Almighty Divine host-of-host and Jesus-Christ (Michael) have said...The true and faithful.
Rafael G
Tú ' que te atreves a desafiar "AL Todopoderoso Divino y anfitrión de anfitriones"
Tú que a través de innumerables falsificaciones, esquemas y actos traicioneros de cálculo...arrastrado a un agujero negro sin final a la vista.
¿Cómo te ha ido en contra de la estructura de poder supremo ? ¿Has ganado algo de valor ? ¿Has "añadido un segundo de aliento a tu" condenación eterna ?
¿Cómo te ha ido contra el menor de carne y huesos ? Su ' objetivo preferido para el acoso y la realización de un sinfín de puntuaciones ?
¿Estos también han hecho de su ' desafío de puntos de vista retorcidos, un acto vergonzoso de desesperación ?
Agárrate y agárrate...una nube de relámpagos que dan testimonio a través de la fe, de que sus' actos cobardes no conciben frutos, estos Hombres/Mujeres de fe, han sido una espina y se levantan de las cenizas que consideran débiles y patillo tracero.
A través de su debilidad, un campo de fuerza protege como un escudo y crece todos los días...más y más poderoso.
Tú, el llamado ángel de luz, en la oscuridad, has caído y has dejado el lugar de nacimiento original entre las estrellas, expulsado y no se ha encontrado ningún lugar para ti, sino un calabozo adecuado. Esto es lo que "EL Divino y Todopoderoso hueste de huestes y Jesucristo (Miguel) han dicho...El verdadero y fiel.

Rafael G

Frail Web (revised) *


Frail Web :

While space allotments are available and one has the golden opportunity to shine, why not do so and become the friction to the machine grinding at the self-worth ! In today’s information age one should be trying to search out those who have the least gains...you may have. Of what purpose is gaining and self- preservation when at the end one has little to show for ? Your friends, contacts, and family deserve the best of you. If one is just using their medium of allotted time for selfies, social gossip, malicious rumors, and routines (broken rhythms), publishing articles of little relevance don’t expect light to drop in for a photo opportunity...you maybe lucky and fortunate. I will speak truth that is alien to man, so that the conscientious alarm carrying out it's internal conflicts, can set the stage for an awaken new self. 
If I can be that guide in my own struggles, then I can truly be free. I can boast and say well, here in Google in the years of stay my audience has remained loyal and steadfast. If 10,000 hits a month was worth it, I say let’s do it again. Here in my short years in face-book if its anything of worth, my Poetry has gotten plenty of exercise.

Either way I stay humble even from immature characters that pop-up every-now-and-then...in expectation of a consolation ! Its a fragile-web and only the well seasoned can plot its course. In a way I feel many will not fare well in the real test of time and times again. The Almighty Divine’ has been my guide, fine tuned. I stretch my mind far  and beyond...one would be lost !

Before someone does loose me or I loose them, I try and stay level-headed ! How one stays at that level ? The final call and  The mission !!!

Let us deviate for a while on that, in Chinese classic “ Ninja Wolves” were loyal servants, no equal. In Western society we have nothing close, that is why its Iron and clay...it doesn’t stick well, now I’m prophesying ! I count the seasons, carrying internal yearns for the global family as a whole...its deep. Many will miss the point beyond the signs and that is the hurt, too “all those we loved, their is a share of Burden “. Those left behind may very well be the front runners in the final call, but we never give up on the mission.

There is ominous signs, blacks clouds, clouds of fire hovering above us...the simple minded have little access too these markers, as those who have taken serious the awareness and expand that charity “here I’m” it calls restlessly. What mechanism will trigger the envisioned trajectory of lame sleep-walkers, slumbering in their own contrive? By remaining focus adjustments and re-alignments maybe worth those being properly nourished. How much of a “Ninja Wolf” cry, howling will harvest ?...I have the brightest guest !

At a cellular level today's newborns are more humanoids then the expected free expression, they are being restructured and modified by tinkering with the genetic code. Countless are void of free-expression, innate to normal development. As our environment continues to erode...our water, air, food supply and many commodities essential for human survival are also carriers of trans-genetic material making the course even greater in challenges. Today's communities of barbaric scientist have stretched the boundaries of ethics...and trashed the moral compass. 
Actually they are behind the social decadency, and the trans-human agenda, other Western and develop societies have disowned nefarious practices, experiments against humanity. Its worth mentioning that there is a conspiracy at full display like looking at a Hi-definition TV set without rousing conscience, now that is sublime as a carry out order.

Here is the next trouble-shooter I, count on you the global family to unite and peacefully break the shackles of the oppression ! The Global human race is Divine...but something, someone whether physical or spirit...bind or divide can’t overcome this resiliency of spiritual resistance. “Our cherished inheritance Earth’ calls out its spoils...but never the mission ! I give both what its worth in do time.

But time is ticking away…we are all one family ! If the struggles is going to be benevolent...don’t let it be without resistance. I may very well see us on the other side, but the fight is on...masses seek The Way’ out from aggravated chaos making claims at our potentials. We don’t want to become halves, divided, more likely bond by principles, virtues and the spirit, motivation which guides it. Encapsulating ourselves from reality can drive insanity dis-proportionally at new heights, unable to see through the jungle of trip-wire, the inexperience charge at the gauntlet like madness...by-passing all rules of what is common. 
There are weak links within the complex, these reactions can incorporate at any given time, any moment when transitioning engages at the gears. From a spiritual transmutation, the flesh is weak and fragile, yet the Spirit contends with both. Now we have the actuating driver...if the Spirit is more powerful then the flesh, where do we find ourselves at the space allotment ?

It is wishful-thinking the masses will wake up all suddenly re-start the machine and observe its mechanism, As mentioned before too many anomalies breaking down the Divinity of what is human. We’re all special when comes to superlativeness, from the miracle of life’ and descending into a black hole of contraptions, oblivious often duped beyond the normal parameters. The 80’s whence worth there can be little room to suggest humans are the factors behind the great awakening...if anything its a combination of both, the experiment and the exchange of conscience innate...absent of corruption. 
During the incubation period of nine months, what goes down the pipelines of life is heart retching. Today’s humanoids are hooked to a not So-Smart phone making decisions, constructs of sifting through information and not reading and discerning its content. If one was using other digital devices...Laptop, Desktop or a Tablet then things changes, because now one is not just sifting through small graphics, rather at leisure get the solid message, so many want to make available. As a consolation the Spirit takes pleasure in all Earthly activities. So whether one is transitioning or anchored in the trenches, it is this medium we all take for granted.

Truth has become a vigilant and fallibleness a link often invisible ancient curse, with these we wrangle, have we lost sight ? To the point we no longer care ? Could there be wishful thinking, that all are not left behind ? I gather we can do much better, and conspire with all who have traces of Divinity verses the counterfeits. The fraud is dismissed as imitations, to reflect on what is wholesome or emulate its pathological behavior is a obstacle-course and charts. The navigator plots the passageway...by no means of turbulence and hindrance can the focus be derailed. Keep the eyes on the prize O' yes, hard times ahead, but that is the essential to surviving the next course.


Let me rise with the words of truth,

Let me descend with the words of the same,

Give me truth for breakfast,

Give me truth for lunch,

Give me truth for dinner,

Give me truth in between and the night,

Give me truth in my dreams and nightmares,

Let me walk in the path of the light, and of darkness…

Like fire ignites, energizes let the truth be just as strong,

Let truth consume me, so that my call is

not be in vain,

I find truth or it will find me...there is no way out !

By : Rafael G Gonzalez 

The Great Tribulation :

A tribulation so catastrophic pass events will look pale in comparison, pass conflicts enrolled with the present compounded with modern science...the frame work is already being laid out. Its been a slow process, but very methodical. At the final stages fast approaching only the signs in association, can be of value to trend seeker’s. If one can puzzle together these riddles of human manifestation, and connect the dots...we are somewhat ahead in what will encompass the whole earth. According to the “Georgia guide stone” the human population is to be reduced to 500,000 million. The earth population is at about 7 billion, at times I’m led to believe there is a kill switch for the global family. The wickedness of such demonic deviancy is not a joke...they’re on time and schedule, in a prophetic sense the protocols for this doomsday scenario is in sync with other prophetic writings of benevolent nature, certainly not for the great conspirator’s or men-of-sin! The men of lawlessness are the slave class for the dark forces since the beginning of time. They have Don the cloak of subversion and operate in complete clandestine secrecy, or so it seems !

As a matter of fact these degenerate boast in finishing the work of the next would be head-of-state, the world is their backyard for some of the cruelest abuse and human suffering. America Has Been at War 93% of the Time – 222 out of 239 Years – Since 1776. It will eventually turn its attention back home after failed attempts in one World domination. Woe to the gullible citizens who are hoodwinked in believing a greater tomorrow. The earth can be destroyed and rebuilt from the ashes countless times over...But who will remain as slaves to do the massive scale efforts ? Its a speculation so dear to them, its hard to embrace the fundamentals. 

To them a big-bang brings order out of chaos...going back to the barbaric scientist lap dogs’ the human cattle must be milked and then skinned for processing. *2019 will be another turning point in human activities...just like 1914 was a turning point of prophesies. The Anglo-apartheid system that emerge since 1776 along its sister nations, are part of seven world powers in succession. Seven is the last power to be annexed the same way who did the last six, its personal and Divine. I can prove all seven in time-lines but that would be much for me, I’m not a fluent writer and besides the information I already have. So the great conspirator has had seven chances to make right his accusations of universal sovereignty in question, the rebellion and many failed experiments should be of jubilee that he has not succeeded.

So we have a fight ahead of us...239 years to human reparations, these events will be the beginning for the final cataclysm. The great tribulation shall usher in turmoil and complete darkness for a period of time.

Armageddon :

All the elements from the four corners of the planet will be stirred, to survive this horrific damnation against wickedness, righteousness is choice one has already made. There are movies and speculation on how this will unfold, even the elites are building underground bunkers and food storage supply...why ? because they’re much aware just as many, that the writings on walls are the casting nets against all vileness.
The great flood of the pass destroyed all life not suitable and kept a selection in tact...in the next World wide cleansing operation, the celestial host-of-host has plans in marching orders. Stay tune and awake the messenger has not yet finished !

Rafael G Gonzalez

Praise to the Almighty God (YHWH) * As I saw 2019 a turning point in human activities, the only revisions were grammar. The message is complete and thanks to the audience for helping me, look back at some of these writings.

Much love to the global family !

Saturday, October 12, 2024

My special guest (Revised)


 Jehovah (YHWH) Almighty and Divine blessed be your name to time infinite,

all these emotions, commotions all this burning and heighten feelings I must shift it all back to you.

It is because of you, I spend restless nights evoking your Divine person,

so that the credit all falls back on your saintly schemes and Holiest of operations,

I'm awake, alert and in full expectations,

take me home and make use of this vessel,

you so rightly have claim over as personal property,

as a closing statement...if I must say it only a few have access,

energies link with superb energies,

My dear please comfort her with the gentlest of touch make her our choice,

it is through these lost moments I find reality to be a blitz, and brain storming to be the true nature of your framing what the heart can weave,

yes, it takes me away deep into the night and your spirit doesn't release,

with the sweetest of dreams, you comfort and entertain with the of greatest gifts, a child could ever wish, 

Your love is all embracing and lacking or needful my heart is all content to the fullest.

 *special guest (YHWH)

Rafael Gonzalez

10/12/24 3:33am


Thursday, October 10, 2024

Divine schemes * Special guest


May your Divine schemes look upon (me), and never depart from (me), may it take deep root as far as the earth's core.
Grant the courage and access to view your commands, mandates, as the blessings already present in gifts and charitable works of your hands.
My heart is heavy for you,
Allow (me) to fight the good fight until my soul slowly wear's out (dims) and through dynamic energy replenish and recycle for those greater moments not yet seen.
If dreaming is the counterfeit of reality...I boast even greater, for what you have made material it truly fits well.
Truly you're my God (Jehovah) the Almighty and Divine, host-of-host...and among the countless god's, they remain impotent, powerless and a shame to look upon. I have made you my strong-hold and summons that supreme authority to seize what is rightfully yours.
Que tus esquema Divinos, tus planes Divinos me miren y nunca se aparten de mí, que echen raíces profundas hasta el núcleo de la tierra.
Concede la valentía y el acceso a ver tus mandamientos, mandatos, como las bendiciones ya presentes en los dones y obras caritativas de tus manos.
Mi corazón está pesado por ti,
Permíteme pelear la buena batalla hasta que mi alma se desgaste lentamente (se atenúe) y a través de energía dinámica, reponga y recicle para esos momentos más importantes que aún no se han visto.
Si el soñar es la falsificación de la realidad... Me jactaré aún más, porque lo que has hecho material realmente encaja bien.
En verdad eres mi Dios (Jehová), Todopoderoso y Divino, hueste de huestes... y entre los innumerables dioses, ellos permanecen impotentes, sin poder y es una vergüenza mirarlos.
Te he hecho mi fortaleza y convoco a esa autoridad suprema para que se apodere de lo que es sumamente su derecho.
Rafa EL G Gonzalez

Monday, October 7, 2024

Consumed (Revised) *

This is how I, feel in serving the Almighty God...and applying this scripture " gave to Caeser the things of and God the things of. It's very thin-line like walking on water for a human-being.
I have become consumed with the reality that we are human shields between to two highly organized opposing tents, in which we are used in the advancement of hidden agendas. we have at times little insight into its source or operations. It's beyond the average human understanding, it is spiritual and physical. We’re stretched like a human rubber-band to the point of exhaustion, we know so little yet find a way out, from our daily twist and turns. It's indiscriminate, it has no eyes or logic, it is blind, we’re encouraged to carry on in the faith.

Faith has its limits, so death becomes the logical option...as a death roll recipient, it is the most viable battle cry. As I peer into the unseen, the drama...above the average, a grotesques portrait is magically revealed like a master's paint brush... canvas its timely piece. I reach out for something to save me from this selective service, I question how do I carry this out-of-body challenges...spiritual, physical consumed by its indiscriminate blindness.

Again and again, the human suffering, the news of the helpless, the rubber-band stretches and stretches to the point it breaks countless...the unaware! Like the leaves driven and tossed by the winds of change into relevant places...the mothers, fathers, the little, the young, the unborn and so death.

The relief so long anticipated, the challenges never to metastasize, the selective service for which we became a call of duty to decipher the higher revelations.
Is it real ? Just like the pain that actuates me, to pen these words of truth, I feel vexed and young, eternalized in my father's heart, defying and humble, my time is approaching, can the space allotted be extended until one totally consumes me !

Remember the pains of labor, all the pain equates to the joyous harmony of everlasting attachments between the two opposing forces. It's not the time, but that moment spent nourishing the energy whether positive or negative...one is being discovered. Don't see time...seize the opportunity !
* That same year, a blood test discovered I had a very rare advanced blood cancer. The reason it didn't take (me) out because an excellent care-taker and the greater schemes for spiritual warfare ! It went into remission and not by chance, fours years or better. I never knew about it's disappearing act.
By: Raphael G

Let the light shine (Revised) *



Let (me) comfort you, my dear host-of-host...Holiest-of-Holiest.

I can recall how you felt cut to the heart as your covenant nation, which

you considered in Holy matrimony (figurative speaking).

They went astray and absorbed by other adulterous nations of phallic worship.

How through Abraham the faithful, your promise came into fruition and Jacob, blessed with twelve sons (twelve tribes) and how you organized the growing numbers of these. The Northern Kingdom and Southern Kingdom. The constant rivalry and treacherous acts of disobedience, the blood-letting of these offspring's. Yet your patience and everlasting love...kept you in mission and eye's on the prize, the greater outcome.

How you made calls after calls for their return,

How you appointed Kings 45 (forty five) in succession, 1117 B.C.E.(Saul first King).  In fulfillment of this kingdom covenant toward David, there followed a line of kings of Jerusalem all in the family line of King David. Counted from David’s kingship in Jerusalem in 1070 B.C.E. this kingdom with a dynasty of Davidic kings in Jerusalem lasted for 463 years, or till 607 B.C.E. So this means that, when we count from the year 1117 B.C.E., when the prophet Samuel anointed Saul as king over all Israel, the nation of Israel had visible kings for 510 years. However, Jehovah was the invisible King. of Davidic dynasty. Judges, Prophets, and finally your begotten son (Jesus) welcome reign, the finalist in succession.

You have overly extended, stretched the fruits of your Divine spirit, and undeserved-kindness.

I’m just a rogue (rough-man) of the nations, a pawn in the grand schemes of things…

I don’t fit your Saintly and Divine superlative yearns, but I will say this allow (me) to be a comforter, for those distressing calls not taken into account.

Your begotten son Jesus (welcome-reign) continued in the path of out-reach, to the nations tossed about  like  sheep's without shepherds. The heaviest of emotional sentiments poured like rain showers, Divine poetry alludes compassion beyond compare. How you wish to gather your personal property like a "hen gather's it’s chicks under it’s wing"...should I continue pressing the quality of your person ?

Jesus (welcome-reign) made good to reference your tireless work, and so he stated “if my father at work, so I’m at work.”

Through a selection of order, the Holy spirit commissioned Jesus (welcome reign) “son” and gave authority to bring about suitable vessels, for the final gathering. Til this day you have made (me) one of those selections.

I seek your presence once to often, and have not denied (me) access, this I well know!

It is through the expression that you have made right, so please make use of this vessel and hold nothing back, and take (me) home as you wish.

Allow (me) to reciprocate those distressing calls, yearns, signals and this slave be humbled at the least.

I don’t question your supreme authority or extreme, balanced power. I don’t need to see the waters divide, clouds of fire, great walls crumble, large armies defeated in one night, or Angel’s illuminate my darkest path.

You my dear have done charitable acts beyond my asking...in debt I shall be for life duration which is the eternal call.

Praised, laud, sanctify be your Holiest name (Jehovah=YHWH)

* Special quest (YHWH)

Rafael G Gonzalez

Victory Song "we shall overcome" *



Take me home in victory and triumphant in all gratitude deprive not my life’s sojourn to serve out the allotment time and with meaningful aperture into the New World.

Let me, taste the expression of promise and the words of a loyal King. Life holds all meaning if we can cause the enemy of the Almighty God to slip with the little of expression he leaned on,

being the lesser was not on equal terms when we have guidance and power over the spirit through the Mightiest-of-Mightiest eternal host,

It wont be long before this wretched and decaying system goes into convulsions for a long awaited over-haul, and the victory song “ We shall overcome” and “take me to the promise” as we march ever forward with renewed strength and greatest of hope.

I can see the new horizon coming into view and it never looked so touching to glance at a distance and moments of pause,

There is a great crowd and a vast mixed company of parade-marchers moving steadfast and forward, with an army of light bearer’s in witnessing to the Celestial host (Jehovah God and welcome reign). So remain focus and “keep the eyes on prize and stay on mission” I be there with with you or die trying that is the call.

My greatest of LOVE is when I open my eye’s and see you there, in vows and oath...I can only hope we can hold hands together and eternity in LOVE embrace.

“Only fear Jehovah, and you must serve him in truth with all your heart; for see what great things he has done for you.”—1 Sam. 12:24.

Praise, laud, sanctify the Almighty God Jehovah (YHWH).

* Special guest

 Rafael G Gonzalez

Saturday, October 5, 2024

Main event (Host-of-Host) * Special guest

 If my sleep deviated for a moment it was worth all the while...several hours meditating, several hours writing, a few here and there in prayers. And then day-breaks from the far-east a piercing light boldly, slowly cast darkness into surprising delight. Day-walker's march to the chant of feathers in flight, choreographic muse like a choir fine tune. 

From the stage (heavenly realms) to the audience (Earthlings), Divine poetry showcase the finest amphi-theatrics(open-air), drama...the main attraction like no show on earth. The main event cracks open curtains (clouds) and unveils a host of intrigues, fascination for the imagination the spectacle of true love joy and all embracing...but who the invited, and who the guest ? and the performers that never wear or burn out. 

The greatest and priceless events we all take for granted, to the extent the insight doesn't fit all. So ladies and gentleman what you see today, you may not see tomorrow ! But some here today will be entertained for life's duration and beyond, that is eternity...seeker's delight !

 * YHWH 

Rafa EL G Gonzalez

Potter's vessel (Revised) * Special guest

May the order and kingship have no end, and not just bound to earth. May the universe be the expanse of loyal subjects to colonize, your works are marvelous and in all my humbleness I speak in riddles not yet foreseen,

Your greatness can’t be measured in numbers by mere mortals, their existence is like the dust particles,cosmic drift that have not yet settled, they are lost and have no direction.

Seek out the choicest accordingly, may their vibrational drive equate melodies in your celestial abode, eternity and infinity are your kin.

In labor pains all the vast expanse declared your glory,

All the commotion you stir in my soul and not by chance, I keep writing,vigilant and upright...yet there is a void only you can fill !

I have missed thee for a thousand year, yet you keep account of every stroke of breath in my contemptible state, it is my vehement desire to fully stretch this potter’s vessel...holding a promised resurrection.
(C) right
Raphael G

When the Holy spirit convicts (love,mercy,compassion,undeserving-kindness,long-suffering) a person, it has no where to run.

What the King desires the King gets, there is no point denying that.

For better measures it wont leave me alone. In submission I recognize these activities

as a grand scheme, of a father’s yearn to reconcile with his beloved child.

Day and night it’s like a tug-of-war, yes expressions,gifts woven deep in the sacred chamber (womb) God Almighty work-shop.

The King won’t be denied...I stand convicted and there is healing in that great name !

So here I am... send me, send me I bow to these mysteries only two can consent. In all my humbleness and new beginning stretch this potter’s vessel.

Jehovah Almighty God (YHWH) is my eternal crush!


Raphael G
