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Espinas/Thorns (Revised)

  Si la espina es fisica O' de otros aspectos rudimentario ciertamente no lo es en lo espiritual,   y para esto tengo securidad, interve...

Showing posts with label A warrior's journey. Show all posts
Showing posts with label A warrior's journey. Show all posts

Thursday, December 19, 2024

Slave girl II

Slave girl :

May through her you find the pleasures of your works,
In the privacy of your intimacy (fellow-worker/relationship) bring her back home,
may her death-bed be a blessing, and not unsightly to onlooker's, a tower, a rock, one of the faithful of your choice.
May you strike her with energies beyond compare,
May your Divine will take order and completely restore your slave girl, in sound and perfect, today, tomorrow I shall wait.
Why do you cause so much commotion in my extremities?
Did you secretly woven us, that our dates of birth into this paradise of delight correlate, and we are one at your service ?
There is joy and pain that one, can't do without the other,
There is blissful birth pangs, and great joy that forgets all...I feel the same to many times from your undeserving kindness.
It is to much for me, since I was not born into your tent of holy blessings, I'm but a rough man of the nations.
I don't deserve your shield of protection to such extent, but your love has healed me and that is sufficient .
There is no Greater God (YHWH) then that of my ancestor's of faith...make me, one of those if so wish, but please bear, I'M just a rough man of the nations.
I can only pay a debt with a debt, but one to many. I hope someday you will take-up my resistance, to make right.

Rafael G Gonzalez
2/7/23 1:53 AM

Thursday, December 12, 2024

Friday, December 6, 2024

Special guest II * (Revised)


I have missed her like a fleeting spring breeze of many seasons,

Her absences has become a memorial stamped in my soul,

I'm under the good impression that these forces will merge if there be a Divine will,

A call is heard and it's not your average day-break,

in places I have not known a hang-over of moments (Experiences) pass replace the void I eagerly embrace to often,

what stands against these verses have never expand the superlativeness of a quality so Divine,

yes, in life's journeys...truth, loyalty, and love are the sojourner's in the invisible presences it can no longer deny,

If I seek a comforter its a hollow void, and in these thoughts that emanate from the profound deep....certainly are my guide,

I must continue pressing forward until one totally consumes me,

as touching as it may seem, not so touching the absence, presences and all encompassing, that is God's slave girl that we hold so dear,

Our hearts are an open portal for your access, only a few in a selection and you one of them,

She lights up the house of God like a lamp stand, and her smile a thousand color spectrum and millenniums of love joy,

From what stockpile of those energies you released her, and after the fine-tuning what draft orders are in place ?


La he extrañado como una brisa primaveral fugaz de muchas estaciones,

Su ausencias se han convertido en un memorial estampado en mi alma,

Tengo la buena impresión de que estas fuerzas se fusionarán si hay una voluntad Divina,

Se escucha un llamado y no es un amanecer común,

en lugares que no he conocido, una resaca de momentos (experiencias) pasado reemplazan el vacío que abrazo con entusiasmo y con demasiada frecuencia,

lo que se opone a estos versos nunca ha expandido la superlatividad de una cualidad tan Divina,

sí, en los viajes de la vida... la verdad, la lealtad y el amor son los peregrinos en las presencias invisibles que ya no se puede negar,

Si busco un consolador es un vacío hueco, y en estos pensamientos que emanan de lo profundo... ciertamente son mi guía,

Debo seguir presionando hacia adelante hasta que uno me consuma por completo,

por conmovedor que parezca, no tan conmovedor la ausencia, las presencias y todo lo abarcante, que es la esclava de Dios que tanto apreciamos,

Ella ilumina la casa de Dios como un candelabro divino, y su sonrisa es un espectro de mil colores y milenios de amor y alegría,

¿De qué reservas de esas energías la liberaste y, después del ajuste-fino,qué órdenes preliminares están en vigor?

Rafael G Gonzalez

*YHWH (Slave girl)




Sunday, November 24, 2024

The Conscience (Global Conscience)


"My only friend, counselor, and second in command,
the only voice that speaks to me on a regular basis with zero bias, I never feel alone with its presence. The conscience yearns and suffers with those of conscientiousness, as for those absent  of conscience, their pain is suffering the limitations of their exploits.
The black clouds...eternal stain, the bottomless contrived, the ever present weaver of mischievousness, bridges that burn, souls that yearn, the stare that pierce the soul, the cries that molest my deep sleep, and the eternal alarm that never seems to flee."
If one is conscious, one is awake, alert, aware, one searches for something that fills voids. An individual seeks a treasure in the same matter, life saving knowledge is reserved for those yearning and sighing for greater revelation in their internal conflict. Yes the conscious is an internal conflict being carried out by your divine implants, our father loves his children, this self guiding exchange is ever present...why not seek it and stop the obstructions.

Consciousness awake and rise from the deep slumber, express that which has been asleep for the final trial and judgement,
Instruct the idleness and stagnant energies to transform that able body,
become a friction to all resistance, opposition to what is truly  Divine,
Create a corridor like a dividing wall and channel all that which is fruitful and just cause,
shrink not to the adversary, his power is dimming even in it's total darkness,
herald in awareness so many can nourish the spark of hope,
Summons all that is Holy and Divine, praise and laud "The Almighty God (YHWH) Jehovah, and prove the arch enemy has failed.

I'm not your enemy Oh Almighty one' just merely a benefactor of your great benevolence, I ride the wind on behalf of your directions, I breathe this substance that energizes every cell in my contemptible state of folly and ignorance.Why would you hold such blindness to your stature? Allow me to serve out your time in the space allotment! Did you not received me with jubilee when I first cracked open the sacred chamber? Why do I perceive the Spirit in retrieval?

What has happened to my dreams of delight, where sons hold their father's hand and feel a sense of security! Were you not the master craftsman whom put words of meaning in my mouth? Shall we journey together or should I perish in the hands of tomb-robbers? and body snatchers! They plot against the Most Holiest day and night, my soul feels devastation from the twisted views, let me fight on your side Oh mighty warrior! Was I not the last out of a great crowd? and did you not plan my exit well? I was my mother's birthday gift, she was in a blissful joy in labor pains...you have rewarded her well.

Are you not the one referenced in your own writings, with extended hands, making invitations and selections? Then allow me to fatten myself for a little while until the final call, in the banquet table!
Let the anointment and sacrifice take place as you so wish...but permit me to honor the Most High God and Holiest of Holiest.

Raphael G

Flower of Holy Spirit (Revised)


Egret flower

To the devastation's of war and famine that follows right behind like the four rider's of apocalyptic scene's no human can embrace in a right mind set. There will always be a more serene vision for the oppressed and less fortunate. They shall rise with wings of phoenix and from the ashes deconstruct the instruments of hatred, and be the most blessed for their steadfastness in hope of exchange.

I feel completely at ease and I'm not just jiving that through-out life's challenges, ordeals I wouldn't have enjoyed the way it has transformed and created the other half which I been longing for. I can truly express fully the whole person molded and placed in reserves for the greater awakening.
How do I see (me) a man to be held in contempt or a man for the greater works ?
Almighty God (YHWH) is my witness...and so here I'm

Consciousness awake and rise from the deep slumber, express that which has been asleep for the final trial and judgement,
Instruct the idleness and stagnant energies to transform that able body,
become a friction to all resistance, opposition to what is truly Divine,
Create a corridor like a dividing wall and channel all that which is fruitful and just cause, shrink not to the adversary, his power is dimming even in it's total darkness,
herald in awareness so many can nourish the spark of hope,
Summons all that is Holy and Divine, praise and laud "The Almighty God (YHWH) Jehovah, and prove the arch enemy has failed.

All things kept secret find no use for those searching the light, as for the expression it becomes ostracized and a villain for making available secrets to posterity and observing righteous growth ! All things kept in obscurity is repugnant, and all things that arts darkness is a miscarriage of Divine Justice.

It's been a heavy burden carrying-out the mandates of God Almighty Jehovah (Truth), but not heavy enough to separate me from it. Every opportunity in which I can be a counter weight, and counter-productive, I boast as being that contender with a heavy price.
If I boast it's certainly not the same way others may see it fit, and if my boasting creates some kind of friction, I boast even greater, because through the operations of the Holiest-of-Holiest my person is being manifest in weakness and tribulations for the betterment of those who feel left behind...and certainly its not my cause.

Release from bondage all that is kept secret,
all that which is hostile and holds the expression hostage,
Express the self in purity,
express the self in the simpleness of mind to what is love,
fill the self with the fruits of the Holiest-of-Holiest,
Allow the attributes of saintly and Divine to take hold of what is rightfully his own,
express the self to the point the spoiler and usurper can’t find traction and cause it to slip,
what ever it takes to find within the self to uphold the moral conscience...stay the course,
water that sits stale and stagnant remain flat and finds no traction,
water that is constantly moving, flowing fills gaps and these new orders replace the old habits,
as the wheel in the sky turns (Celestial Chariot) doing away with the antiquated traditions, versions and cause to cease and desist that which is hindrance in the corridor of space,
this continuity of flowing living water is not all that new...but a reminder of what is law and transitioning from it,
remain a friction to the apparatus of deceitful schemes,
make it your own to walk in the person of the faithful slave,
Disown the self to renew and replenish all which is old and make use the excellence of works,
call out the ancient (YHWH) of time and make it your stronghold, in needful places it never fails,
your call is not in vain but the actions maybe serving different causes,
remain grounded and seek not the temporary and trivial matters of life that herniates the true self and expression.
Thank you all for the support and allowing our blog to grow, expand and reach it's audience. Facebook and google have been instrumental, along the many other media outlets. April has been a good month, so I express it in all gratitude. The nations of the World, the global family, and friends who have stay the course through some very rough times. You have gone beyond my expectations, and that's why I'm still here and will remain a while. I shall continue publishing articles poetic notes and journeys, and what ever internally seeks in the outside.
Much love,
You have my blessings,
Rafael G Gonzalez

Sunday, November 3, 2024

Internal conflicts (Revised)

  I will speak truth that is alien to man, so that the conscientious alarm carrying out it's internal conflicts, can set the stage for an awaken new self. If I can be that guide in my own struggles, then I can truly be free. 

And when I say free, it's not on my own accord, but by a new set of virtues absent of pass yearnings for the revelations to a higher state of conformity. Disowning the self is letting go completely all that which has been a hindrance, and embarking on a continuance journey of reparation and restoration of that newly acquire calling of awareness,

Being conscience of these out of body exchanges is an overgrowth of collective assignments in life's journeys and alignment with the internal conflicts. It becomes the life long experience and duration, that can become a question of selection and not chance. How many of us at one time or another felt like life affairs had no alignment with the internal conflicts ?

 Our daily routines (life affairs) and conscience (internal conflicts) were at odds with each other, being that the call was placed on (me) and me not on the call. I feel singled out and privileged that the implants in form of conscientiousness can't be dismissed. The expression woven deep, hammered into our DNA by means beyond  human understanding is awakening, vibrating, seeking it's new path and focused with a revived charge to spark.

In retrospect what is internal become external and we engage the exchange with the freedom of purest invocation of that new self. So we carry on as light bearers, illuminating the darkest path in the most subtle substitution of enigmatic shades, light and darkness.

A mind...A heart...A conscience...A spirit... all encapsulated in a contraption of fresh and bones with these I'm suited to make spiritual warfare, and theocratic order !

Praise and sanctify the Almighty God (YHWH)

Diré la verdad que es ajena al hombre, para que la alarma consciente que lleva a cabo sus conflictos internos, pueda preparar el escenario para un nuevo yo despierto. Si puedo ser ese guía en mis propias luchas, entonces podré ser verdaderamente libre.

Y cuando digo libre, no es por mi propia voluntad, sino por un nuevo conjunto de virtudes ausentes de anhelos pasados ​​por las revelaciones a un estado superior de conformidad. Desconocer el yo es dejar ir completamente todo lo que ha sido un obstáculo y embarcarse en un viaje continuo de reparación y restauración de ese llamado recién adquirido de conciencia.

Ser consciente de estos intercambios fuera del cuerpo es un crecimiento excesivo de las tareas colectivas en los viajes de la vida y la alineación con los conflictos internos. Se convierte en la experiencia y la duración de toda la vida, que puede convertirse en una cuestión de selección y no de azar.

¿Cuántos de nosotros en un momento u otro sentimos que los asuntos de la vida no estaban alineados con los conflictos internos? Nuestras rutinas diarias (asuntos de la vida) y nuestra conciencia (conflictos internos) estaban en desacuerdo entre sí, siendo que el llamado estaba puesto en (mí) y yo no estaba en el llamado. Me siento singularizado y privilegiado de que los implantes en forma de conciencia no puedan ser descartados. La expresión entretejida profundamente, martillada en nuestro ADN por medios más allá del entendimiento humano está despertando, vibrando, buscando su nuevo camino y enfocándose con una carga renovada para encender.

En retrospectiva, lo que es interno se vuelve externo y nos involucramos en el intercambio con la libertad de la invocación más pura de ese nuevo yo. Así que continuamos como portadores de luz, iluminando el camino más oscuro en la sustitución más sutil de sombras enigmáticas, luz y oscuridad.

Una mente... Un corazón... Una conciencia... Un espíritu... todo encapsulado en un artilugio de huesos y piel fresca con estos soy apto para hacer guerra espiritual y orden teocrático!

Alabado sea y santifique al Dios Todopoderoso (YHWH)

Rafael G Gonzalez

Friday, October 18, 2024

Weakness (revised) 25.24




Hypocrisy, greed, and falsehood are a bottomless contrive.

Just like Satan’s treachery and counterfeits are like a black hole in space.

A thousand years in the abyss is not fitting for such lawless-criminal, homeless, and debased fallen creature.

A thousand life sentences for such and all his devotee’s is little to invoke.

My plea so that the lessor can rest in peace. And there can be jubilee amongst the remnant.

Be charitable O’ you holiest-of-holiest and host-of-host...let them see the verdict, a one in a life time witness !

I have a thorn at my side, and through my weakness your spirit contends...the weakness has become silenced and also the thorn. I’m completely confident, if I remain in weakness the thorn and all it's activities has over-come Satan in all his schemes.

Our enemy has conspired against said short-coming to create a divide of conscience, yet through your compassion, love, mercy and infinite reasoning, I’m set free!

The greatest of wars have been fought in the spiritual world and not the other way around.

Like a prodigal son and social disease, my compassion for all the afflicted and needy of such protection for said tragedy.

The martyr stays in mission and not on trivial matters. This place where it dusk and dawns, this place of my dilemmas, persecution, laments...I know it will go into convulsion soon...and this affirmative action keeps me in expectation.

How do one (a person) educates ignorant people beyond their means ?

Ignorant masses are more dangerous then a loaded weapon aimed at the populace,

It takes such to do harm. Not the other way around !

Beyond their means, but not the spirit… for it is greater then the flesh.

So here is the contention, find the self through the spirit… and extract the thorn in the flesh !

What binds the flesh can’t bind the spirit...and through what means ?

The corruption of the spirit...is the corruption of conscience.

Now that you’ have the means, channel those energies to a higher power !


La hipocresía, la codicia y la falsedad son un ingenio sin fondo.

Al igual que la traición y las falsificaciones de Satanás es como un agujero negro en el espacio.

Mil años en el abismo no es adecuado para tales sin ley-

delincuente, sin hogar, y degradado criatura caída.

Es poco que invocar mil cadenas perpetuas para tales y todas las de su devoto.

Mi súplica para que el arrendador pueda descansar en paz. Y puede haber jubileo entre el remanente.

Sea caritativo O’ usted más sagrado-de-santo y anfitrión-de-anfitrión...dejar que se vean el veredicto, uno en un testimonio de tiempo de vida !

Tengo un espina a mi lado, y através de mi debilidad tu espíritu sostiene...la debilidad se ha silenciado y también la espina. Estoy completamente seguro, si permanezco en la debilidad, la espina ha superado a Satanás en todos sus esquemas. 

Nuestro enemigo ha conspirado contra dicha deficiencia para crear una división de conciencia, sin embargo, através de tu compasión, amor, misericordia y razonamiento infinito, ¡estoy en libertad!

Las guerras mas grandes se an peliado en el mundo espiritual,y no en las fisicas.

Como hijo prodigo y enfermeda social, me compadesco te todos los afligidos y necesitados de proteccion de dicha trageria.

El martyr se mantienen en mission y no en cosas triviales,

Este sitio donde amanece y oscurece, este sitio de mi dilemas, persecuciones, lamentos, se que pronto se convulcionar y esto me mantienen en grande expectacion.


 ¿Cómo se educa a la gente ignorante más allá de sus posibilidades? 

Las masas ignorantes son más peligrosas que un arma cargada dirigida contra la población. Se necesita a alguien así para hacer daño. ¡No al revés! 

Más allá de sus posibilidades, pero no del espíritu… porque es más grande que la carne. Así que aquí está el argumento: ¡encuentre el yo a través del espíritu… y extraiga la espina de la carne! 

Lo que ata a la carne no puede atar al espíritu… ¿y a través de qué medios? 

La corrupción del espíritu… es la corrupción de la conciencia. Ahora que tiene los medios, ¡canalice esas energías hacia un poder superior!

Rafael G


Monday, October 14, 2024

Frail Web (revised) *


Frail Web :

While space allotments are available and one has the golden opportunity to shine, why not do so and become the friction to the machine grinding at the self-worth ! In today’s information age one should be trying to search out those who have the least gains...you may have. Of what purpose is gaining and self- preservation when at the end one has little to show for ? Your friends, contacts, and family deserve the best of you. If one is just using their medium of allotted time for selfies, social gossip, malicious rumors, and routines (broken rhythms), publishing articles of little relevance don’t expect light to drop in for a photo opportunity...you maybe lucky and fortunate. I will speak truth that is alien to man, so that the conscientious alarm carrying out it's internal conflicts, can set the stage for an awaken new self. 
If I can be that guide in my own struggles, then I can truly be free. I can boast and say well, here in Google in the years of stay my audience has remained loyal and steadfast. If 10,000 hits a month was worth it, I say let’s do it again. Here in my short years in face-book if its anything of worth, my Poetry has gotten plenty of exercise.

Either way I stay humble even from immature characters that pop-up every-now-and-then...in expectation of a consolation ! Its a fragile-web and only the well seasoned can plot its course. In a way I feel many will not fare well in the real test of time and times again. The Almighty Divine’ has been my guide, fine tuned. I stretch my mind far  and beyond...one would be lost !

Before someone does loose me or I loose them, I try and stay level-headed ! How one stays at that level ? The final call and  The mission !!!

Let us deviate for a while on that, in Chinese classic “ Ninja Wolves” were loyal servants, no equal. In Western society we have nothing close, that is why its Iron and clay...it doesn’t stick well, now I’m prophesying ! I count the seasons, carrying internal yearns for the global family as a whole...its deep. Many will miss the point beyond the signs and that is the hurt, too “all those we loved, their is a share of Burden “. Those left behind may very well be the front runners in the final call, but we never give up on the mission.

There is ominous signs, blacks clouds, clouds of fire hovering above us...the simple minded have little access too these markers, as those who have taken serious the awareness and expand that charity “here I’m” it calls restlessly. What mechanism will trigger the envisioned trajectory of lame sleep-walkers, slumbering in their own contrive? By remaining focus adjustments and re-alignments maybe worth those being properly nourished. How much of a “Ninja Wolf” cry, howling will harvest ?...I have the brightest guest !

At a cellular level today's newborns are more humanoids then the expected free expression, they are being restructured and modified by tinkering with the genetic code. Countless are void of free-expression, innate to normal development. As our environment continues to erode...our water, air, food supply and many commodities essential for human survival are also carriers of trans-genetic material making the course even greater in challenges. Today's communities of barbaric scientist have stretched the boundaries of ethics...and trashed the moral compass. 
Actually they are behind the social decadency, and the trans-human agenda, other Western and develop societies have disowned nefarious practices, experiments against humanity. Its worth mentioning that there is a conspiracy at full display like looking at a Hi-definition TV set without rousing conscience, now that is sublime as a carry out order.

Here is the next trouble-shooter I, count on you the global family to unite and peacefully break the shackles of the oppression ! The Global human race is Divine...but something, someone whether physical or spirit...bind or divide can’t overcome this resiliency of spiritual resistance. “Our cherished inheritance Earth’ calls out its spoils...but never the mission ! I give both what its worth in do time.

But time is ticking away…we are all one family ! If the struggles is going to be benevolent...don’t let it be without resistance. I may very well see us on the other side, but the fight is on...masses seek The Way’ out from aggravated chaos making claims at our potentials. We don’t want to become halves, divided, more likely bond by principles, virtues and the spirit, motivation which guides it. Encapsulating ourselves from reality can drive insanity dis-proportionally at new heights, unable to see through the jungle of trip-wire, the inexperience charge at the gauntlet like madness...by-passing all rules of what is common. 
There are weak links within the complex, these reactions can incorporate at any given time, any moment when transitioning engages at the gears. From a spiritual transmutation, the flesh is weak and fragile, yet the Spirit contends with both. Now we have the actuating driver...if the Spirit is more powerful then the flesh, where do we find ourselves at the space allotment ?

It is wishful-thinking the masses will wake up all suddenly re-start the machine and observe its mechanism, As mentioned before too many anomalies breaking down the Divinity of what is human. We’re all special when comes to superlativeness, from the miracle of life’ and descending into a black hole of contraptions, oblivious often duped beyond the normal parameters. The 80’s whence worth there can be little room to suggest humans are the factors behind the great awakening...if anything its a combination of both, the experiment and the exchange of conscience innate...absent of corruption. 
During the incubation period of nine months, what goes down the pipelines of life is heart retching. Today’s humanoids are hooked to a not So-Smart phone making decisions, constructs of sifting through information and not reading and discerning its content. If one was using other digital devices...Laptop, Desktop or a Tablet then things changes, because now one is not just sifting through small graphics, rather at leisure get the solid message, so many want to make available. As a consolation the Spirit takes pleasure in all Earthly activities. So whether one is transitioning or anchored in the trenches, it is this medium we all take for granted.

Truth has become a vigilant and fallibleness a link often invisible ancient curse, with these we wrangle, have we lost sight ? To the point we no longer care ? Could there be wishful thinking, that all are not left behind ? I gather we can do much better, and conspire with all who have traces of Divinity verses the counterfeits. The fraud is dismissed as imitations, to reflect on what is wholesome or emulate its pathological behavior is a obstacle-course and charts. The navigator plots the passageway...by no means of turbulence and hindrance can the focus be derailed. Keep the eyes on the prize O' yes, hard times ahead, but that is the essential to surviving the next course.


Let me rise with the words of truth,

Let me descend with the words of the same,

Give me truth for breakfast,

Give me truth for lunch,

Give me truth for dinner,

Give me truth in between and the night,

Give me truth in my dreams and nightmares,

Let me walk in the path of the light, and of darkness…

Like fire ignites, energizes let the truth be just as strong,

Let truth consume me, so that my call is

not be in vain,

I find truth or it will find me...there is no way out !

By : Rafael G Gonzalez 

The Great Tribulation :

A tribulation so catastrophic pass events will look pale in comparison, pass conflicts enrolled with the present compounded with modern science...the frame work is already being laid out. Its been a slow process, but very methodical. At the final stages fast approaching only the signs in association, can be of value to trend seeker’s. If one can puzzle together these riddles of human manifestation, and connect the dots...we are somewhat ahead in what will encompass the whole earth. According to the “Georgia guide stone” the human population is to be reduced to 500,000 million. The earth population is at about 7 billion, at times I’m led to believe there is a kill switch for the global family. The wickedness of such demonic deviancy is not a joke...they’re on time and schedule, in a prophetic sense the protocols for this doomsday scenario is in sync with other prophetic writings of benevolent nature, certainly not for the great conspirator’s or men-of-sin! The men of lawlessness are the slave class for the dark forces since the beginning of time. They have Don the cloak of subversion and operate in complete clandestine secrecy, or so it seems !

As a matter of fact these degenerate boast in finishing the work of the next would be head-of-state, the world is their backyard for some of the cruelest abuse and human suffering. America Has Been at War 93% of the Time – 222 out of 239 Years – Since 1776. It will eventually turn its attention back home after failed attempts in one World domination. Woe to the gullible citizens who are hoodwinked in believing a greater tomorrow. The earth can be destroyed and rebuilt from the ashes countless times over...But who will remain as slaves to do the massive scale efforts ? Its a speculation so dear to them, its hard to embrace the fundamentals. 

To them a big-bang brings order out of chaos...going back to the barbaric scientist lap dogs’ the human cattle must be milked and then skinned for processing. *2019 will be another turning point in human activities...just like 1914 was a turning point of prophesies. The Anglo-apartheid system that emerge since 1776 along its sister nations, are part of seven world powers in succession. Seven is the last power to be annexed the same way who did the last six, its personal and Divine. I can prove all seven in time-lines but that would be much for me, I’m not a fluent writer and besides the information I already have. So the great conspirator has had seven chances to make right his accusations of universal sovereignty in question, the rebellion and many failed experiments should be of jubilee that he has not succeeded.

So we have a fight ahead of us...239 years to human reparations, these events will be the beginning for the final cataclysm. The great tribulation shall usher in turmoil and complete darkness for a period of time.

Armageddon :

All the elements from the four corners of the planet will be stirred, to survive this horrific damnation against wickedness, righteousness is choice one has already made. There are movies and speculation on how this will unfold, even the elites are building underground bunkers and food storage supply...why ? because they’re much aware just as many, that the writings on walls are the casting nets against all vileness.
The great flood of the pass destroyed all life not suitable and kept a selection in tact...in the next World wide cleansing operation, the celestial host-of-host has plans in marching orders. Stay tune and awake the messenger has not yet finished !

Rafael G Gonzalez

Praise to the Almighty God (YHWH) * As I saw 2019 a turning point in human activities, the only revisions were grammar. The message is complete and thanks to the audience for helping me, look back at some of these writings.

Much love to the global family !

Friday, October 11, 2024

El Coqui (revised)

The Native frog from Puerto Rico and Hawaii that causes much commotion to the restless soul's...Or is it the other way around? One of my original poems...about this creatures journey's to strange lands.

Copy (R)
Raphael G

03/24/13 2:44 AM

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Odds/Oppositions (Revised)

 The odds or opposition, it matters not the busy bodies in a consortium of ill guided counsel. The traditions of antiquated hindrance that herniated all aspects that are truly of good nature.

Why step in an arena that is truly a novelty to the unlearned. Why not rebuilt the sagging image that drags all that which is fruitful.

Those who are guided by the spirit live by spirit and there is no corruption. Those with a well trained conscience give a thorough and complete witness before a host that is pure, saintly, benevolent, and sway nor bend to wishes of hearts and souls in detestable reasoning's. 

In conclusion do not destroy what you haven't built, and stay busy on your own affairs, that way that which is built becomes a lodge and resting place for a moments pause.

If you fear (me) and what I write, when the real fear arrives, and the shadow enemy makes the calls you will embrace it with greater eagerness !

Is it sacred to remain ignorant to the chains/shackles that heavily entangles and a snare, the master's we so masterly revere !

Si temes (a mí) y a lo que escribo, cuando llegue el verdadero miedo y el enemigo en la sombra  los llamados lo abrazarás con mayor afán!

¡Es sagrado permanecer ignorante de las cadenas/grilletes que enredan pesadamente y son una trampa, y los maestros que tan magistralmente reverenciamos!

 * Special guest

Rafa EL G Gonzalez

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

True love joy (Revised) *


Cosmos flowers

Guard her like a force-field of protection, built a shield around her encampment
guide her foot-steps as of the fine-tuning of the cosmos
she is truly love-joy and beyond
Where can I go and not find her, what have you done O’ Almighty and Divine...what are your sublime charms up to, why have you kept (me) restless?
Eternity keeps watch over such fineness, in love eternity has fallen
I will live or die trying, she is your slave girl and with greater eagerness I give chase to energies embracing energies
grant (me) access so that those chapters you so sweetly keep and cause your saintly person to shake and vibrate, renew and exchange
the purest dynamic power is found at the core, who has gained access and who have you favored, and what are your choicest ?
A date I have with eternity in love, and superlativeness as gifts bestowed.
* Special guest
Rafael G Gonzalez

Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Quest what ?

 A surgeon removed this thing from my left knee, I wont go into details of what could possibly be, but I'm certain. I spent to weeks in a military hospital in a coma at Fort sill, OK, Why I'm still alive is the Divine will of Almighty God (YHWH).

I have reversed a very serious and rare blood cancer...and my current Dr. said I can't send you for lab work on this past condition because your health/medical profile doesn't meet the criteria. It went into remission four years going.

I have all the document if any one is curious enough to ask the question ? So I place Almighty God as my witness, of what I say stand for. If it be my faith, courage, resiliency, boldness...I surrender to my master creator, I submit with all gratitude for his unequal kindness, love and mercy.

God has healed....Now that you know, channel those feelings/energies to a higher power ! You have my blessings !

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

If I boast !


If I boast it's certainly not the same way others may see it fit, and if my boasting creates some kind of friction, I boast even greater, because through the operations of the Holiest-of-Holiest my person is being manifest in weakness and tribulations for the betterment of those who feel left behind...and certainly its not my cause.
Now that you know channel those feelings/energies to a higher power !

Rafa EL G Gonzalez

Thursday, March 21, 2024

Elitist invite


I wish not be initiated by any cult, sect, new-age- movement, elitist club…

If I stand or stumble “The Christian’s (The Way) which I prefer and embrace in martyrdom or witness.

I have dedicated and in spiritual vows summons the highest authority in heavens, that our union shall not be made to rapture for the temporary and trivial matters of life.

I do respect and admiringly way, must decline any offer that goes against that.

Thou having a thorn at my side, through my LORD and KING in celestial abode,

concedes undeserved kindness, that kindness and mercy are over-stepped and that grieves me,

In honorable death let me, depart without fear that by opening the doorways to the other-side is a blessing bestowed.

I believe more in a resurrection, more then I belief I'm still alive (material)...a martyr's wish...a martyr's call. This energy is yours, there is nothing called self, that resides here in this contraption of flesh and bones,  I yearn for your presence. Design a scheme for us, and I will blindly follow.

By accurate knowledge I have been set free !


 Rafa EL G Gonzalez

Monday, August 7, 2023

Power struggle


I fall to pieces and a sadness that chokes (me),
As I, walk pass those corridors and a cold spell that last many seasons,
I shall not forget the irony that has walked with (me) and the assembly of 
piercing starring eyes adding more to the conflict that rages inside.
Yet I’m your guest, that teaches forbearance, love, kindness, compassion, and a host of fruits for the picking.
I kinda wonder who was gaining from this chaos crushing (me) inside ?
And I, rekindle with reasoning “when I’m weak” a power struggle rages within...then the irony shifts gears to my favor.
In the order of weakness and power, I bear witness of a Divine being who has set (me) free, through the act of true love...and we are one in the challenge to uphold a universal question ? Of who really rules with exclusive devotion !
Please take (me) home as you wish! Where I belong ! Praise be your saintly and Divine name...Jehovah (YHWH) for millenniums to come !

Rafael G Gonzalez

Tuesday, February 7, 2023

La Ignorancia/Ignorance


 "La verdadera Sabituria,

 es reconocer tu propia ignorancia"

La perpiscacia me ayudado reforzar mis columnas de mas soporte,
La ignorancia es peor que una arma de fuego,
la ignorancia engendra extremismo, odio ciego, racismo, nacionalismo,  
patriotismo, feminismo, machismo, orgullo del arco iris y las ausencias más vil del razonamiento, obstinación testaruda que es la ruina.
La ignorancia es peor que un misil, que una bomba atomica, O' biologica prolongando en el aire,
que una bomba sucia con methodo y propositos nefarios,
que un viru sin conciencia,
que la ciencia sin escrupulo,
que la sustancia modificada,
que la farmacia mal aplicada,

peor que la edición y manipulación (juguetiando con la espiral sagrada) de genes para el avance, estudio de la ciencia corrupta y en detrimento de la especie.
que la obedencia mal guiada,
que la influencia reforzada con apparatos de intimidacion (chantaje) y ganancias personales, el dominio del libre albedrío,
es el engendro mas destructivo del ser humano,

La ignorancia ha sido uno de los artefactos y defensores más hostiles de la experiencia humana,
La ignorancia desafia toda la logica, todo lo que es amor y los frutos todovia no nacidos.
Es sagrado permanecer ignorante a las cadenas que fuertemente enredan y son una trampa para los maestros que tan magistralmente reverenciamos.

Rafael G Gonzalez
Insight has helped me to strengthen my columns of greater support,
Ignorance is worse than a loaded weapon,
ignorance breeds extremism, blind hatred, racism, nationalism, patriotism, feminism, machismo, rainbow pride and the most vile absences of reasoning, headstrong stubbornness which is ruination.
Ignorance is worse than a missile, than an atomic bomb, or 'biological weapon prolonging in the air,
than a dirty bomb with nefarious method and purposes,
that a virus without conscience,
that of unscrupulous science,
that of modified substance,
the poorly applied pharmacy,
worse than gene editing and manipulation (tinkering with the sacred spiral) for advancement, research of corrupt science and detriment of the specie.
that misguided obedience,
that of reinforced influence with intimidation apparatus (Blackmail) and personal gains, the overpowering of free will,

Ignorance has been one of the most hostile artifact and proponent through-out the human experience,
it is the most destructive spawn of the human being,
Ignorance defies all logic, all that is love and all offspring's and its fruits,
It is sacred to remain ignorant to the chains that heavily entangles and a snare to the master's we so masterly revere

Rafael G Gonzalez

Thursday, February 2, 2023

Espinas/Thorns (Revised)


Si la espina es fisica O' de otros aspectos rudimentario ciertamente no lo es en lo espiritual,
y para esto tengo securidad, intervencion Divina...que no me deja caer paso a paso del camino.
No pido que se aleje O' que se aparte...porque estoy conciente que me es util si soy digno de vencer la causa, opprovio elusivo con grandes man~as, disen~os, esquemas, con apartos especificos para la subconciencia.
A veces de sorpresas...y a veces directa, forman un consortio de lo que es la programacion ingenia social y la vulnerable de la sicologia humana.
Todo ser humano nacido O' por nacer estamos bajo una estrategia superlativa que subestima el subrevivir de una especie, y un milagro Divino.
Apegate a un ser Divino conocido en el pasado y presente como Dios (Jehovah, YHWH) con todas tus fuerzas, recoursos, habilidades y expresion innata. Que sus energias, vibraciones, frequencias le sean una cancion eterna.

If the thorn is physical or of other aspects rudimentary certainly is not in the spiritual,
and for this I have security, Divine intervention... that does not let me fall step by step of the road.
I don't ask it to walk away or to step aside...
For I am conscious that it is useful to me if I am worthy of overcoming the cause, elusive disguise with great schemes, designs, tricks, with specific target for the subconscious.
sometimes of surprises... and sometimes direct, they form a consortium of what is social engineering, programming and the vulnerability of human psychology.
Every human being born or yet to be born is under a superlative strategy that underestimates the sub-survival of a species, and a Divine miracle.
Attach yourself to a Divine being known in the past and present as God (Jehovah, YHWH) with all your strength, abilities, abilities and innate expression. May your energies, vibrations, frequencies be an eternal song to him.
Rafael G Gonzalez

Friday, November 4, 2022

Life's Struggle's


MAN is deeply conscious of the passing of time. With each tick of the clock, he progresses a step farther down time’s corridor. He is wise, indeed, if he makes proper use of his time. As King Solomon wrote: “For everything there is an appointed time, even a time for every affair under the heavens: a time for birth and a time to die; a time to plant and a time to uproot what was planted; a time to kill and a time to heal; a time to break down and a time to build; a time to weep and a time to laugh.” (Eccl. 3:1-4) How fleeting is time! The 70 years of the normal life span is far too short a time for a person to take in the abundance of knowledge and to enjoy all the other good things Jehovah (YHWH) has provided for man on this earth. “Everything he has made pretty in its time. Even time indefinite he has put in their heart, that mankind may never find out the work that the true God has made from the start to the finish.”—Eccl. 3:11; Ps. 90:10.

Jehovah (YHWH) himself lives in an eternity of time. As for his creatures, it has pleased him to set them in the stream of time. The angels of heaven, including even the rebellious Satan, are fully aware of the passage of time. (Dan. 10:13; Rev. 12:12) Of mankind it is written, “Time and unforeseen occurrence befall them all.” (Eccl. 9:11) Happy is the man who at all times includes God in his thoughts and who welcomes God’s provision of “food at the proper time”!—Matt. 24:45.
Time Is One-Directional: Though time is universal, no man living is able to say what it is. It is as unfathomable as space. No one can explain where the stream of time began or where it is flowing. These things belong to the limitless knowledge of God almighty (YHWH), who is described as being God “from time indefinite to time indefinite.”—Ps. 90:2.
On the other hand, time has certain characteristics that can be understood. Its apparent rate of flow can be measured. Additionally, it moves in one direction only. Like traffic on a one-way street, time moves relentlessly in that one direction—onward, ever onward. Whatever the speed of its forward movement, time can never be thrown into reverse. We live in a momentary present. However, this present is in motion, flowing continually into the past. There is no stopping it.
The Past: The past is gone, it is history, and it can never be repeated. Any attempt to call back the past is as impossible as trying to make a waterfall tumble uphill or an arrow fly back to the bow that shot it. Our mistakes have left their mark in the stream of time, a mark that only God (YHWH) can wipe out. (Isa. 43:25) In like manner, a man’s good deeds in the past have made a record that “will come back to him” with blessing from God almighty (YHWH). (Prov. 12:14; 13:22) The past has been won or lost. No longer is there any control over it. Of the wicked it is written: “For like grass they will speedily wither, and like green new grass they will fade away.”—Ps. 37:2.
The Future: The future is different. It is always flowing toward us. By the help of God’s Word, we can identify obstacles that loom ahead of us and prepare to meet them. We can store up for ourselves “treasures in heaven.” (Matt. 6:20) These treasures will not be swept away by the stream of time. They will stay with us and will endure into an eternal future of blessing. We are interested in the wise use of time, as it affects that future.—Eph. 5:15, 16.
Time Indicators: Our modern-day watches and clocks are time indicators. They serve as rulers for measuring time. In similar manner God (YHWH), the Creator, has set in motion giant time indicators—the earth spinning on its axis, the moon revolving around the earth, and the sun—so that from his standpoint on earth, man may be accurately advised of the time. “And God went on to say: ‘Let luminaries come to be in the expanse of the heavens to make a division between the day and the night; and they must serve as signs and for seasons and for days and years.’” (Gen. 1:14) Thus, as a multitude of objects with interlocking purposes, these heavenly bodies move in their perfect cycles, unendingly and unerringly measuring the one-directional movement of time.

How Time Moves Faster: There is an old saying that “a watched kettle never boils.” It is true that when we are watching time, when we are conscious of it, when we are waiting for something to happen, then it seems to pass ever so slowly. However, if we are busy, if we are interested in and preoccupied with what we are doing, then it really appears that “time flies.” Moreover, with older people time seems to pass much more quickly than with young children. Why is this? One year added to the life of a one-year-old means a 100-percent increase in life’s experiences. One year added to the life of a 50-year-old means just 2 percent more. To the child, a year seems a long, long time. The older person, if busy and in good health, finds that the years seem to fly faster and faster. He comes to a deeper understanding of Solomon’s words: “There is nothing new under the sun.” On the other hand, young people still have the seemingly slower, formative years with them. Instead of “striving after wind” with a materialistic world, they may use these years profitably in piling up a wealth of godly experience. Timely are Solomon’s further words: “Remember, now, your Grand Creator in the days of your young manhood, before the calamitous days proceed to come, or the years have arrived when you will say: ‘I have no delight in them.’”—Eccl. 1:9, 14; 12:1.
Time-When People Live Forever: However, there are joyous days ahead that will be far from calamitous. Lovers of righteousness, whose ‘times are in God's (YHWH) hand,’ may look forward to everlasting life in the realm of God’s Kingdom. (Ps. 31:14-16; Matt. 25:34, 46) Under the Kingdom, death will be no more. (Rev. 21:4) Idleness, illness, boredom, and vanity will have vanished. There will be work to do, absorbing and intriguing, calling for expression of man’s perfect abilities and bringing intense satisfaction in accomplishment. The years will seem to flow faster and faster, and appreciative and retentive minds will be continually enriched with memories of happy events. As millenniums pass, humans on this earth will no doubt come to appreciate more fully God almighty (YHWH) view of time: ‘For a thousand years in God's (YHWH) eyes are but as yesterday when it is past.’—Ps. 90:4.
Viewing the stream of time from our present human standpoint and taking into account God’s promise of a new world of righteousness, how joyous in prospect are the blessings of that day: “For there Jehovah (YHWH) commanded the blessing to be, even life to time indefinite”!—Ps. 133:3.

If life is a Struggle

If life is a struggle, what does death offers in the long run?

Why do we grief over our short comings?

In high places sits the arrogant, time makes the calls and he is of little means!
Time is a thief it robs us of our youth, it makes us gray and savvy, only to reverse as we become children again in our unstable state.

If only we could remain children’s forever can we challenge time?

Time produces; time reduces, and time the crook that steals values as it never burns out. When one wonders time laughs, when one is hurting time laughs, when one is lonely time laughs, time follows no command it is space to be filled, infinite like the thief’s treachery, ever present to observe and molest our slightest moments, like a 
motionless predator it works its web, and consumes, destroys.

The time capsule that never runs out, the subjects trapped in its belly with little hope, time the unscrupulous vigilant, the giver and taker of life.

Time drags when it is having greater moments, the time is and the time will come for all under its sight to time no more!

If not for the cosmos, and the seasons we would be like the dust tossed in the wind, miniature particles of matter that resemble time itself in so many ways.

The Great Spirit is great, find him and make him your allied. Bow to the mysteries and secrets that simple minds charge at, because understanding is not its helper.

The balance of nature is becoming undone, who can reverse it? Oh mother earth that sustains life for a little while, you that shelters the offspring’s of creation in the bosom of paradise, she calls for the souls to fertilize her grounds, she cries out with open mouth and a belly that’s never satisfied.

(C) write protected

Raphael G
Spring of 2010