PLEASE GRANT ME, ONE FAVOR, HELP ME, SHARE THIS PAGE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD ALMIGHTY TO ALL YOU CAN. Let's together make this year 2025...a memorial beyond my expectations. Thank you all for visiting and staying with me, my loyal love be with you every step of the way. Blessed be you ! When a person of conscience lets go of that gift, the truth shines greater ! So Express freely like we're all meant to be...songbirds of freedom. I have made it easier for research by adding # Labels.
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If I boast !
If I boast it's certainly not the same way others may see it fit, and if my boasting creates some kind of friction, I boast even great...
Sunday, January 19, 2025
Love Arts secrecy (revised)
Tuesday, January 7, 2025
Eternal Crush (Revised)
Jehovah God Almighty and Divine is my eternal crush,
There can not be any other parties between us,
We shall hold hands together and on the wings of love, (He) carries me home for the duration of that sublime sentiment,
I shall write and sing melodies, and from out of the deeps introduce new songs for the assembly, gatherings for the faithful,
Love and pain are equally matched, and there's nothing but love-joy...jubilation,
Birth pains are like disquieting storms and the finest theatrics in melodies they chant,
In patience I wait and my heart race like a meteor chasing across the mid-night skies.
I constantly inform you about her pleasantness and desire to make her our choice !
10/04/24 The perfect ten !
* Special guest!
Thursday, December 19, 2024
Slave girl II
May through her you find the pleasures of your works,
Rafael G Gonzalez
Tuesday, December 17, 2024
Rise and Shine (Revised)
May my love be your battle field,
and my loyalty overlap eternity,
Why you feel agitated and spirit unease?
Why you seek a replacement ?
do you not know who guides your disquieting heart impulses?
Let me see you smile again and cause our father's person to rejoice until he becomes filled with your grace,
I have been observing your wonderful person, but there is one who can showcase
your true expression,
This morning I woke and there stood this omnipresence, this causative feeling and you were part of this drama,
once to often it takes hold of (me) like an instrument awaiting it's performance, stage-casting to audience in amazement,
If blessing and undeserved-kindness were to be summarized, you have gone
to far...I would prefer to remain in the ashes of creation,
If this be my last to a prelude, remember you have our standing ovation.
Que mi amor sea tu campo de batalla,
y mi lealtad se superponga a la eternidad,
¿Por qué te sientes agitada y tu espíritu excitado?
¿Por qué buscas un reemplazo?
¿No sabes quién guía los impulsos inquietantes de tu corazón?
Déjame verte sonreír de nuevo y hacer que la persona de mi padre se regocije hasta que se llene de tu gracia,
He estado observando tu maravillosa persona, pero hay alguien que puede mostrar
tu verdadera expresión,
Esta mañana me desperté y allí estaba esta omnipresencia, este sentimiento causante y tú eras parte de este drama,
una vez más se apodera de mí como un instrumento que espera su actuación, presentándose ante el público asombrado,
Si la bendición y la bondad inmerecida tuvieran que resumirse, has ido demasiado lejos... Preferiría permanecer en las cenizas de la creación,
Si este es mi último preludio, recuerda que tienes nuestra ovación de pie.
Rafael G Gonzalez
12/17/24 4:17 AM
Sunday, December 15, 2024
My guest eternal presence
When you rise and shine praise him,
when you first open your eyes after a sound sleep laud him great,
every breath you take may that energy carries connotation of that Holy name,
for every exhalation may the witnessing carry great tidings,
every break you take and in between sanctify his kindness,
bless be the fruits of his Holiest spirit,
bless be his Holiest attributes,
make him your strong-hold in your contemptible state, his guidance never fails,
keep seeking the person of the Almighty, loyal, benevolent and Divine,
in your short comings count the victories that will amass to your favor,
your staying power and reliance will remind the enemy that Almighty God (YHWH) had the upper hand in all events,
Walk with him and cherish the moment that access granted,
With all power and expression bestowed feel him, energize your whole person in great shadows and grace.
Make him your guest and have an open invitation for eternal presence.
Rafael G Gonzalez
Thursday, December 12, 2024
God's Slave girl
In his defense Jesus said to them, “My Father is always at his work to this very day, and I too am working.”
Friday, December 6, 2024
Special guest II * (Revised)
I have missed her like a fleeting spring breeze of many seasons,
Her absences has become a memorial stamped in my soul,
I'm under the good impression that these forces will merge if there be a Divine will,
A call is heard and it's not your average day-break,
in places I have not known a hang-over of moments (Experiences) pass replace the void I eagerly embrace to often,
what stands against these verses have never expand the superlativeness of a quality so Divine,
yes, in life's journeys...truth, loyalty, and love are the sojourner's in the invisible presences it can no longer deny,
If I seek a comforter its a hollow void, and in these thoughts that emanate from the profound deep....certainly are my guide,
I must continue pressing forward until one totally consumes me,
as touching as it may seem, not so touching the absence, presences and all encompassing, that is God's slave girl that we hold so dear,
Our hearts are an open portal for your access, only a few in a selection and you one of them,
She lights up the house of God like a lamp stand, and her smile a thousand color spectrum and millenniums of love joy,
From what stockpile of those energies you released her, and after the fine-tuning what draft orders are in place ?
La he extrañado como una brisa primaveral fugaz de muchas estaciones,
Su ausencias se han convertido en un memorial estampado en mi alma,
Tengo la buena impresión de que estas fuerzas se fusionarán si hay una voluntad Divina,
Se escucha un llamado y no es un amanecer común,
en lugares que no he conocido, una resaca de momentos (experiencias) pasado reemplazan el vacío que abrazo con entusiasmo y con demasiada frecuencia,
lo que se opone a estos versos nunca ha expandido la superlatividad de una cualidad tan Divina,
sí, en los viajes de la vida... la verdad, la lealtad y el amor son los peregrinos en las presencias invisibles que ya no se puede negar,
Si busco un consolador es un vacío hueco, y en estos pensamientos que emanan de lo profundo... ciertamente son mi guía,
Debo seguir presionando hacia adelante hasta que uno me consuma por completo,
por conmovedor que parezca, no tan conmovedor la ausencia, las presencias y todo lo abarcante, que es la esclava de Dios que tanto apreciamos,
Ella ilumina la casa de Dios como un candelabro divino, y su sonrisa es un espectro de mil colores y milenios de amor y alegría,
¿De qué reservas de esas energías la liberaste y, después del ajuste-fino,qué órdenes preliminares están en vigor?
Rafael G Gonzalez
*YHWH (Slave girl)
Thursday, December 5, 2024
Almighty and Charitable (Revised)
Holiest and Divine if I stumble at times it's certainly my misjudgment
of your charitable person,
my trust fading like the Holy mist after it's complete cycle,
I have misplaced the order of your Divine arrangements, just to follow it in my last death strokes,
In the regrettable abyss you grant the least of calls,
I need you, and in my vastness of passion I feel an inseparable connection no other
force can attain,
I have come to know your statues,
I'm well aware of your intimacy, your fellowship and attachments,
your stronghold will not release,
freeze frame our expressions and allow these to flow when ever moments in pause stumbles, there I have your attention and charity of your Divinity !
Bless be you to time indefinite,
Santísimo y Divino espiritu si a veces tropiezo, es sin duda por mi error de juicio
de tu persona caritativa,
mi confianza se desvanece como la niebla sagrada después de su ciclo completo,
he extraviado el orden de tus arreglos Divinos, solo para seguirlo en mis últimos golpes de muerte,
en el abismo lamentable concedes la menor de las llamadas,
te necesito, y en mi inmensidad de pasión siento una conexión inseparable que ninguna otra fuerza puede alcanzar,
he llegado a conocer tus estatus,
soy muy consciente de tu intimidad, tu compañerismo y tus apegos,
tu fortaleza no me liberará,
congela nuestras expresiones y permite que fluyan cuando cada momento de pausa tropiece, ¡ahí tengo tu atención y la caridad de tu Divinidad!
Bendito seas hasta el tiempo indefinido,
Rafael G Gonzalez
Sunday, November 24, 2024
The Conscience (Global Conscience)
"My only friend, counselor, and second in command,
the only voice that speaks to me on a regular basis with zero bias, I never feel alone with its presence. The conscience yearns and suffers with those of conscientiousness, as for those absent of conscience, their pain is suffering the limitations of their exploits.
The black clouds...eternal stain, the bottomless contrived, the ever present weaver of mischievousness, bridges that burn, souls that yearn, the stare that pierce the soul, the cries that molest my deep sleep, and the eternal alarm that never seems to flee."
If one is conscious, one is awake, alert, aware, one searches for something that fills voids. An individual seeks a treasure in the same matter, life saving knowledge is reserved for those yearning and sighing for greater revelation in their internal conflict. Yes the conscious is an internal conflict being carried out by your divine implants, our father loves his children, this self guiding exchange is ever present...why not seek it and stop the obstructions.
Consciousness awake and rise from the deep slumber, express that which has been asleep for the final trial and judgement,
Instruct the idleness and stagnant energies to transform that able body,
become a friction to all resistance, opposition to what is truly Divine,
Create a corridor like a dividing wall and channel all that which is fruitful and just cause,
shrink not to the adversary, his power is dimming even in it's total darkness,
herald in awareness so many can nourish the spark of hope,
Summons all that is Holy and Divine, praise and laud "The Almighty God (YHWH) Jehovah, and prove the arch enemy has failed.
I'm not your enemy Oh Almighty one' just merely a benefactor of your great benevolence, I ride the wind on behalf of your directions, I breathe this substance that energizes every cell in my contemptible state of folly and ignorance.Why would you hold such blindness to your stature? Allow me to serve out your time in the space allotment! Did you not received me with jubilee when I first cracked open the sacred chamber? Why do I perceive the Spirit in retrieval?
What has happened to my dreams of delight, where sons hold their father's hand and feel a sense of security! Were you not the master craftsman whom put words of meaning in my mouth? Shall we journey together or should I perish in the hands of tomb-robbers? and body snatchers! They plot against the Most Holiest day and night, my soul feels devastation from the twisted views, let me fight on your side Oh mighty warrior! Was I not the last out of a great crowd? and did you not plan my exit well? I was my mother's birthday gift, she was in a blissful joy in labor have rewarded her well.
Are you not the one referenced in your own writings, with extended hands, making invitations and selections? Then allow me to fatten myself for a little while until the final call, in the banquet table!
Let the anointment and sacrifice take place as you so wish...but permit me to honor the Most High God and Holiest of Holiest.
Raphael G
Wednesday, November 20, 2024
Lord set me free * (Revised)
If I can't achieve it,
I exert him until he can set me free,
because I want to sing and ride like the wind,
destination free,
loyalty is the vestment, attire of the Almighty God,
and this quality I shall attain as the gift of trials,
I shall seek and earn his loyal love, his heart mend in the vastness of memories,
His saintly person radiate, vibrate with extreme joy and in that excitement feel
a total comfort, harmony of what is Divine,
Should I continue pressing the qualities of your person ? In my lowest point which is the deeps, a call is heard of that wonderful, awesome jubilee we share.
I wish to have known your works earlier to color ink those moments in pause,
take (me) home a place where we are suited for each other, in the cradle of paradise, in the clouds of invisible host, draft (me) into that stock pile of purest energy...but do as you wish, a Divine will be at work this much I'm well aware.
Praise and laud the Almighty God, that of Abraham, Moses, Jacob and the rest of faithful.
Señor libérame
Si no lo puedo lograr,
lo ejercito hasta que pueda liberarme,
porque quiero cantar y cabalgar como el viento,
destino libre,
la lealtad es la vestidura, el atavío del Dios Todopoderoso,
y esta cualidad la alcanzaré como el don de las pruebas,
buscaré y ganaré su amor leal, su corazón se remendará en la inmensidad de los recuerdos,
su santa persona irradiará, vibrará con alegría extrema y en esa emoción sentiré
un consuelo total, armonía de lo Divino,
¿Deberia seguir presionando las cualidades de tu persona? En mi punto más bajo que es lo profundo, se escucha un llamado de ese maravilloso, asombroso jubileo que compartimos.
Me hubiese gustado conocer de antes tus obras, para dar color a esos momentos de pausa,
llévame a casa, a un lugar donde estemos hechos el uno para el otro, en la cuna del paraíso, en las nubes de un ejército invisible, llévame a ese depósito de energía más pura... pero haz lo que quieras, un Divino estará trabajando, de eso estoy muy consciente.
Alabado sea el Dios Todopoderoso, el de Abraham, Moisés, Jacob y el resto de los fieles.
*Invitado especial( YHWH)
*YHWH Special guest
Rafael G Gonzalez
Tuesday, November 12, 2024
Bridges (Revised)
A transmission medium highly synchronized, its frequencies fine-tuned to capture vibrational pauses and serene silence. If there is such a thing I shall find it !
Love is not bound by special interest, its infinite in its quest to bridge an innate feeling...of compassion, mercy, kindness, long suffering, a spirit of giving and not receiving.
Raphael G
Sat May 13, 2017
Thursday, October 31, 2024
Divine love *
Divine love is highly embracing, overwhelming, all encompassing...only cowards find it to be a challenge,
Those who have been searched (intentions read out loud) by the Holy spirit can give a thorough and complete witness in absences of fear,
loyal love echoes from the most remote, and this perfect quality can not be summarized, defined or expressed at it's least form,
The continuance expansion of this quality is fully dependent on nourishment, not something to be left along the side road as trivial matters,
I ask this question when does the teaching becomes antiquated, when does the rhythmic overtones exhaust the subject or when the subject require a different approach ?
In the presence of Divine Love the teaching is never antiquated ! The subject is never exhausting, by seeking it we endeavor to a higher state of consciousness as it can't be defined, summarized or in a cowardly manner fear it's true attachment !
El amor divino es sumamente abrazante, abrumador, abarca todo, sólo los cobardes lo encuentran un desafío,
Aquellos que han sido buscados (intenciones leídas en voz alta) por el Espíritu Santo pueden dar un testimonio completo en ausencia del miedo,
El amor leal resuena desde lo más remoto, y esta cualidad perfecta no puede resumirse, definirse ni expresarse en su forma más mínima,
La expansión continua de esta cualidad depende completamente de la nutrición, no es algo que se deje a un lado como un asunto trivial,
Hago esta pregunta: ¿cuándo la enseñanza se vuelve anticuada, cuando los matices rítmicos agotan el tema o cuando el tema requiere un enfoque diferente?
¡En presencia del Amor Divino la enseñanza nunca es anticuada! El tema nunca es agotador, al buscarlo nos esforzamos por alcanzar un estado superior de conciencia, ya que no puede definirse, resumirse o temer de manera cobarde su verdadero apego y hallazgo.
*Special guest
Rafael G gonzalez
Tuesday, October 22, 2024
White/yellow roses
Yellow in memory of my loyalty and white the purity of faith and eternal love,
in paradise the chase is never ending.
The evergreens of everlasting attachments, and the thorns a delicate balance that choreographs the burning flame,
fragile as it may seem, the power it holds and the lasting impressions to the givers want,
a child of countless spring seasons, for generations to come and eternity to follow,
She awakens my dormant cells and cause a big bang in the deepest of heart, the expansion of that burst...a super Nova of explosive thoughts.
In God (YHWH) Almighty I trust that this affirmative actions of his own Divine will pull us together as energies aggregate in a massive collection and create that incredible spark.
Your absences a living memory, your silence my longest yearn, hear (me) you dream-weaver and Host-of-Host, are you not behind this cause ? My soul is restless in knowing you better, in this perpetual feelings fill our intrigues !
Rafael G Gonzalez
Friday, October 18, 2024
Weakness (revised) 25.24
Hypocrisy, greed, and falsehood are a bottomless contrive.
Just like Satan’s treachery and counterfeits are like a black hole in space.
A thousand years in the abyss is not fitting for such lawless-criminal, homeless, and debased fallen creature.
A thousand life sentences for such and all his devotee’s is little to invoke.
My plea so that the lessor can rest in peace. And there can be jubilee amongst the remnant.
Be charitable O’ you holiest-of-holiest and host-of-host...let them see the verdict, a one in a life time witness !
I have a thorn at my side, and through my weakness your spirit contends...the weakness has become silenced and also the thorn. I’m completely confident, if I remain in weakness the thorn and all it's activities has over-come Satan in all his schemes.
Our enemy has conspired against said short-coming to create a divide of conscience, yet through your compassion, love, mercy and infinite reasoning, I’m set free!
The greatest of wars have been fought in the spiritual world and not the other way around.
Like a prodigal son and social disease, my compassion for all the afflicted and needy of such protection for said tragedy.
The martyr stays in mission and not on trivial matters. This place where it dusk and dawns, this place of my dilemmas, persecution, laments...I know it will go into convulsion soon...and this affirmative action keeps me in expectation.
How do one (a person) educates ignorant people beyond their means ?
Ignorant masses are more dangerous then a loaded weapon aimed at the populace,
It takes such to do harm. Not the other way around !
Beyond their means, but not the spirit… for it is greater then the flesh.
So here is the contention, find the self through the spirit… and extract the thorn in the flesh !
What binds the flesh can’t bind the spirit...and through what means ?
The corruption of the the corruption of conscience.
Now that you’ have the means, channel those energies to a higher power !
La hipocresía, la codicia y la falsedad son un ingenio sin fondo.
Al igual que la traición y las falsificaciones de Satanás es como un agujero negro en el espacio.
Mil años en el abismo no es adecuado para tales sin ley-
delincuente, sin hogar, y degradado criatura caída.
Es poco que invocar mil cadenas perpetuas para tales y todas las de su devoto.
Mi súplica para que el arrendador pueda descansar en paz. Y puede haber jubileo entre el remanente.
Sea caritativo O’ usted más sagrado-de-santo y anfitrión-de-anfitrión...dejar que se vean el veredicto, uno en un testimonio de tiempo de vida !
Tengo un espina a mi lado, y através de mi debilidad tu espíritu debilidad se ha silenciado y también la espina. Estoy completamente seguro, si permanezco en la debilidad, la espina ha superado a Satanás en todos sus esquemas.
Nuestro enemigo ha conspirado contra dicha deficiencia para crear una división de conciencia, sin embargo, através de tu compasión, amor, misericordia y razonamiento infinito, ¡estoy en libertad!
Las guerras mas grandes se an peliado en el mundo espiritual,y no en las fisicas.
Como hijo prodigo y enfermeda social, me compadesco te todos los afligidos y necesitados de proteccion de dicha trageria.
El martyr se mantienen en mission y no en cosas triviales,
Este sitio donde amanece y oscurece, este sitio de mi dilemas, persecuciones, lamentos, se que pronto se convulcionar y esto me mantienen en grande expectacion.
¿Cómo se educa a la gente ignorante más allá de sus posibilidades?
Las masas ignorantes son más peligrosas que un arma cargada dirigida contra la población. Se necesita a alguien así para hacer daño. ¡No al revés!
Más allá de sus posibilidades, pero no del espíritu… porque es más grande que la carne. Así que aquí está el argumento: ¡encuentre el yo a través del espíritu… y extraiga la espina de la carne!
Lo que ata a la carne no puede atar al espíritu… ¿y a través de qué medios?
La corrupción del espíritu… es la corrupción de la conciencia. Ahora que tiene los medios, ¡canalice esas energías hacia un poder superior!
Thursday, October 3, 2024
If I the rainmaker,
Rafael G Gonzalez
Love notes
Only for you !
Praise and laud the Almighty God (YHWH) to time and time indefinite !
Eternity in love
Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love,
for I have put my trust in you.
Show me the way I should go,
for to you I entrust my life.Psalm 143:8
Deep-Freeze (Revised)
Dones especiales/special gifts (Revised)
Rafa EL G Gonzalez
Monday, June 3, 2024
Invisible Host
To the director. A melody of David.
Psalms 19:1 The heavens are declaring the glory of God;The skies above* proclaim the work of his hands.
Romans 1:20 For his invisible qualities are clearly seen from the world’s creation onward, because they are perceived by the things made, even his eternal power and God-ship, so that they are inexcusable.