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  There are moment's hard  to absorb, and moment's that absorb completely, moments like a screeching, screaming felt in the throat, ...

Showing posts with label Global family. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Global family. Show all posts

Monday, February 24, 2025

My happiest moments (Revised)


Just like the cosmos hang in space, in a weightless environment

Almighty God (YHWH) bears my ups/downs in the same symbiotic state we all find 


What the Almighty and Divine, sovereign Lord of the universe seeks in form of submission is a pure heart,

with that said, something dies in (me) everyday something created internally and externally it consumes and withers the finest of (me), exhausting my reserves and I fading seeking the cause,

I wish my call came swift like the thrashing wind,

my return peaceful which my heart contends,

in the rain drops of tears, my soul soak's the journey/experience playing out an endless commotion,

in the high's and low's of distortional views, those feelings that race, shall consume just as well,

I seek the comfort of your loneliness,

your depression,

your anxiety,

your bi-polar-ism,

your autism,

your schizophrenia,

any and all imbalance that strip away your true person, the sacred person...that which in labor pains were formed, 

the anomalies attached interfering with Divine gifts, spiritual cadence, expressive frequencies, bridges, channels, a network hacked,

all man-made conditions and in that comfort of your host, send them packing to the abyss never to return..."your not needed here anymore" ! 

Embracing sanity and returning to full expression, releasing the fruits of the spirit

and acquiring the attributes of Holiest and Divine,

my happiest moments were not so difficult after all.

Praise him while you can...just praise him !

Please allow (me) to worship you (YHWH)


Rafael G Gonzalez





Thursday, February 20, 2025

Global family/much love


Thank you all for the support and allowing our blog to grow, expand and reach it's audience. Facebook and google have been instrumental, along the many other media outlets. April has been a good month, so I express it in all gratitude. The nations of the World, the global family, and friends who have stay the course through some very rough times. You have gone beyond my expectations, and that's why I'm still here and will remain a while. I shall continue publishing articles poetic notes and journeys, and what ever internally seeks in the outside.
Much love,
You have my blessings,
Rafa EL G Gonzalez

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Ancient Persia

 Much love to the Ancient people of Great Persia (Iran) for making good of this page and sharing it's content. They hosted the prophet of Almighty God (Daniel) and made possible the Divine will written for our acknowledgement and historical reference. Iran, or Persia, is mentioned many times in the Bible, and features as a key component of God's plans for His people. In the Old Testament, the stories of Esther, Ezra, Nehemiah and Daniel came from the Persian Empire.

With that said you have my gratitude and humble praise, much love and may the future be blessed beyond compare,

Rafa EL G Gonzalez

Sunday, November 24, 2024

The Conscience (Global Conscience)


"My only friend, counselor, and second in command,
the only voice that speaks to me on a regular basis with zero bias, I never feel alone with its presence. The conscience yearns and suffers with those of conscientiousness, as for those absent  of conscience, their pain is suffering the limitations of their exploits.
The black clouds...eternal stain, the bottomless contrived, the ever present weaver of mischievousness, bridges that burn, souls that yearn, the stare that pierce the soul, the cries that molest my deep sleep, and the eternal alarm that never seems to flee."
If one is conscious, one is awake, alert, aware, one searches for something that fills voids. An individual seeks a treasure in the same matter, life saving knowledge is reserved for those yearning and sighing for greater revelation in their internal conflict. Yes the conscious is an internal conflict being carried out by your divine implants, our father loves his children, this self guiding exchange is ever present...why not seek it and stop the obstructions.

Consciousness awake and rise from the deep slumber, express that which has been asleep for the final trial and judgement,
Instruct the idleness and stagnant energies to transform that able body,
become a friction to all resistance, opposition to what is truly  Divine,
Create a corridor like a dividing wall and channel all that which is fruitful and just cause,
shrink not to the adversary, his power is dimming even in it's total darkness,
herald in awareness so many can nourish the spark of hope,
Summons all that is Holy and Divine, praise and laud "The Almighty God (YHWH) Jehovah, and prove the arch enemy has failed.

I'm not your enemy Oh Almighty one' just merely a benefactor of your great benevolence, I ride the wind on behalf of your directions, I breathe this substance that energizes every cell in my contemptible state of folly and ignorance.Why would you hold such blindness to your stature? Allow me to serve out your time in the space allotment! Did you not received me with jubilee when I first cracked open the sacred chamber? Why do I perceive the Spirit in retrieval?

What has happened to my dreams of delight, where sons hold their father's hand and feel a sense of security! Were you not the master craftsman whom put words of meaning in my mouth? Shall we journey together or should I perish in the hands of tomb-robbers? and body snatchers! They plot against the Most Holiest day and night, my soul feels devastation from the twisted views, let me fight on your side Oh mighty warrior! Was I not the last out of a great crowd? and did you not plan my exit well? I was my mother's birthday gift, she was in a blissful joy in labor pains...you have rewarded her well.

Are you not the one referenced in your own writings, with extended hands, making invitations and selections? Then allow me to fatten myself for a little while until the final call, in the banquet table!
Let the anointment and sacrifice take place as you so wish...but permit me to honor the Most High God and Holiest of Holiest.

Raphael G

The lesser/the precious (Global Family)


Any human being with a God driven conscience, can express and feel the pain, suffering the lesser must go through,
Be silent...keep silent because of the hollow, bottomless void that fills your emptiness or express yourself accordingly to that which is Divine...LOVE.
When one keep's the expression silent it doesn't take root, it is obvious what is held in secret it is also held hostage and in bondage. 
To let go of one's intentions take a lot courage, pride must be absent and this is very difficult in our days. 
It is true some things held in bondage are released in do time...and when thinking of time it's like we had authority over it, 
that is the greatest illusion. Time makes the calls and we're but microscopic in it's infinite portals.

If we were the time-keeper and some of us regard that illusion, think about how far you have come ?
Rafael G Gonzalez

Flower of Holy Spirit (Revised)


Egret flower

To the devastation's of war and famine that follows right behind like the four rider's of apocalyptic scene's no human can embrace in a right mind set. There will always be a more serene vision for the oppressed and less fortunate. They shall rise with wings of phoenix and from the ashes deconstruct the instruments of hatred, and be the most blessed for their steadfastness in hope of exchange.

I feel completely at ease and I'm not just jiving that through-out life's challenges, ordeals I wouldn't have enjoyed the way it has transformed and created the other half which I been longing for. I can truly express fully the whole person molded and placed in reserves for the greater awakening.
How do I see (me) a man to be held in contempt or a man for the greater works ?
Almighty God (YHWH) is my witness...and so here I'm

Consciousness awake and rise from the deep slumber, express that which has been asleep for the final trial and judgement,
Instruct the idleness and stagnant energies to transform that able body,
become a friction to all resistance, opposition to what is truly Divine,
Create a corridor like a dividing wall and channel all that which is fruitful and just cause, shrink not to the adversary, his power is dimming even in it's total darkness,
herald in awareness so many can nourish the spark of hope,
Summons all that is Holy and Divine, praise and laud "The Almighty God (YHWH) Jehovah, and prove the arch enemy has failed.

All things kept secret find no use for those searching the light, as for the expression it becomes ostracized and a villain for making available secrets to posterity and observing righteous growth ! All things kept in obscurity is repugnant, and all things that arts darkness is a miscarriage of Divine Justice.

It's been a heavy burden carrying-out the mandates of God Almighty Jehovah (Truth), but not heavy enough to separate me from it. Every opportunity in which I can be a counter weight, and counter-productive, I boast as being that contender with a heavy price.
If I boast it's certainly not the same way others may see it fit, and if my boasting creates some kind of friction, I boast even greater, because through the operations of the Holiest-of-Holiest my person is being manifest in weakness and tribulations for the betterment of those who feel left behind...and certainly its not my cause.

Release from bondage all that is kept secret,
all that which is hostile and holds the expression hostage,
Express the self in purity,
express the self in the simpleness of mind to what is love,
fill the self with the fruits of the Holiest-of-Holiest,
Allow the attributes of saintly and Divine to take hold of what is rightfully his own,
express the self to the point the spoiler and usurper can’t find traction and cause it to slip,
what ever it takes to find within the self to uphold the moral conscience...stay the course,
water that sits stale and stagnant remain flat and finds no traction,
water that is constantly moving, flowing fills gaps and these new orders replace the old habits,
as the wheel in the sky turns (Celestial Chariot) doing away with the antiquated traditions, versions and cause to cease and desist that which is hindrance in the corridor of space,
this continuity of flowing living water is not all that new...but a reminder of what is law and transitioning from it,
remain a friction to the apparatus of deceitful schemes,
make it your own to walk in the person of the faithful slave,
Disown the self to renew and replenish all which is old and make use the excellence of works,
call out the ancient (YHWH) of time and make it your stronghold, in needful places it never fails,
your call is not in vain but the actions maybe serving different causes,
remain grounded and seek not the temporary and trivial matters of life that herniates the true self and expression.
Thank you all for the support and allowing our blog to grow, expand and reach it's audience. Facebook and google have been instrumental, along the many other media outlets. April has been a good month, so I express it in all gratitude. The nations of the World, the global family, and friends who have stay the course through some very rough times. You have gone beyond my expectations, and that's why I'm still here and will remain a while. I shall continue publishing articles poetic notes and journeys, and what ever internally seeks in the outside.
Much love,
You have my blessings,
Rafael G Gonzalez

Thursday, April 25, 2024

Evilution VS God (Creation)


Evolutionists Explain Design Using Unscientific "Magic Words"

The term "magic words" is used here as a concise idiom that describes the best words evolutionists use to explain "apparent" design. Evolutionists confidently insist that a complex biological feature simply "appeared," "emerged," "arose," "gave rise to," "burst onto the scene," "evolved itself," "derived," "was on the way to becoming," "radiated into," "modified itself," "became a miracle of evolution," "was making the transition to," "manufactured itself," "evolution's way of dealing with," "derived emergent properties," or "was lucky."

How do words like "appeared" explain design? Just like magic, the use of this word invokes mysterious powers within unseen universes that are capable of leaping over enormous scientific obstacles without having to provide any scientific consideration for how a particular physical result was achieved. Magic words convey wish-like convictions that if evolutionists just believe deeply enough, their explanations must be true and someday will be true--though currently resisted by all scientific evidence. Explaining design by believing it "arose" appeals to imaginary special forces which help evolutionists to connect the evolutionary dots. But as in any magical kingdom, the connections are mental fantasies that are not grounded in reality.

Magic words lack explanatory power because they fail to tie real observations to detailed descriptions of how features of design originate. Claiming that novel biological features "burst onto the scene" abandons the need for experimental verification; indeed, the implication is to not even try. Take any biological observation. In evolutionary thinking, any observation can be transformed into a proof that explains its own existence by applying the magic phrase: "It exists because it is favored by natural selection." In reality, observations are only observations and are neither proofs nor explanations.

Engineers, medical doctors, and other scientists who rely on studies or experiments do not use these kinds of words. Their products do not "emerge" but develop via thought-filled processes. They rightly call filling a knowledge gap with narrative stories "arm waving," which calls to mind a stage magician.

In conversation with others, it would be difficult to overemphasize how important magic words are to evolutionary theory. Remark on how these words pervade elite journals like Science, popular magazines like Scientific American, and television shows like NOVA. "Magic words" pour from evolutionary literature like water over Niagara Falls. Challenge your listener to carefully observe the communication in these forums, noting how many paragraphs or statements pass without the use of these words. They are the lifeblood of the evolutionary community's most profound and highest-quality scientific literature."

- Randy J. Guliuzza, P.E., M.D.

*Footnote* I don't belong to any of Christendom ministries but do acknowledge and respect the films director/producer for the fine presentation. I do know that his actions are pure and clearly manifest the creator's true intentions. Other then a few rough edges I'm more then satisfied with the central theme and essences in which the author takes students and professor's from ground-zero, and points them to greater hope. Again thanks for the film and like professor Kent Hovind...your helping countless break free. 

This video has been circulating in my other blog (Stay Awake), so wanted to share in this one (poeticnoteand journeys).

Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Grateful/Global family


Since January, 5th 2021...I had a turning point in my life. I'm not going to recall into details those events, many of the contacts, friends, follower's and the public are much aware of that awakening. Ever since that time I have written some of the most striking poetic notes that seem pressing in memory. I started writing pieces of thoughts at about 12 years old, what ever bounced into my mind, and when ever I could record them. Some of my older collection were submitted to the library of congress under copy right.
As a writer one has ups and downs like any other venture in life, well I have not been so fortunate as to pick and choose, no cherry picking or coasting down Hollywood boulevard or Collins Avenue. Life to me has been in the same terms they are written. So I give unselfishly of me, so that the masses at large can take something with them.
In the last two years, I have felt a call like nothing to compare in my search, in my restless nights, deprived of sleep and comfort. Out of all these challenges and commotion a little better then 12 poetic notes have taken on an international scale. I give thanks in gratitude to the global family for the support, and presence while I was asleep. You my family have created a spark, when my soul was dimming in the dark. Some of you I hold dearly and will love into eternity.

Rafa EL G Gonzalez

Sunday, April 24, 2022

My gratitude

  • At times, our own light goes out and it is rekindled by a spark from another person...
  • Gratitude is the fairest blossom which springs from the soul. ...
  • Gratitude turns what we have into enough. ...
  • Gratitude is a powerful catalyst for happiness.

    There are times expressing my deepest affections consumes me, thanks to all who have visited and share this blog. It has received a charitable amount of attention, but I just wish those inquisitive minds would exchange a few words and comments. The social web has some very great talents, and thou my writings share a common trend, I shrink not in expressing freely...and it should not be taken on a personal basis. It is me to you and vise verse, if I could only engage that audience.

    My gratitude to all the nations/countries who made this blog a place to reflect,reason and carrying on.

    USA: Much love to you !
    Israel: Much love to you !
    Ukraine: Much love to you !
    Russia: Certainly much love to you !
    Brazil: Much love to you !
    United Kingdom: Much love to you !
    France: Much love to you !
    China: Much love to you ! 
    Canada: Much love to you !
    Germany : Much love to you !
    Indonesia : Much love to you ! You have been very Generous ! Thank you, the people are to kind for the better.
    Sweden: Much love to you !
    Japan: Much love to you !
    Norway: Much love to you !
    Ireland: Much love to you !
    Philippines: Much love to you !
    Netherlands: Much love to you !
    Puerto Rico: Much love to you !

    Just to mention a few, but the list is very charitable, I encourage all to continue sharing and dialogue and if for any reason one hits the right notes, do message me...we can work something out. I read them at public gatherings, looking forward to do some more gigs in New York, the poets cafe, and here in Memphis, Nashville, TN.

    Rafael G Gonzalez

Monday, January 3, 2022

We rise by lifting others.


Please think about the words on the clothe as you read, thanks ! And forgive the grammar...
Today while doing a Little shopping on a small piece of clothe, it had stitch writing(embroided) on it...these where the words it spoke “We rise by lifting others”
We rise by lifting others…there is a great meaning to these words of heart’ and I a poet writer since my child-hood have not ever come across these fine words.
So again I go to my resources and give you this….”
Today, tomorrow, maybe a few days more we can endure. Some
of us will fall back do to weakness, or can’t bear it any longer,
to those still standing I give support and those dead make me stride a bit further.
Soon life will pass by and the pack will dismiss their woes, but I see harder days to go. Here I stand contemplating my path, for every death there is life and for every life there is joy and for every joy also sadness.
Victory doesn’t belong to he that claims it, but to he who tries.
I long to see does who felt short here and me there,because after all the struggles there was no reward. Here I stand and as the sun gives to shade, my cries will be on a different note. *
* Because we/I rise by lifting others!
BY: Raphael G
I also came across a new challenge, but that is personal !
                                   The weight of talent
Far beyond our scope of reason there lays comfort,
Beyond our maturing minds we find a host of complex reasoning,
As our experience increases we are set free or imprisoned by the offset of outcome,
As time presses on we embrace for a new challenge,
we are as vulnerable as the last subject who conceived a brighter tomorrow,
Who among us can grasp the wind?
Who among us can see the sound?
Who among us can dictate the time?
We must press on with unwavering conviction that a true gesture is our only allied, and that our only escape from the falsehood that heavily entangles our motives is not to concede.
The character of many is refined through a process, the good deeds become a blurry cloud that obscures our vision,
We know so much and yet so little, so little and yet find a way. Can a physically blind man see a physical realm?
And does a thinker becomes weighted down because his projection of thought?
If I’m wrong condemn me, if I’m right execute a judgment.
By : Raphael G
*Because we/I rise by lifting others !
                                                      Infinite quotes
To the many surprise that life offers, the only surprise to me is the lost of a true friend.
To the many roads that spread before us, the inexperienced claims victory.
To understanding, discernment, and wisdom the righteous knowledge has been revealed, and the path of such ones is like the light of the morning sun that gets brighter and brighter as the day draws to a close.
Much Love and more love !
The greatest of wars have been fought in the spiritual world and not the other way around.
Like a prodigal son and social disease, my compassion for all the afflicted and needy of such protection for said tragedy.
The martyr stays in mission and not on trivial matters. This place where it dusk and dawns, this place of my dilemmas, persecution, laments... I know it will go into convulsion soon...and this affirmative action keeps me in great expectation.
How do one (a person) educates ignorant people beyond their means ?
Ignorant masses are more dangerous then a loaded weapon aimed at the populace,
It takes such to do harm. Not the other way around !
Beyond their means, but not the spirit… for it is greater then the flesh.
So here is the contention, find the self through the spirit… and extract the thorn in the flesh !
What binds the flesh can’t bind the spirit...and through what means ?
The corruption of the spirit...is the corruption of conscience.
Now that you’ have the means, channel those energies to a higher power !
Sometimes I'm viewed as cruel, tasteless, cold, mechanical, misplaced, but inside of me, outflows of tears overcome me, because of what has become of this world. *

*Because we/I rise by lifting others !
In conclusion to these words of thought..."I will say this, I may not get there with you, but I will see you in the coming spring my day of birth, if we hold these words of truth..."that is what The Almighty Divine God said!"
Rafael G
By : Raphael G