Showing posts with label Time. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Time. Show all posts

Thursday, January 19, 2023



The universe is your hourglass (time-piece of fine tuning),
and there is nothing missing, misplaced, or out of order. Your benevolent acts are to encompassing to embrace, in my self absorbed delirious mind I just have to keep writing. I follow staggering each step of the way, and something amazingly graceful lifts me up. I chase the eternal and youthful of old, a power structure few will ever see or experience in a thousand year give away.
In a honorable way take me home.....


If this be my last draw, may you be the sharp-shooter in guiding the senses, and that in a combined effort your divine will take it’s final course.
The very thoughts of you overcomes my spirit, and I give very little feelings to any fear,

I have been tasting the events, but your the timekeeper of all successions,
prepare the corridor for such eventual pleasures I will not let go by,
My grief is that you concede me, one of the deepest yearns,
Never have I surrendered being your witness, this much we’re aware,
Oh, Almighty Divine God of heavens,

Jehovah (YHWH)...prepare and cast the long awaited scene in your enemies allotted time,

Your choices in subject matter...shakes foundations, move mountains, the conspirator in it’s last death strokes, never have it revealed so much commotion at the highest level.
I’m deeply humbled in approach and lost in thoughts and expression, yet my spirit still senses your presence, unmeasurable, infinite holiness.


Never shrink in speaking the "TRUTH" because we may never know who is listening on the other side, and if there be ideas your witnessing is not in vain. Give praise and glory to the Almighty and Divine, with the gifts of speech and surrender to the one and only what is rightfully his.


No hay sitio mas lindo,
donde descansa y se aloja mi alma,
donde brota la letra y EL consejo superlativo,
donde reside EL mas sabio de pensamientos,
donde un padre y un esclavo fiel, una hermandad, de conocidos…
donde no se agota una luz eterna y giran mis pasos, asi una esperanza inquebrantable.
No hay un dia, hora, momentos en EL cual mis inquietudades no tengan la atencion de un gran tejedor.
Asi en este espacio otorgado nunca estare en un silencio despreciado !

*There is no more beautiful place,
where my soul rests and lodges,
where the letter and the superlative advice spring,
where the wisest of thoughts resides,
where a father and a faithful slave, a brotherhood, of acquaintances…
where an eternal light does not run out and my steps turn, so an unshakable hope.
There is not a day, hour, moments in which my worries do not have the attention of a great weaver.
So in this allotted space I will never be in a despised silence!


You’ who dare challenge “The Almighty Divine and host-of-host”
You' who through countless counterfeits, schemes and treacherous acts of calculus...swept into a black-hole with no end in sight.

How have you’ fared against the supreme power structure ? Have you gained anything of worth ? Have you’ added a second of breath to your’ eternal damnation ?

How have you’ fared against the lesser of flesh and bones ? Your’ preferred target for bullying and carrying out an endless scores ?
Have these also made your’ challenge of twisted views, a shameful act of desperation ?

Hold and be hold...a cloud of lightening that bear witness through faith, that your’ cowardly acts conceive no fruits, these Men/Woman of faith, have been a thorn and rise from the ashes you’ consider weak and playground.
Through their weakness, a force-field protects like a shield and growing everyday...mightier and mightier.

You’ the so-called angel of light, in drunk darkness you’ have fallen and left the original place of birth among the stars, expelled and no place found for you’ but a suitable dungeon. This is what “The Almighty Divine host-of-host and Jesus-Christ (Michael) have said...The true and faithful.

Tú ' que te atreves a desafiar "AL Todopoderoso Divino y anfitrión de anfitriones"

Tú que a través de innumerables falsificaciones, esquemas y actos traicioneros de cálculo...arrastrado a un agujero negro sin final a la vista.

¿Cómo te ha ido en contra de la estructura de poder supremo ? ¿Has ganado algo de valor ? ¿Has "añadido un segundo de aliento a tu" condenación eterna ?

¿Cómo te ha ido contra el menor de carne y huesos ? Su ' objetivo preferido para el acoso y la realización de un sinfín de puntuaciones ?
¿Estos también han hecho de su ' desafío de puntos de vista retorcidos, un acto vergonzoso de desesperación ?

Agárrate y agárrate...una nube de relámpagos que dan testimonio a través de la fe, de que sus' actos cobardes no conciben frutos, estos Hombres/Mujeres de fe, han sido una espina y se levantan de las cenizas que consideran débiles y patillo tracero.

A través de su debilidad, un campo de fuerza protege como un escudo y crece todos los días...más y más poderoso.

Tú, el llamado ángel de luz, en la oscuridad, has caído y has dejado el lugar de nacimiento original entre las estrellas, expulsado y no se ha encontrado ningún lugar para ti, sino un calabozo adecuado. Esto es lo que "EL Divino y Todopoderoso hueste de huestes y Jesucristo (Miguel) han dicho...El verdadero y fiel.


Cause this potter's vessel to expand,
may the work's of your hands, deprive me, not of your fine attributes, and holy intentions.
Use this energy to exalt all that which is Divine, and allow nothing that doesn't relate to your super-fine qualities.
Teach me, instruct me, in the way of righteousness and sanity, to always conform.
Mold this vessel, in a force-field of protection, access granted,
The more I, exploit our fellowship, the more unsound my views of such magnitude and undeniable presences.
I'm over the joy, bliss that contains our moments, encounters that never seem to flee.
Finalize the product, make the call, it's going to be one beautiful spring, she is virtuous like Daniel, but eternal in essences.


💓 Much 3X

Friday, November 4, 2022

Life's Struggle's


MAN is deeply conscious of the passing of time. With each tick of the clock, he progresses a step farther down time’s corridor. He is wise, indeed, if he makes proper use of his time. As King Solomon wrote: “For everything there is an appointed time, even a time for every affair under the heavens: a time for birth and a time to die; a time to plant and a time to uproot what was planted; a time to kill and a time to heal; a time to break down and a time to build; a time to weep and a time to laugh.” (Eccl. 3:1-4) How fleeting is time! The 70 years of the normal life span is far too short a time for a person to take in the abundance of knowledge and to enjoy all the other good things Jehovah (YHWH) has provided for man on this earth. “Everything he has made pretty in its time. Even time indefinite he has put in their heart, that mankind may never find out the work that the true God has made from the start to the finish.”—Eccl. 3:11; Ps. 90:10.

Jehovah (YHWH) himself lives in an eternity of time. As for his creatures, it has pleased him to set them in the stream of time. The angels of heaven, including even the rebellious Satan, are fully aware of the passage of time. (Dan. 10:13; Rev. 12:12) Of mankind it is written, “Time and unforeseen occurrence befall them all.” (Eccl. 9:11) Happy is the man who at all times includes God in his thoughts and who welcomes God’s provision of “food at the proper time”!—Matt. 24:45.
Time Is One-Directional: Though time is universal, no man living is able to say what it is. It is as unfathomable as space. No one can explain where the stream of time began or where it is flowing. These things belong to the limitless knowledge of God almighty (YHWH), who is described as being God “from time indefinite to time indefinite.”—Ps. 90:2.
On the other hand, time has certain characteristics that can be understood. Its apparent rate of flow can be measured. Additionally, it moves in one direction only. Like traffic on a one-way street, time moves relentlessly in that one direction—onward, ever onward. Whatever the speed of its forward movement, time can never be thrown into reverse. We live in a momentary present. However, this present is in motion, flowing continually into the past. There is no stopping it.
The Past: The past is gone, it is history, and it can never be repeated. Any attempt to call back the past is as impossible as trying to make a waterfall tumble uphill or an arrow fly back to the bow that shot it. Our mistakes have left their mark in the stream of time, a mark that only God (YHWH) can wipe out. (Isa. 43:25) In like manner, a man’s good deeds in the past have made a record that “will come back to him” with blessing from God almighty (YHWH). (Prov. 12:14; 13:22) The past has been won or lost. No longer is there any control over it. Of the wicked it is written: “For like grass they will speedily wither, and like green new grass they will fade away.”—Ps. 37:2.
The Future: The future is different. It is always flowing toward us. By the help of God’s Word, we can identify obstacles that loom ahead of us and prepare to meet them. We can store up for ourselves “treasures in heaven.” (Matt. 6:20) These treasures will not be swept away by the stream of time. They will stay with us and will endure into an eternal future of blessing. We are interested in the wise use of time, as it affects that future.—Eph. 5:15, 16.
Time Indicators: Our modern-day watches and clocks are time indicators. They serve as rulers for measuring time. In similar manner God (YHWH), the Creator, has set in motion giant time indicators—the earth spinning on its axis, the moon revolving around the earth, and the sun—so that from his standpoint on earth, man may be accurately advised of the time. “And God went on to say: ‘Let luminaries come to be in the expanse of the heavens to make a division between the day and the night; and they must serve as signs and for seasons and for days and years.’” (Gen. 1:14) Thus, as a multitude of objects with interlocking purposes, these heavenly bodies move in their perfect cycles, unendingly and unerringly measuring the one-directional movement of time.

How Time Moves Faster: There is an old saying that “a watched kettle never boils.” It is true that when we are watching time, when we are conscious of it, when we are waiting for something to happen, then it seems to pass ever so slowly. However, if we are busy, if we are interested in and preoccupied with what we are doing, then it really appears that “time flies.” Moreover, with older people time seems to pass much more quickly than with young children. Why is this? One year added to the life of a one-year-old means a 100-percent increase in life’s experiences. One year added to the life of a 50-year-old means just 2 percent more. To the child, a year seems a long, long time. The older person, if busy and in good health, finds that the years seem to fly faster and faster. He comes to a deeper understanding of Solomon’s words: “There is nothing new under the sun.” On the other hand, young people still have the seemingly slower, formative years with them. Instead of “striving after wind” with a materialistic world, they may use these years profitably in piling up a wealth of godly experience. Timely are Solomon’s further words: “Remember, now, your Grand Creator in the days of your young manhood, before the calamitous days proceed to come, or the years have arrived when you will say: ‘I have no delight in them.’”—Eccl. 1:9, 14; 12:1.
Time-When People Live Forever: However, there are joyous days ahead that will be far from calamitous. Lovers of righteousness, whose ‘times are in God's (YHWH) hand,’ may look forward to everlasting life in the realm of God’s Kingdom. (Ps. 31:14-16; Matt. 25:34, 46) Under the Kingdom, death will be no more. (Rev. 21:4) Idleness, illness, boredom, and vanity will have vanished. There will be work to do, absorbing and intriguing, calling for expression of man’s perfect abilities and bringing intense satisfaction in accomplishment. The years will seem to flow faster and faster, and appreciative and retentive minds will be continually enriched with memories of happy events. As millenniums pass, humans on this earth will no doubt come to appreciate more fully God almighty (YHWH) view of time: ‘For a thousand years in God's (YHWH) eyes are but as yesterday when it is past.’—Ps. 90:4.
Viewing the stream of time from our present human standpoint and taking into account God’s promise of a new world of righteousness, how joyous in prospect are the blessings of that day: “For there Jehovah (YHWH) commanded the blessing to be, even life to time indefinite”!—Ps. 133:3.

If life is a Struggle

If life is a struggle, what does death offers in the long run?

Why do we grief over our short comings?

In high places sits the arrogant, time makes the calls and he is of little means!
Time is a thief it robs us of our youth, it makes us gray and savvy, only to reverse as we become children again in our unstable state.

If only we could remain children’s forever can we challenge time?

Time produces; time reduces, and time the crook that steals values as it never burns out. When one wonders time laughs, when one is hurting time laughs, when one is lonely time laughs, time follows no command it is space to be filled, infinite like the thief’s treachery, ever present to observe and molest our slightest moments, like a 
motionless predator it works its web, and consumes, destroys.

The time capsule that never runs out, the subjects trapped in its belly with little hope, time the unscrupulous vigilant, the giver and taker of life.

Time drags when it is having greater moments, the time is and the time will come for all under its sight to time no more!

If not for the cosmos, and the seasons we would be like the dust tossed in the wind, miniature particles of matter that resemble time itself in so many ways.

The Great Spirit is great, find him and make him your allied. Bow to the mysteries and secrets that simple minds charge at, because understanding is not its helper.

The balance of nature is becoming undone, who can reverse it? Oh mother earth that sustains life for a little while, you that shelters the offspring’s of creation in the bosom of paradise, she calls for the souls to fertilize her grounds, she cries out with open mouth and a belly that’s never satisfied.

(C) write protected

Raphael G
Spring of 2010