10/1/24 3:44 AM
PLEASE GRANT ME, ONE FAVOR, HELP ME, SHARE THIS PAGE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD ALMIGHTY TO ALL YOU CAN. Let's together make this year 2025...a memorial beyond my expectations. Thank you all for visiting and staying with me, my loyal love be with you every step of the way. Blessed be you ! When a person of conscience lets go of that gift, the truth shines greater ! So Express freely like we're all meant to be...songbirds of freedom. I have made it easier for research by adding # Labels.
There are moment's hard to absorb, and moment's that absorb completely, moments like a screeching, screaming felt in the throat, ...
True love spent a short session in the worldly courts,
villainize and ostracized for expressing it's finest gift's,
feeling loaded down and heavy, under the scope of the so-called gathering,
those who hold the greatest of virtues in contempt,
those with ears but can't make sense/cause of the expression,
those with eye's and make misuse of the oversight,
those with the gift of tongue and spread poisonous substance,
true love spent a short session of this contemporary misalignment of human activities, yet it remain the seeker's delight for the duration of that allotment,
everyday it flourished in (me)... praise and praise it called out with yearnings beyond compare,
on trial once to many and this new season, what brings worth it's misfits against, and what is the defense?
make my love your battlefield and once it accomplish it's call, you can take down with you,
in the trial's...in the courts...in the public squares...in the witnessing stand...under oath and testimony...but in secret it doesn't operate,
If under the trials of misunderstanding, we gave up all reasoning and the web working it's nefarious activities pulled the veil on us once too often, can we come together and mount under spiritual guidance a complete revival to make right ?
there is much love and much more to come, so that through a thorough self validation, the power of the Almighty is made manifest and completely expand the finest qualities that are truly Divine.
Praise the Almighty God (YHWH) just praise him !
El amor verdadero pasó una corta sesión en las cortes mundanas, vilizado y condenado al ostracismo por expresar sus mejores dones,
sintiéndose agobiado y pesado, bajo el alcance de la llamada reunión,
aquellos que desprecian las mayores virtudes,
aquellos con oídos pero no pueden hacer causa/sentido de la expresión,
aquellos con ojos y hacen mal uso de la supervisión,
aquellos con el don de la lengua y difunden sustancias venenosas,
el amor verdadero pasó una corta sesión de este des-alineamiento contemporáneo de las actividades humanas,
sin embargo, sigue siendo el deleite del buscador durante la duración de esa asignación,
todos los días floreció en (mí)...alabanza y alabanza gritó con anhelos incomparables, en juicio una vez a muchos y esta nueva temporada,
¿qué hace que valga la pena contra él y cuál es la defensa?
Haz de mi amor tu campo de batalla y una vez que cumpla su llamado, podrás derribarlo contigo,
en los juicios...en los juzgados...en las plazas públicas...en el estrado de los testigos...bajo juramento y testimonio...pero en secreto no opera,
Si bajo las pruebas de la incomprensión, abandonamos todo razonamiento y la red que trabaja con sus nefastas actividades nos cubre con demasiada frecuencia, ¿podemos unirnos y montar bajo guía espiritual un avivamiento completo para hacer lo correcto?
hay mucho amor y mucho más por venir, para que a través de una auto-validación profunda, el poder del Todopoderoso se manifieste y expanda por completo las mejores cualidades que son verdaderamente Divinas.
Alabado sea el Dios Todopoderoso (YHWH), ¡simplemente alábenlo!
Rafael G Gonzalez
1/1/25 = 9th son
Holiest and Divine if I stumble at times it's certainly my misjudgment
of your charitable person,
my trust fading like the Holy mist after it's complete cycle,
I have misplaced the order of your Divine arrangements, just to follow it in my last death strokes,
In the regrettable abyss you grant the least of calls,
I need you, and in my vastness of passion I feel an inseparable connection no other
force can attain,
I have come to know your statues,
I'm well aware of your intimacy, your fellowship and attachments,
your stronghold will not release,
freeze frame our expressions and allow these to flow when ever moments in pause stumbles, there I have your attention and charity of your Divinity !
Bless be you to time indefinite,
Santísimo y Divino espiritu si a veces tropiezo, es sin duda por mi error de juicio
de tu persona caritativa,
mi confianza se desvanece como la niebla sagrada después de su ciclo completo,
he extraviado el orden de tus arreglos Divinos, solo para seguirlo en mis últimos golpes de muerte,
en el abismo lamentable concedes la menor de las llamadas,
te necesito, y en mi inmensidad de pasión siento una conexión inseparable que ninguna otra fuerza puede alcanzar,
he llegado a conocer tus estatus,
soy muy consciente de tu intimidad, tu compañerismo y tus apegos,
tu fortaleza no me liberará,
congela nuestras expresiones y permite que fluyan cuando cada momento de pausa tropiece, ¡ahí tengo tu atención y la caridad de tu Divinidad!
Bendito seas hasta el tiempo indefinido,
Rafael G Gonzalez
Yellow in memory of my loyalty and white the purity of faith and eternal love,
in paradise the chase is never ending.
The evergreens of everlasting attachments, and the thorns a delicate balance that choreographs the burning flame,
fragile as it may seem, the power it holds and the lasting impressions to the givers want,
a child of countless spring seasons, for generations to come and eternity to follow,
She awakens my dormant cells and cause a big bang in the deepest of heart, the expansion of that burst...a super Nova of explosive thoughts.
In God (YHWH) Almighty I trust that this affirmative actions of his own Divine will pull us together as energies aggregate in a massive collection and create that incredible spark.
Your absences a living memory, your silence my longest yearn, hear (me) you dream-weaver and Host-of-Host, are you not behind this cause ? My soul is restless in knowing you better, in this perpetual feelings fill our intrigues !
Rafael G Gonzalez