PLEASE GRANT ME, ONE FAVOR, HELP ME, SHARE THIS PAGE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD ALMIGHTY TO ALL YOU CAN. Let's together make this year 2025...a memorial beyond my expectations. Thank you all for visiting and staying with me, my loyal love be with you every step of the way. Blessed be you ! When a person of conscience lets go of that gift, the truth shines greater ! So Express freely like we're all meant to be...songbirds of freedom. I have made it easier for research by adding # Labels.
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Kintsugi (mend the broken) Revised
There are moment's hard to absorb, and moment's that absorb completely, moments like a screeching, screaming felt in the throat, ...

Saturday, February 15, 2025
Moon Light (Revised)
Monday, February 10, 2025
Inform (me)
It is the medicine every soul seeks,
An ancient remedy (formula) that soothes all aches,
condition's, illness, heart-troubles, and restores the imbalance, a soul
under the greatest assault,
It is a superlative design...I far from it,
remote where resides, present at all moments,
We seek it with all eagerness of heart, misplacing the enigmatic
fellowship where incubated, causing so much commotion,
It weighs us down in thoughts, feelings that race like meteors in chase,
implants at fine-tuned frequencies,
it searches those energies and low-level vibrations to draft back into it's superlative acts
what are rightfully it's own,
If one was to query all this ?
At a grand scale...all the intellectuals...all the thinkers...all the gifted in field of reasoning, what are your findings ?
what are your logical explanation, if there be any in that field ?
we may be granted access if we pause in the allotted time/space gained and return it, if that be the call ! it is inevitable in that time constraints...the wise who seek it becomes the chase, and that is sublime.
Almighty God (YHWH) at work
Praise him while you can...just praise him !
Rafael G Gonzalez
Sunday, January 19, 2025
Love Arts secrecy (revised)
Thursday, January 9, 2025
Take (me) home *
Jah, the Almighty and Divine...keeps the pot broiling in my soul,
in mid-nite presence he searches for my person and we find each other
through an encounter so natural to us,
Jah, is my love-joy and it's nothing to be alarmed about...but cherish moments
to embrace his wholesome attachments,
so my thoughts race evermore and with greater eagerness as his eternal presence
makes the connection like fusion of superlative energies merge into a stockpile,
I'm just a rogue (a rough man) lacking in all accounts,
Why do you seek (me) so boldly ?
When was it you became indebted to (me) ?
in all submission and humbleness carry out your Divine schemes, and your slave child be in expectations throughout life's duration,
My love is not by chance and you have query it in the finest of search,
take (me) home...there you, will have the best of the hearts desire,
a place where we can engage in the intimate convocations and spirits merge, come together in endless continuity,
lost as usual in brain storm, but seeking the light is my greatest want.
Praise and laud be my Divine being...
*special guest (YHWH)
Rafael G Gonzalez
Wednesday, January 1, 2025
True Love on trial (Revised)
True love spent a short session in the worldly courts,
villainize and ostracized for expressing it's finest gift's,
feeling loaded down and heavy, under the scope of the so-called gathering,
those who hold the greatest of virtues in contempt,
those with ears but can't make sense/cause of the expression,
those with eye's and make misuse of the oversight,
those with the gift of tongue and spread poisonous substance,
true love spent a short session of this contemporary misalignment of human activities, yet it remain the seeker's delight for the duration of that allotment,
everyday it flourished in (me)... praise and praise it called out with yearnings beyond compare,
on trial once to many and this new season, what brings worth it's misfits against, and what is the defense?
make my love your battlefield and once it accomplish it's call, you can take down with you,
in the trial' the the public the witnessing stand...under oath and testimony...but in secret it doesn't operate,
If under the trials of misunderstanding, we gave up all reasoning and the web working it's nefarious activities pulled the veil on us once too often, can we come together and mount under spiritual guidance a complete revival to make right ?
there is much love and much more to come, so that through a thorough self validation, the power of the Almighty is made manifest and completely expand the finest qualities that are truly Divine.
Praise the Almighty God (YHWH) just praise him !
El amor verdadero pasó una corta sesión en las cortes mundanas, vilizado y condenado al ostracismo por expresar sus mejores dones,
sintiéndose agobiado y pesado, bajo el alcance de la llamada reunión,
aquellos que desprecian las mayores virtudes,
aquellos con oídos pero no pueden hacer causa/sentido de la expresión,
aquellos con ojos y hacen mal uso de la supervisión,
aquellos con el don de la lengua y difunden sustancias venenosas,
el amor verdadero pasó una corta sesión de este des-alineamiento contemporáneo de las actividades humanas,
sin embargo, sigue siendo el deleite del buscador durante la duración de esa asignación,
todos los días floreció en (mí)...alabanza y alabanza gritó con anhelos incomparables, en juicio una vez a muchos y esta nueva temporada,
¿qué hace que valga la pena contra él y cuál es la defensa?
Haz de mi amor tu campo de batalla y una vez que cumpla su llamado, podrás derribarlo contigo,
en los juicios...en los juzgados...en las plazas públicas...en el estrado de los testigos...bajo juramento y testimonio...pero en secreto no opera,
Si bajo las pruebas de la incomprensión, abandonamos todo razonamiento y la red que trabaja con sus nefastas actividades nos cubre con demasiada frecuencia, ¿podemos unirnos y montar bajo guía espiritual un avivamiento completo para hacer lo correcto?
hay mucho amor y mucho más por venir, para que a través de una auto-validación profunda, el poder del Todopoderoso se manifieste y expanda por completo las mejores cualidades que son verdaderamente Divinas.
Alabado sea el Dios Todopoderoso (YHWH), ¡simplemente alábenlo!
Rafael G Gonzalez
1/1/25 = 9th son
Friday, October 18, 2024
Weakness (revised) 25.24
Hypocrisy, greed, and falsehood are a bottomless contrive.
Just like Satan’s treachery and counterfeits are like a black hole in space.
A thousand years in the abyss is not fitting for such lawless-criminal, homeless, and debased fallen creature.
A thousand life sentences for such and all his devotee’s is little to invoke.
My plea so that the lessor can rest in peace. And there can be jubilee amongst the remnant.
Be charitable O’ you holiest-of-holiest and host-of-host...let them see the verdict, a one in a life time witness !
I have a thorn at my side, and through my weakness your spirit contends...the weakness has become silenced and also the thorn. I’m completely confident, if I remain in weakness the thorn and all it's activities has over-come Satan in all his schemes.
Our enemy has conspired against said short-coming to create a divide of conscience, yet through your compassion, love, mercy and infinite reasoning, I’m set free!
The greatest of wars have been fought in the spiritual world and not the other way around.
Like a prodigal son and social disease, my compassion for all the afflicted and needy of such protection for said tragedy.
The martyr stays in mission and not on trivial matters. This place where it dusk and dawns, this place of my dilemmas, persecution, laments...I know it will go into convulsion soon...and this affirmative action keeps me in expectation.
How do one (a person) educates ignorant people beyond their means ?
Ignorant masses are more dangerous then a loaded weapon aimed at the populace,
It takes such to do harm. Not the other way around !
Beyond their means, but not the spirit… for it is greater then the flesh.
So here is the contention, find the self through the spirit… and extract the thorn in the flesh !
What binds the flesh can’t bind the spirit...and through what means ?
The corruption of the the corruption of conscience.
Now that you’ have the means, channel those energies to a higher power !
La hipocresía, la codicia y la falsedad son un ingenio sin fondo.
Al igual que la traición y las falsificaciones de Satanás es como un agujero negro en el espacio.
Mil años en el abismo no es adecuado para tales sin ley-
delincuente, sin hogar, y degradado criatura caída.
Es poco que invocar mil cadenas perpetuas para tales y todas las de su devoto.
Mi súplica para que el arrendador pueda descansar en paz. Y puede haber jubileo entre el remanente.
Sea caritativo O’ usted más sagrado-de-santo y anfitrión-de-anfitrión...dejar que se vean el veredicto, uno en un testimonio de tiempo de vida !
Tengo un espina a mi lado, y através de mi debilidad tu espíritu debilidad se ha silenciado y también la espina. Estoy completamente seguro, si permanezco en la debilidad, la espina ha superado a Satanás en todos sus esquemas.
Nuestro enemigo ha conspirado contra dicha deficiencia para crear una división de conciencia, sin embargo, através de tu compasión, amor, misericordia y razonamiento infinito, ¡estoy en libertad!
Las guerras mas grandes se an peliado en el mundo espiritual,y no en las fisicas.
Como hijo prodigo y enfermeda social, me compadesco te todos los afligidos y necesitados de proteccion de dicha trageria.
El martyr se mantienen en mission y no en cosas triviales,
Este sitio donde amanece y oscurece, este sitio de mi dilemas, persecuciones, lamentos, se que pronto se convulcionar y esto me mantienen en grande expectacion.
¿Cómo se educa a la gente ignorante más allá de sus posibilidades?
Las masas ignorantes son más peligrosas que un arma cargada dirigida contra la población. Se necesita a alguien así para hacer daño. ¡No al revés!
Más allá de sus posibilidades, pero no del espíritu… porque es más grande que la carne. Así que aquí está el argumento: ¡encuentre el yo a través del espíritu… y extraiga la espina de la carne!
Lo que ata a la carne no puede atar al espíritu… ¿y a través de qué medios?
La corrupción del espíritu… es la corrupción de la conciencia. Ahora que tiene los medios, ¡canalice esas energías hacia un poder superior!
Friday, October 11, 2024
El Coqui (revised)
Copy (R)
Raphael G
03/24/13 2:44 AM
Thursday, February 29, 2024
How I loved the girl of my concept,
Rafa EL G
Monday, January 3, 2022
We rise by lifting others.
Thursday, March 22, 2018
The Chase
Friday, March 17, 2017
Life's source
they enhance the visual and stimulate the senses,
like peaks and curves of the mountain tops,
like the valleys and evergreen pastures...a delightful kaleidoscope of reflective
lights that bounce back with charm and inquisitive intrigues,
like a meadow in endless rejuvenation,
a waterfall in parched regions,
an oasis of never-ending want,
like shades and shadows tossed dancing dusk-to-dawn,
nocturnal roost daylight dew native and foreign visitor's fragrance chant,
sun-dance, rain-dance collaborate the seasons,
God almighty surely out did himself in creating a fine companion, for his first creative off-spring.
(C) Right
Raphael G
Thursday, March 9, 2017
Steadfast reaching out
Friday, March 3, 2017
Motherly Rescued
Monday, February 20, 2017
Friday, February 10, 2017
Ink n paper
The ability to self-express, I mean really to convey the true person (the secret person) individual,
takes on a whole dimension and approach.
Being spontaneous to many is like bursting with words and actions aimlessly. But to the well trained and sight, being the true-self, took on a life time of achievements.
To be truly free is not rationalizing that we are the ride the wind is an abstract mindset.
To flow like a mighty river or a gentle stream invokes great passion, when the spirit is stirred it reveals wonders...yet there is a hollow void that chokes at the end.
So where are we ? When the questions and answers are so inspiringly crafted, that seeking the ultimate-expression can lead to a host of the unknown !
Again I take to the Ink and white paper, they hold and record the knowledge...lost and found, seeking its audience, breaking all barriers...setting a path on which there can be guidance, not demanding nor dictating , just benevolent...patient and all embracing.
Raphael G
Lament for departed doll
BY:Raphael G
Tuesday, December 30, 2014
Dream Weaver
Friday, September 5, 2014
Admirer's reproach
Admirer’s Reproach
If I could find comfort for just a while it would be in the corner stairways;
Friday, September 6, 2013
Performance By : Valentina Lisitsa
I take no credit, or gains by sharing a fair clause for use of material.