Monday, June 3, 2024

Invisible Host
















To the director. A melody of David. Psalms 19:1  The heavens are declaring the glory of God;The skies above* proclaim the work of his hands.

Romans 1:20
For his invisible qualities are clearly seen from the world’s creation onward, because they are perceived by the things made, even his eternal power and God-ship, so that they are inexcusable.

2 Corinthians 4:18 while we keep our eyes, not on the things seen, but on the things unseen. For the things seen are temporary, but the things unseen are everlasting.

Hebrews 11:1-40  Faith is the assured expectation of what is hoped for, the evident demonstration of realities that are not seen.

Monday, May 13, 2024

Parasites undo the harm


Dr. Clark was known worldwide for her knowledge about and expertise on parasites.

She was the first to recognize that one does not get parasites only in tropical countries. Parasites can cause great damage to the human body, weakening our immune system and cause disease.Only the adult stage is the one that should "normally" live in humans (and then only in the intestine). Instead Dr. Clark realized that the human species are now heavily infested with parasites. Globalization has also given its contribution to this. Global travel reduces our planet to the size of our backyards and in order to keep our own backyards clean, the neighbors must keep backyards clean too. So it is with keeping our bodies free of viruses, bacteria and parasites. We all must be free of them. We can do this electrically with zapping and Parasite Cleanse which removes more than 120 species of parasites without any side effects.

For more obstinate parasites such as ascaris and tapeworms, refer to the Mop-up Program


A parasite is a tiny organism that lives on or in another host organism and is fed at the expense of its host. In other words the parasites that live inside us use up our vitamins, proteins and all other nutrients. Not only do they do this, they also do their "business" inside us releasing their toxic bacteria and viruses inside us.

There are three principal groups that cause sickness in humans:

  1. PROTOZOA – unicellular microscopic organisms such as plasmodium, cryptosporidium or entamoeba
  2. HELMINTHES – multicellular organisms visible to the human eye such as flatworms (trematodes), cestodes (tapeworms), acantocepalins e round worms (nematodes)
  3. ECTOPARASITES – bigger insects – these act as vectors transmitting illness such as ticks, lice and mites

Heavy parasitism is caused also by the water and food we take in.

Flatworms such as Trematodes (Flukes) are small suckers that attach themselves to our tissues, suck and release eggs. They can release from 25'000 to 50'000 eggs per day


Associated with intestinal problems such as colitis, Crohn's , endometriosis, HIV and the malignant part of cancer

Liver parasite associated with Crohn's disease, chronic fatigue, allergies

Pancreatic parasite associated with diabetes and a low immunity

Liver parasite associated with Crohn's disease, chronic fatigue, allergies. Can cause carcinoma of the bile ducts and liver

Lung parasite associated with Pneumocystis carnii, EBV and CMV

NEMATODES (roundworms)

Dog heartworm associated with migraine headache and heart disorders

Biggest intestinal parasite. About 1 billiard people worldwide are infected. Many children as it come from the soil, food and feces. They can stay in our body asymptomatic for many years while robbing us of our copper and iron, weakening our bones. Releases 200,000 eggs per day.
Associated with herpes, eczema, psoriasis, joint and muscle disorders, allergies, swollen eyelids, indigestion and inflammation, anemia, coxsackie virus, adenovirus, mycobacterium, mumps. Its larval stages are associated with lung disorder , seizures and asthma.

TAPEWORM STAGES (Cestodes – flatworm):
The head called the scolex has 4 vents that attach themselves and absorb our nutrients . The neck produces segments and each segment produces eggs. A segment can produce up to 50'000 eggs and an adult Taenia solium can have up to 1000 segments and grow up to 7 meters.
Associated with colds. Produces malonic acid that inhibits the Krebs Cycle and produces harmful bacteria.

Bladder parasites associated with bladder disorders

The species that infect man are the Ancylostoma Duodenum and the Necatore Americanus.

They can come in through our skin and go preferably to the duodenum. They cause bleeding, anemia, arthritis, joint and muscle pains, schizophrenia and intestinal problems.

Associated 100% with headaches, arthritis, joint and muscle pain.

Infects about 09 million people worldwide. Comes from food, water and dust. They live in the colon and the females make up to 15000 worms.

From meat and pets.
Muscle parasite that causes joint and muscle pain. Associated with fibromyalgia and brings bacteria such as Streptococcus, Staphylococcus, Costridium and Camphylobacter. It can also go to the muscle of the eye.







Find out more on Parasites and see their preferred Location

Copyright notice – Excerpts taken from "The Cure of all Diseases" written by Dr. Clark


Dr. Clark was the first to realize that we are heavily infested with parasites. Man has always had parasites and the normal cycle is that our immune system should eliminate them. What causes them instead to dwell and thrive in us in all their larval stages?

Dr. Clark shows us that just as man has food preferences, parasites, which are also living things, have their own food preferences and have adapted to the solvents and metals in our environment much more quickly than their human hosts. Parasites are also strongly associated with food allergies.

This is bad news for us because parasites will use up our food, our vitamins, and our minerals while releasing their own harmful bacteria, metals, viruses, toxins, and other waste products in us.

The healthy of us have few, the sick have many parasites.

Unfortunately, globalization is deciding for us how our food should be sterilized, how our water should be cleaned, and the purity standards for our food supplements.
In order to stay healthy, it is vital that we return to nature as much as possible, preparing food from scratch and finding clean sources of water.

For humans it is also the food and water that decides our health and whether we are heavily parasitized and destined to a life of low energy and lots of medicine.



Food requirement: onion
Preferred solvent: alcohol isopropyl


Food requirement: wheat (partly digested into gluten and gladin)


Food requirement: LIMONENE- found in lemons, orange oil, pine needles, peppermint etc
Preferred solvent: methanol


Food requirement: oats


Food requirement: potatoes


Food requirement: milk sugar


Food requirement: QUERCITIN - found also in cantaloupe, cheese, cucumbers etc


Food requirement: corn


Food requirement: lemon
Preferred solvent: benzene


Food requirement: cinnamon


Food requirement: sorghum, acetaldehyde

By eliminating these foods for 3 weeks you will have starved most of your parasites. You can then start to introduce one food once a week.

Also food oils need to be eliminated until the body has digested all the accumulated food oils. Food oils are the food for most Oncoviruses which are released by parasites and give immortality to cancer cells and to bacteria cells. You can help to remove accumulated food oils by taking enzymes such as pancreatin-lipase or digestive enzymes.

Parasites also trigger our food allergies. Allergies open the door to inflammation, which opens the door to more bacteria and viruses.

Check out the Parasite Gallery

(Taken from Dr. Clark’s book "The Prevention of all Cancers" )

Monday, May 6, 2024

expreso mi llanto/express yearns

Jehovah’ me eres una total santidad,

me guias en esa misma expresion Divina,

conoces bien mis actos mas intimos,

mi confianza se aloja en ti, y solamente en ti…no hay partidos entre nosotros,

permiteme un corto alargamiento mas para que se manifieste lo escrito,

me examina diariamente como si fuese notas perdidas, asi es tu apego hacia mi,

un esclavo sin rumbo en busca de tu colorido espendor,

extiende mi llanto asi ti, que nunca se apaque en busca de tus obras superlativas,

mi Santo y eleogiado ser Divino te expreso lo que siento y no te oculto nada muy bien lo sabes,

si el sheol abriera las puertas a cualquier momento  se que me buscarian aquellos encuentros,

inquieto por ti lo inanimado de mis huesos, de seguro me eres memoria en la profundidad.

Jehovah, you are a total holiness to me,

You guide me in that same Divine expression,

You know my most intimate acts well,

My trust resides in you, and only in you…there are no parties between us,

Allow me one more short extension so that what is written can be manifested,

He examines me daily as if I were lost notes, this is your attachment to me,

an aimless slave in search of your colorful splendor,

He spreads my tears so that it never subsides in search of your superlative works,

My Holy and praised Divine being, I express to you what I feel and I do not hide anything from you, you know it very well,

If Sheol opened the doors at any moment I know those moments you would seek me out,

The inanimateness of my bones are restless for you, you are surely a memory to me in the depths.

Rafa EL G Gonzalez

Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Flower of Holy Spirit


To the devastation's of war and famine that follows right behind like the four rider's of apocalyptic scene's no human can embrace in a right mind set. There will always be a more serene vision for the oppressed and less fortunate. They shall rise with wings of phoenix and from the ashes deconstruct the instruments of hatred, and be the most blessed for their steadfastness in hope of exchange.

I feel completely at ease and I'm not just jiving that through-out life's challenges, ordeals I wouldn't have enjoyed the way it has transformed and created the other half which I been longing for. I can truly express fully the whole person molded and placed in reserves for the greater awakening.
How do I see (me) a man to be held in contempt or a man for the greater works ?
Almighty God (YHWH) is my witness...and so here I'm

Consciousness awake and rise from the deep slumber, express that which has been asleep for the final trial and judgement,
Instruct the idleness and stagnant energies to transform that able body,
become a friction to all resistance, opposition to what is truly Divine,
Create a corridor like a dividing wall and channel all that which is fruitful and just cause, shrink not to the adversary, his power is dimming even in it's total darkness,
herald in awareness so many can nourish the spark of hope,
Summons all that is Holy and Divine, praise and laud "The Almighty God (YHWH) Jehovah, and prove the arch enemy has failed.

All things kept secret find no use for those searching the light, as for the expression it becomes ostracized and a villain for making available secrets to posterity and observing righteous growth ! All things kept in obscurity is repugnant, and all things that arts darkness is a miscarriage of Divine Justice.

It's been a heavy burden carrying-out the mandates of God Almighty Jehovah (Truth), but not heavy enough to separate me from it. Every opportunity in which I can be a counter weight, and counter-productive, I boast as being that contender with a heavy price.
If I boast it's certainly not the same way others may see it fit, and if my boasting creates some kind of friction, I boast even greater, because through the operations of the Holiest-of-Holiest my person is being manifest in weakness and tribulations for the betterment of those who feel left behind...and certainly its not my cause.

Release from bondage all that is kept secret,
all that which is hostile and holds the expression hostage,
Express the self in purity,
express the self in the simpleness of mind to what is love,
fill the self with the fruits of the Holiest-of-Holiest,
Allow the attributes of saintly and Divine to take hold of what is rightfully his own,
express the self to the point the spoiler and usurper can’t find traction and cause it to slip,
what ever it takes to find within the self to uphold the moral conscience...stay the course,
water that sits stale and stagnant remain flat and finds no traction,
water that is constantly moving, flowing fills gaps and these new orders replace the old habits,
as the wheel in the sky turns (Celestial Chariot) doing away with the antiquated traditions, versions and cause to cease and desist that which is hindrance in the corridor of space,
this continuity of flowing living water is not all that new...but a reminder of what is law and transitioning from it,
remain a friction to the apparatus of deceitful schemes,
make it your own to walk in the person of the faithful slave,
Disown the self to renew and replenish all which is old and make use the excellence of works,
call out the ancient (YHWH) of time and make it your stronghold, in needful places it never fails,
your call is not in vain but the actions maybe serving different causes,
remain grounded and seek not the temporary and trivial matters of life that herniates the true self and expression.
Thank you all for the support and allowing our blog to grow, expand and reach it's audience. Facebook and google have been instrumental, along the many other media outlets. April has been a good month, so I express it in all gratitude. The nations of the World, the global family, and friends who have stay the course through some very rough times. You have gone beyond my expectations, and that's why I'm still here and will remain a while. I shall continue publishing articles poetic notes and journeys, and what ever internally seeks in the outside.
Much love,
You have my blessings,
Rafael G Gonzalez

Sunday, April 28, 2024

Global family/much love


Thank you all for the support and allowing our blog to grow, expand and reach it's audience. Facebook and google have been instrumental, along the many other media outlets. April has been a good month, so I express it in all gratitude. The nations of the World, the global family, and friends who have stay the course through some very rough times. You have gone beyond my expectations, and that's why I'm still here and will remain a while. I shall continue publishing articles poetic notes and journeys, and what ever internally seeks in the outside.
Much love,
You have my blessings,
Rafa EL G Gonzalez

Thursday, April 25, 2024

Evilution VS God (Creation)


Evolutionists Explain Design Using Unscientific "Magic Words"

The term "magic words" is used here as a concise idiom that describes the best words evolutionists use to explain "apparent" design. Evolutionists confidently insist that a complex biological feature simply "appeared," "emerged," "arose," "gave rise to," "burst onto the scene," "evolved itself," "derived," "was on the way to becoming," "radiated into," "modified itself," "became a miracle of evolution," "was making the transition to," "manufactured itself," "evolution's way of dealing with," "derived emergent properties," or "was lucky."

How do words like "appeared" explain design? Just like magic, the use of this word invokes mysterious powers within unseen universes that are capable of leaping over enormous scientific obstacles without having to provide any scientific consideration for how a particular physical result was achieved. Magic words convey wish-like convictions that if evolutionists just believe deeply enough, their explanations must be true and someday will be true--though currently resisted by all scientific evidence. Explaining design by believing it "arose" appeals to imaginary special forces which help evolutionists to connect the evolutionary dots. But as in any magical kingdom, the connections are mental fantasies that are not grounded in reality.

Magic words lack explanatory power because they fail to tie real observations to detailed descriptions of how features of design originate. Claiming that novel biological features "burst onto the scene" abandons the need for experimental verification; indeed, the implication is to not even try. Take any biological observation. In evolutionary thinking, any observation can be transformed into a proof that explains its own existence by applying the magic phrase: "It exists because it is favored by natural selection." In reality, observations are only observations and are neither proofs nor explanations.

Engineers, medical doctors, and other scientists who rely on studies or experiments do not use these kinds of words. Their products do not "emerge" but develop via thought-filled processes. They rightly call filling a knowledge gap with narrative stories "arm waving," which calls to mind a stage magician.

In conversation with others, it would be difficult to overemphasize how important magic words are to evolutionary theory. Remark on how these words pervade elite journals like Science, popular magazines like Scientific American, and television shows like NOVA. "Magic words" pour from evolutionary literature like water over Niagara Falls. Challenge your listener to carefully observe the communication in these forums, noting how many paragraphs or statements pass without the use of these words. They are the lifeblood of the evolutionary community's most profound and highest-quality scientific literature."

- Randy J. Guliuzza, P.E., M.D.

*Footnote* I don't belong to any of Christendom ministries but do acknowledge and respect the films director/producer for the fine presentation. I do know that his actions are pure and clearly manifest the creator's true intentions. Other then a few rough edges I'm more then satisfied with the central theme and essences in which the author takes students and professor's from ground-zero, and points them to greater hope. Again thanks for the film and like professor Kent Hovind...your helping countless break free. 

This video has been circulating in my other blog (Stay Awake), so wanted to share in this one (poeticnoteand journeys).

Monday, April 15, 2024

Sacred expression

Release from bondage all that is kept secret,
all that which is hostile and holds the expression hostage,
Express the self in purity,
express the self in the simpleness of mind to what is love, 
fill the self with the fruits of the Holiest-of-Holiest,
Allow the attributes of saintly and Divine to take hold of what is rightfully his own,
express the self to the point the spoiler and usurper can’t find traction and cause it to slip,
what ever it takes to find within the self to uphold the moral conscience...stay the course,
water that sits stale and stagnant remain flat and finds no traction,
water that is constantly moving, flowing fills gaps and these new orders replace the old habits,
as the wheel in the sky turns (Celestial Chariot) doing away with the antiquated traditions, versions and cause to cease and desist that which is hindrance in the corridor of space,
this continuity of flowing living water is not all that new...but a reminder of what is law and transitioning from it,
remain a friction to the apparatus of deceitful schemes,
make it your own to walk in the person of the faithful slave,
Disown the self to renew and replenish all which is old and make use the excellence of works,
call out the ancient (YHWH) of time and make it your stronghold, in needful places it never fails,
your call is not in vain but the actions maybe serving different causes,
remain grounded and seek not the temporary and trivial matters of life that herniates the true self and expression.


Rafael G Gonzalez

Sunday, April 7, 2024

weakness and power

I feel broken and a sadness that chokes (me),

 As I, walk pass those doors and a cold spell that last many seasons,

 I shall not forget the irony that has walked with (me) and the assembly of 

piercing starring eyes adding more to the conflict that rages inside.

 Yet I’m your guest, that teaches forbearance, love, kindness, compassion, and a host of fruits for the picking.

 I kinda wonder who was gaining from this chaos crushing (me) inside ?

 And I, rekindle with reasoning “when I’m weak” a power struggle rages within...then the irony shifts gears to my favor.

 In the order of weakness and power, I bear witness of a Divine being who has set (me) free, through the act of true love...and we are one in the challenge to uphold a universal question ? Of who really rules with exclusive devotion !

 Please take (me) home as you wish! Where I belong ! Praise be your saintly and Divine name...Jehovah (YHWH) for millenniums to come !

Rafa EL G Gonzalez

Some time ago...

Wednesday, April 3, 2024

LOVE grow cold

 Emotion=Energy in motion, magnetic thoughts that transcends in frequencies, vibrations, through various wave length, the unseen sounds, the spectrum of aurora channeling those hidden gems. To capture these arrays of the unspoken, challenging the brightest of gifts that becomes our expression. So when one releases those vast pool of knowledge, in terms of Divinity what is obscure are made manifest in plain view.

Through the expression, the is relayed effortlessly, poetic notes are inherent as to Divine poetry is in relation too the energy itself.

Do you see the point? 

I hope so ! :}

When was the last time the Almighty God (YHWH) wrote something specifically for you his beloved child ? Well, there is a compilation of 66 books in all of them you finds his ever embracing LOVE affair in relation to his falling children. As a matter fact this Divine being host-of-host spare no time in invoking high emotions in regard for their return.

Everyday, every-week I’m bathe with expressions of endearment, which some may find odd to say.

So allow me to expand a bit...if I Ralph wrote you a poetic note or a LOVE letter...the expression not my own, the feelings not my own, the LOVE not my own, the emotions not my own, the compassion not my own. You see it was all superlatively worked/crafted through the incubation period of 9 months and continuance to this day for the Glory of Almighty God himself. I take no credit for this contraption of flesh and bones, and my worth is property (copy right) of Jehovah himself.

I never knew that a little LOVE and affection killed anyone, it's completely a new turn in human activities, much anticipated and well documented. Matthew 24:12 

“and because of the increasing of lawlessness, the LOVE of the greater number will grow cold.”13 But the one who has endured to the end will be saved.”

 So be a real men or woman about it, lawlessness is at it’s peak, but dress yourselves with true LOVE and the person of Jesus Christ our lord and savior...because to endure the lawlessness, only LOVE can counter such manifestations. Yes, LOVE is alien and taboo on account of application and not the cohesion of sinfulness.

One of the greatest tools or should I say attributes of the Holiest-of-Holiest is LOVE, through this sublime quality He, bathe, showers, shields his creative subjects. 

Should I say anymore ?

Rafa EL G Gonzalez

Thursday, March 21, 2024

Elitist invite


I wish not be initiated by any cult, sect, new-age- movement, elitist club…

If I stand or stumble “The Christian’s (The Way) which I prefer and embrace in martyrdom or witness.

I have dedicated and in spiritual vows summons the highest authority in heavens, that our union shall not be made to rapture for the temporary and trivial matters of life.

I do respect and admiringly way, must decline any offer that goes against that.

Thou having a thorn at my side, through my LORD and KING in celestial abode,

concedes undeserved kindness, that kindness and mercy are over-stepped and that grieves me,

In honorable death let me, depart without fear that by opening the doorways to the other-side is a blessing bestowed.

I believe more in a resurrection, more then I belief I'm still alive (material)...a martyr's wish...a martyr's call. This energy is yours, there is nothing called self, that resides here in this contraption of flesh and bones,  I yearn for your presence. Design a scheme for us, and I will blindly follow.

By accurate knowledge I have been set free !


 Rafa EL G Gonzalez

Monday, March 11, 2024

Pipe-lines of life

 Psalm 139:14
New International Version
 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
    your works are wonderful,
    I know that full well.

Life to (me) is a love story from being cast-out from the sacred chamber, Almighty God’s workshop (womb) into the light, from the vast deep and pipe-lines of life, every journey is Divine poetry. 

I’m wonderfully made and woven to the highest expectations, I was tailored-made to order and there is nothing missing. From memories long ago...far and beyond, the potter’s vessel and weaver's choice...

I must praise him while I can and laud him with all expressions bestowed.
The truth is free and eternal, it can’t be confined, contained, or stopped…

It’s why the devil Satan has had such a hard time, in stifling it’s greatness.
The truth is fitting to all when needful, and we all have made use of it, yet it’s not assimilated/digestible to all.

One can live a lie...but not survive the truth, many are aware of this.
The truth is Divine, it has no rival, no equal, undefeated, able to transform, actuate and cause for the better. Awaken and released from bondage.

Lies are invoked and devised to counter it and not the other way around.
The truth is eternal and will remain ageless, and that is what Almighty God 
Jehovah, Yahweh, Jah (YHWH) has said.

Praise while we can, just praise him, exalt, sanctify make him known.
Rafael G Gonzalez

Saturday, March 2, 2024

Infinite time (Eternity)

 Does eternity feels loaded down because of time constraints ?

Does a number on it's check list hold any significance ? 

Can it dictate to the lesser in it's space corridor ?

Is ancient of old and eternity of the same substance ?

Is it a difficult task to formulate the call to a higher state of consciousness and embrace the true essences of life giving force, as energies recycle in this enigmatic infinite duration ?  

What is the soul ?

Rafael G Gonzalez

Friday, March 1, 2024

Signature Of God (YHWH) ?

 Does your DNA carry the signature of Almighty God (YHWH ) Jehovah ?

Jeremiah 1:5...Before I formed you in the womb I knew you,
And before you were born I sanctified you.I made you a prophet to the nations.

Jeremiah 29:11...“‘For I well know the thoughts that I am thinking toward you,’ declares Jehovah, ‘thoughts of peace, and not of calamity, to give you a future and a hope.

Psalm 139:16  
Your eyes saw my unformed substance; in your book were written, every one of them, the days that were formed for me, when as yet there was none of them.

Isaiah 49:5 
And now the Lord says, he who formed me from the womb to be his servant, to bring Jacob back to him; and that Israel might be gathered to him— for I am honored in the eyes of the Lord, and my God has become my strength—

Isaiah 49:1 
Listen to me, O coast-lands, and give attention, you peoples from afar. The Lord called me from the womb, from the body of my mother he named my name.

Psalm 139:1-24  
To the choirmaster. A Psalm of David. O Lord, you have searched me and known me! You know when I sit down and when I rise up; you discern my thoughts from afar. You search out my path and my lying down and are acquainted with all my ways. Even before a word is on my tongue, behold, O Lord, you know it altogether. You hem me in, behind and before, and lay your hand upon me. ...

Galatians 1:15  
But when he who had set me apart before I was born, and who called me by his grace,

Psalm 139:15-16 
My frame was not hidden from you, when I was being made in secret, intricately woven in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed substance; in your book were written, every one of them, the days that were formed for me, when as yet there was none of them.

* As for me i'm wonderfully made and there is nothing missing, i'm his love joy from the beginning without ends.

And I will say this praise, laud, and sanctify him while you can !

Rafael G Gonzalez

Thursday, February 29, 2024


 How I loved the girl of my concept,
How she vanishes in thin air,
The countless bridges, inroad marks, I misplaced,
The concept all suitor’s hold so dear,
The concept foments ideals in a alienated chase of never ending want,
Alienated and far from truth,
The ideals that burn the foreign chase,
The suitor’s last wish,
She weaves and mends a host of broken dreams,
If dreaming means counterfeiting reality I, have done so to perfection,
My guest a stalking shadow, tossed in four directions,
If there is such thing, I shall find it.


Rafa EL G

Wednesday, February 21, 2024

To the highest power * Special guest

 Jehovah (YHWH) Almighty God of heavens and earth, you are the highest authority, through Jesus-Christ. Let your Divine will usher worth glad tithing and blessings only your tender side of compassion hollows first. Your patience running the gauntlet and time stretching thin, the opposition at the last death strokes. I'm completely confident you have shield (me) well, spare not one part of this contraption of flesh and bones, use (me) in whatever you feel fit...but deprive (me) not.

Expand your creative activities and shame, cause the counterfeiter to go into convulsions (fits), that your love and undeserved-kindness has no rival. Execute your fine-tuned attributes and fruits of the spirit, like no other period in human-kind history. Net the greatest collection of choicest expressions and make them whole for your grand schemes.

I can see that all to well....

Praise and honor to the Almighty God, to the highest power !

Let your light shine through the truth, may it pierce the hardest substance, make the enemy of the Almighty God (YHWH) Jehovah... uncomfortable with your presence. Cause him to slip in your, steadfastness and greater vision of faith. Become a memorial in the scrolls of life, at the gates leading to eternity. Be one of those who can stand in victory, likeness and fashion of "Welcome Reign" I be there with you or die trying at the final call we can say...mission accomplished.


Rafa EL G Gonzalez

Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Grateful/Global family


Since January, 5th 2021...I had a turning point in my life. I'm not going to recall into details those events, many of the contacts, friends, follower's and the public are much aware of that awakening. Ever since that time I have written some of the most striking poetic notes that seem pressing in memory. I started writing pieces of thoughts at about 12 years old, what ever bounced into my mind, and when ever I could record them. Some of my older collection were submitted to the library of congress under copy right.
As a writer one has ups and downs like any other venture in life, well I have not been so fortunate as to pick and choose, no cherry picking or coasting down Hollywood boulevard. Life to me has been in the same terms they are written. So I give unselfishly of me, so that the masses at large can take something with them.
In the last two years, I have felt a call like nothing to compare in my search, in my restless nights, deprived of sleep and comfort. Out of all these challenges and commotion a little better then 12 poetic notes have taken on an international scale. I give thanks in gratitude to the global family for the support, and presence while I was asleep. You my family have created a spark, when my soul was dimming in the dark. Some of you I hold dearly and will love into eternity.

Rafa EL G Gonzalez

Monday, February 19, 2024

The conspiracy


You’ who dare challenge “The Almighty Divine and host-of-host”
You' who through countless counterfeits, schemes and treacherous acts of calculus...swept into a black-hole with no end in sight.
How have you’ fared against the supreme power structure ? Have you gained anything of worth ? Have you’ added a second of breath to your’ eternal damnation ?
How have you’ fared against the lesser of flesh and bones ? Your’ preferred target for bullying and carrying out an endless scores ?
Have these also made your’ challenge of twisted views, a shameful act of desperation ?
Hold and be hold...a cloud of lightening that bear witness through faith, that your’ cowardly acts conceive no fruits, these Men/Woman of faith, have been a thorn and rise from the ashes you’ consider weak and playground.
Through their weakness, a force-field protects like a shield and growing everyday...mightier and mightier.
You’ the so-called angel of light, in drunk darkness you’ have fallen and left the original place of birth among the stars, expelled and no place found for you’ but a suitable dungeon. This is what “The Almighty Divine host-of-host and Jesus-Christ (Michael) have said...The true and faithful.
Rafael G Gonzalez

Sunday, February 18, 2024

Higher intelligence


Psalm 139:14
New International Version
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
your works are wonderful,
I know that full well.
Life to (me) is a love story from being cast-out from the sacred chamber, Almighty God’s workshop (womb) into the light, from the vast deep and pipe-lines of life, every journey is Divine poetry.
I’m wonderfully made and woven to the highest expectations, I was tailored-made to order and there is nothing missing. From memories long ago...far and beyond, the potter’s vessel and weaver's choice...I must praise him while I can and laud him with all expressions bestowed.
The truth is free and eternal, it can’t be confined, contained, or stopped…
It’s why the devil Satan has had such a hard time, in stifling it’s greatness.
The truth is fitting to all when needful, and we all have made use of it, yet it’s not assimilated/digestible to all.
One can live a lie...but not survive the truth, many are aware of this.
The truth is Divine, it has no rival, no equal, undefeated, able to transform, actuate and cause for the better. Awaken and released from bondage.
Lies are invoked and devised to counter it and not the other way around.
The truth is eternal and will remain ageless, and that is what Almighty God
Jehovah, Yahweh, Jah (YHWH) has said.
Praise while we can, just praise him, exalt, sanctify make him known.
Rafael G Gonzalez

Sunday, February 11, 2024

wicks silhouette


I have taken a tumble for love a thousand times, but not hard enough to keep (me) from fallen for the next,

my heart does not wear-out nor do the feelings take flight,

My desire persistent like light and shades,

the wicks silhouette choreograph, arrangements, musical muse, flames dancing burning at both ends,

I seek what is superlative to compliment a consuming desire,

a yearning remote and isolated,

beyond allotments tossed,

fine tuning and alignments seeking to collide that which is Divine.

Rafa EL G Gonzalez


Tuesday, February 6, 2024

The lesser/the precious


Any human being with a God driven conscience, can express and feel the pain, suffering the lesser must go through,
Be silent...keep silent because of the hollow, bottomless void that fills your emptiness or express yourself accordingly to that which is Divine...LOVE.
When one keep's the expression silent it doesn't take root, it is obvious what is held in secret it is also held hostage and in bondage. 
To let go of one's intentions take a lot courage, pride must be absent and this is very difficult in our days. 
It is true some things held in bondage are released in do time...and when thinking of time it's like we had authority over it, 
that is the greatest illusion. Time makes the calls and we're but microscopic in it's infinite portals.

If we were the time-keeper and some of us regarded that illusion, think about how far you have come ?
Rafael G Gonzalez

Thursday, November 23, 2023

19 and beyond

 Federally approved, medically administrated your choice...but don't term or call it a biological weapon with foreign agents, it's to Insidious (artful) for the average.

It is sacred to remain ignorant to the chains that heavily entangles and a snare, to the master's we so masterly revere !

Rafa EL G Gonzalez

Monday, October 16, 2023

King's of King's


King David, King Solomon and the rest of king’s 14 in succession of a 1,500 hundred years of dynastic rule. The king’s of the North and the King’s of the South, all experienced Divine sanctions. I’m not going to point out every King and the opposition, but “I will say this”...that what the Almighty King of heavens and earth, Jehovah (YHWH) God brings into his house (tent) is a special guest.
How we cherish that invite is of particular interest, a few King’s truly valued the symbiotic relationship. It is of great recourse engaging how this Divine figure responded and reasoned it all out, in a symbiotic exchange. Some of these King’s were very wicked and vile, barbarian’s in nature, misguided by opposition and inherently against the Divine will.
It leaves me dumbfounded, lost in thought, exhausted in spirit, yet renewed at the passing of this allotted space I occupy in my master's domain. I speak of King’s because who am I ? but a miserable mortal, searching my master’s house...chasing his heart...stretching the fruit’s of the spirit, he left behind and attributes I can’t encompass.
I get emotionally charged in revealing the work’s of the Holy spirit, and also consider how charged is the Holiest-of-Holiest, host-of-host. A power structure I can feel...sense...and see all to obvious through the power of faith, and how every living things declares glory.
Praise the Almighty God Jehovah (YHWH), To the highest power.
El rey David, el rey Salomón y el resto de los 14 reyes en la sucesión de 1.500 años de gobierno dinástico. Los reyes del Norte y los Reyes del Sur experimentaron sanciones Divinas. No voy a señalar a cada Rey y la oposición, pero “diré esto”... que lo que el Rey Todopoderoso de los cielos y de la tierra, Jehová (YHWH) Dios trae a su casa (tienda) es un invitado especial. .
Es de particular interés cómo apreciamos esa invitación, algunos reyes realmente valoraron la relación simbiótica. Es de gran ayuda comprender cómo esta figura Divina respondió y razonó todo, en un intercambio simbiótico. Algunos de estos Reyes eran muy malvados y viles, de naturaleza bárbara, descarriados por la oposición e inherentemente contrarios a la voluntad Divina.
Me deja estupefacto, perdido en mis pensamientos, agotado en espíritu, pero renovado ante el paso de este espacio asignado que ocupo en el dominio de mi maestro. Hablo de reyes porque ¿quién soy yo? pero un mortal miserable, registrando la casa de mi amo... persiguiendo su corazón... estirando los frutos del espíritu, dejó atrás atributos que no puedo abarcar.
Me siento cargado emocionalmente al revelar la obra del Espíritu Santo, y también considero cuán cargado está el Lugar Santísimo, la hueste de las huestes. Una estructura de poder que puedo sentir... sentir... y ver todo muy obvio a través del poder de la fe, y cómo todos los seres vivos declaran su gloria.
Alabado sea EL Dios Todopoderoso Jehová (YHWH), Al poder supremo, mas alto.
Rafael G Gonzalez

Tuesday, September 26, 2023



What the normal eye see’s is what I don’t see, I’m going to get spiritual and philosophical. If one takes a simple rubber-band and flexes it proximity 50 times it losses flexibility, elasticity and eventually slaps. Or one can take the simple rubber-band and flex-it in full beyond the threshold and eventually it will break.

The human rubber-band is of the same function, we are in the middle between two highly opposing tents good/and bad, its a tug-of-war in which we are being utilized as instruments of choice and separated accordingly through the knowledge gained. We have free will to pick which side separates us, but not which side chooses us. The election by which we become the instrument, depending on which side wants it more. The good/benevolent reaches out and the opposing tent exercises contractual rights to do the same. For better or worse its expectation to remain expandable. Too what point ?

So there are two ways to break-down expeditiously or through momentum or accepting non resistance and eventually washing away without the knowledge. Gaining insight of why the ups /downs in our everyday struggles would balance the playing field, and the chessboard of player’s can reveal their hand more openly of the pulls and stretching, we our all subject one way or the other.

I have just revealed my hand of why we/us are being stretched thin and because of knowledge gained, remaining expandable...something will eventually break...and breaking is not that one throws in the towel, but through trial and perseverance access granted. Beyond the scope of reasoning why some are targets for the greater call or awakening is somethings that remains insolvent in a series of episodes I wish not to disclose.

Who is your equal, who is your rival, what's the opposition ? You the all seeing, all loving and benevolent, stage-cast the insensible like pawns in a borderless chessboard.

For every move made you're light years away and not one miserable among the mortals or immortals can access your hand unless granted.

this much I know!

Rafael G Gonzalez

Friday, September 22, 2023

God's (YHWH) outlaw


For all my criminal activities (pass and present)**
I have a supreme Judge (YHWH, the Almighty Divine) a prosecutor (Jesus, the millennium Reign; welcome Reign) and a hand picked jury some whom I have labored with hand-to-hand.

The accuser a counterfeit defector, who has afflicted me from birth…..
The verdict a life sentence of love,compassion,mercy and undeserved-kindness, and a badge of honor for bravery, courage for standing up to a psychopath bully.

Stead-fast in all my tribulations, and yet those to come.
I anticipate this trial as a symbolic death-role recipient, my opening statement, “Satan you’re a beast and you know it, because Jesus the King said so! Your warden !

In all these years in shackles I can truly say...let’s do this all-over again.
Rafael G

*Taking on the judgement sit, would equate in usurping the authority of the almighty Divine. A mere moral can't read minds, hearts or home in on stress levels. The fine shepherd...(not the super-fine shepherd), that The apostle Paul warned about; can see through all our short comings. I put my trust less on humans in high places, and pull more confidently with the fine shepherd !

2 Corinthians 4:3
if, in fact, the good news we declare is veiled, it is veiled among those who are perishing, 

2 Corinthians 4:12
So death is at work in us, but life in you.

2 Corinthians 4:16
Therefore, we do not give up, but even if the man we are outside is wasting away, certainly the man we are inside is being renewed from day to day.

Galatians 1: 9
As we have said before, so now I say again: If anyone is preaching to you a gospel contrary to the one you received, let him be accursed. *
" I include myself, if that be case...for that I have judge, a prosecutor and a cloud of witnesses."

**Being an outlaw for the cause (the conspirator, the arch enemy) of Jesus and The Almighty God has placed me in shackles contrary to Divine law. So I have become God's outlaw more then the average, singled out by cowards and bullies that have striped away my rights to defend or tried their best to make me hold.
But I will say this....
It is a heavy burden to speak the truth, but not heavy enough to separate me from it. The countless attempts have been futile and much counter-productive, even if it means death, let it be honorable, for this I have been called.
Es una carga pesada decir la verdad, pero no lo suficientemente pesada como para separarme de ella. Los innumerables intentos han sido inútiles y mucho contraproducentes, incluso si eso significa la muerte, que sea honorable, por esto he sido llamado.

Rafael G Gonzalez

Sunday, August 13, 2023

Jiddu state of mind


We have reduced the world to its present state of chaos by our self-centred activity, by our prejudices, our hatreds, our nationalism, and when we say we cannot do anything about it, we are accepting disorder in ourselves as inevitable. We have splintered the world into fragments and if we ourselves are broken, fragmented, our relationship with the world will also be broken. But if, when we act, we act totally, then our relationship with the world undergoes a tremendous revolution.
After all, any movement which is worth while, any action which has any deep significance, must begin with each one of us. I must change first; I must see what is the nature and structure of my relationship with the world - and in the very seeing is the doing; therefore I, as a human being living in the world, bring about a different quality, and that quality, it seems to me, is the quality of the religious mind.
The religious mind is something entirely different from the mind that believes in religion. You cannot be religious and yet be a Hindu, a Muslim, a Christian, a Buddhist. A religious mind does not seek at all, it cannot experiment with truth. Truth is not something dictated by your pleasure or pain, or by your conditioning as a Hindu or whatever religion you belong to. The religious mind is a state of mind in which there is no fear and therefore no belief whatsoever but only what is - what actually is.
~ J Krishnamurti Freedom from the Known Chapter 16

A religious mind is inquisitive, the spiritual mind is innate, it contends with that which is superlative and it's guidance must coincide with that which is also superlativeness. In my years in searching for the ultimate God, my experience has been a relentless pursue for a connection, for a revelation that imparts Divinity and all the attributes of finest design. I have found my God, which seeks (me) in the stillness, silence of a yearning heart to piece together all the vast overloads that which I seek in that grandeur.

It's been no easy task...and in prayer's, supplications, talk's I commune with such' as I would with this audience as (the medium). Yes, the spirituality of this mind-set invoked a host which I would have never found otherwise. YHWH-through historical writings and signature of God, has made my search equal for the things you hear and read today, which is the ultimate expression.

Let (me) just clarify one last thing the mindset or state of mind, becomes a reality once, a person disowns all that is pass and embrace the higher learning or ultimate expression, which is the truth and let go free. With the truth we can harness the needful apparatus to undo, the great question ? of why so much pain and human suffering. The 30,000 thousand god's become subject for endless search, when the human mindset submits to greater call of spirituality.

"one can't experiment with truth"- Jiddu

I hope you get the point !

Rafael G Gonzalez