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    "La verdadera Sabituria,      es reconocer tu propia ignorancia"                                                 ...

Saturday, March 1, 2025

Pipe-lines of life (Revised)

 Psalm 139:14
New International Version
 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
    your works are wonderful,
    I know that full well.

Life to (me) is a love story from being cast-out from the sacred chamber, Almighty God’s workshop (womb) into the light, from the vast deep and pipe-lines of life, every journey is Divine poetry. 

I’m wonderfully made and woven to the highest expectations, I was tailored-made to order and there is nothing missing. From memories long ago...far and beyond, the potter’s vessel and weaver's choice...

I must praise him while I can and laud him with all expressions bestowed.
The truth is free and eternal, it can’t be confined, contained, or stopped…

It’s why the devil Satan has had such a hard time, in stifling it’s greatness.
The truth is fitting to all when needful, and we all have made use of it, yet it’s not assimilated/digestible to all.

One can live a lie...but not survive the truth, many are aware of this.
The truth is Divine, it has no rival, no equal, undefeated, able to transform, actuate and cause for the better. Awaken and released from bondage.

Lies are invoked and devised to counter it and not the other way around.
The truth is eternal and will remain ageless, and that is what Almighty God 
Jehovah, Yahweh, Jah (YHWH) has said.
 Every trivial matter is meaningless, when you have all the means,
With that said allow (me) to invoke worship and praise your Great name,

Praise while we can, just praise him, exalt, sanctify make him known.
Rafael G Gonzalez
03/11/24 9:59 PM

Thursday, February 27, 2025

Holy mist/Rocio Santo * N


Rocio Santo

Que los frutos del espíritu, Divino Todopoderoso, hueste de huestes Jehová Dios...Se conviérta en el rocio de la mañana, que energizan tu estructura subatómica.
Que a lo largo del día esta sinergia se convierta en la nueva raíz de colaboración profunda de la síntesis devocional,
Que seas la preferida entre los aderezos de los campos,
Que su impulso vibratorio se convierta en una masa de puente que canalice las transmisiones subliminales entre usted y el hueste Divino,
Serán esos códigos, impresiones, intercambios y mensajes los que el común apreciará tanto,
Será la descendencia de tales, a semejanza...parterres de flores destinados al taburete de un rey glorioso
Que el vientre: y será el altar, taller en el que brota y se despliega toda inspiración.
Joven y precoz, pero muy desirable...in las rotaciones de la guardia, mantienes todo en reposo y gran congelo.
* Special guest
Rafa El Gonzalez
Mayo 3, 2023
Holy mist

May the fruits of the spirit, Almighty Divine, host-of-host Jehovah God...become like the morning mist, that energize your sub-atomic structure.
Through-out the day may this synergy become the new root deep collaboration of devotional synthesis,
May you be the highly preferred among the fields dressings,
May your vibrational drive become a bridge mass that channels subliminal transmissions between you and Divine host.
It shall be those codes, imprints, exchange and messages the common hold so dear,
It shall be the offspring's of such, in likeness of flower beds meant for a king’s foot-stool,
May the womb : and it shall be the altar, work-shop in which all inspiration stems and rolls-out.
Young and early, but very desirable...in the rotations of the guard, you keep all in stand-still and deep -freeze.
Rafa El G
May 3, 2023

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Pure energy fine tuning (Revised)


Rafa EL G Gonzalez

When you read this may the power of the Holiest keep under vigilance !

Shared with Public

Whether one realize it or not, being pick out of the masses, from the vast numbers of the global population is an exceptional wake-up call. The Almighty Divine is pure energy...we in turn are also energy. From a finger nail to a single strand of hair follicle. With that said, the selection is not by chance, the higher power to which we were created seeks out what belongs to it. Is like frequencies in the stock pile missing within itself, in order to remain fine-tuned what it attracts is in harmony with superlative Divine guidance.
In other words you are the missing link, I'm speaking about a heavenly father, an eternal spiritual being, an ancient King...with attributes similar to the potter's vessel. The attributes are very well defined in form of expression...LOVE,COMPASSION, KINDNESS, PATIENCE, JOY, PEACE, JUSTICE and a host of others which I fall short.
Yet your frequencies, vibrations and fine tuning create bridges, channel's to which their consistency correlate with those calls. Now through a selection, there is an invitation...I won't go into scriptures, my audience are above average, if not they would have abandon me long ago.
His hand is stretched open, his desire well manifested, this power is yearning to reunited with those outer bands of his own energy (Core) power plant. The King shall not be denied, the Holy spirit shall not be made contrite, and if some or many stumble crossing the bridge, remember your call !
Let your fight not be in vain, be self evident that together you will overcome, the greatest battles yet to come, at the end the outer bands shall be draft back to their original place and we shall join those superlative energies.

Please allow (me) to praise and worship the Holiest and Divine.
Rafael G 




What the normal eye see’s is what I don’t see, I’m going to get spiritual and philosophical. If one takes a simple rubber-band and flexes it proximity 50 times it losses flexibility, elasticity and eventually slaps. Or one can take the simple rubber-band and flex-it in full beyond the threshold and eventually it will break.

The human rubber-band is of the same function, we are in the middle between two highly opposing tents good/and bad, its a tug-of-war in which we are being utilized as instruments of choice and separated accordingly through the knowledge gained. We have free will to pick which side separates us, but not which side chooses us. The election by which we become the instrument, depending on which side wants it more. The good/benevolent reaches out and the opposing tent exercises contractual rights to do the same. For better or worse its expectation to remain expandable. Too what point ?

So there are two ways to break-down expeditiously or through momentum or accepting non resistance and eventually washing away without the knowledge. Gaining insight of why the ups /downs in our everyday struggles would balance the playing field, and the chessboard of player’s can reveal their hand more openly of the pulls and stretching, we our all subject one way or the other.

I have just revealed my hand of why we/us are being stretched thin and because of knowledge gained, remaining expandable...something will eventually break...and breaking is not that one throws in the towel, but through trial and perseverance access granted. Beyond the scope of reasoning why some are targets for the greater call or awakening is somethings that remains insolvent in a series of episodes I wish not to disclose.

Who is your equal, who is your rival, what's the opposition ? You the all seeing, all loving and benevolent, stage-cast the insensible like pawns in a borderless chessboard.

For every move made you're light years away and not one miserable among the mortals or immortals can access your hand unless granted.

this much I know!

Published on : 9/26/23 8:43 AM

Rafael G Gonzalez

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

New Jerusalem (Revised)

New Jerusalem

O’ New Jerusalem, land of the brave and spirited warriors,
O’ New Jerusalem, land of majestic mountains and sweet waters,
Yes you O’ Zion, the coveted work of art whose tormentor is blinded by your beauty and Magnificence. (Evil doers know not)
The meadows have dressed you with the foliage that wing creatures can only dream of, in your battlefield hope is heard from its foreign visitors, they cry out in jubilee, sing well orchestrated chorus, their tunes are enchantment to the ears of the natives.

Creation spoke in riddles when you came forth, the almighty God stretched his right hand in blessings; you were the master’s achievements, He labored in pain with your up bringing,

O’ Zion, your spirit can not be broken and the enemies in the battlefield shake in fear because there is warmth in the fluid that sustains life. There is love and unity in what remains, that to be adequate because abundance is not necessary the advantage.

O’ Zion, the world see little of you and tongues and mad people of the world have distorted views of a land, which is creation, humans like all other and in many ways more prone to reason than all others,

The promise land is in your midst, paradise belongs to he who struggles for the good cause of its people, O’ Zion, I will see you in paradise or die trying.

Paradise does not belong to the faithless, who stoned the prophets, whose blessings God revoked,

O’ Zion, hold strong and roll well because blessings are sure in God almighty.

O’ Zion, land of the spiritual warriors of the mountains how many men wish to serve you! and how many have missed! Yet the struggle continues and I see the faces of many who took the call, their faces smiling with graceful humbleness, their memories like a mighty wave that gets stronger as it picks up time.

O’ Zion, motherland that shelters its off springs in the bosom of caves, peaks, valleys and evergreens, from the oppressor and destroyer…..awake...awake and consume them in your wrath and fire.
O’ Zion, if only God had error (in choosing a new people and He did not!) why did He not look any further in the pains of labour, the land of Faithful warriors? (Moreover He, has)…God almighty bless the fields of the new covenant and the Great Spirit be the driving force in all its actions. The mountain can move, the waters can divided, the underground can call it’s spoils, the days can darken and nights illuminate like the brightest stars, but Zion will stand and remain as God's almighty spirit visitant the everlasting faith based stronghold.
Published on: 6/24/14 4:58 PM

© Right protected
written: 4/6/07

Monday, February 24, 2025

Love where are you (Revised)

                                     Love where are you

I can love you for your fine qualities,

I can love you for being a great life source (mother),

I can love you for your enduring character,

I can love you for being a faithful helper and guide,

I can love you for being a precious expression few will ever see,

I can write you love notes, and from where love resides, defines, remote and isolated...I find my dearest nest in sublime charm.

I can love you for eternity,

I can love you for a thousand of years,

I can wait and be the sacrifice for your guarantee,

True love is not flattery, because I’m not disconnected from myself. It is the superior quality of endowment for those whom truly search it and find the source!

I can also love you for what you're not, imperfect being chasing a desire so innate, far from understanding,

I will love and continue to love...here today, tomorrow paradise. Seeking the source, disrupting its presences until it grants me access to a yearning few will ever manage to undertake.

Love emanates radiant light (heat source) life is found at its core...it is Divine, superlative, infinite starlight and beyond. Enigmatic riddles, puzzles the restless searcher to standstill in deep freeze.

Love where are you ? Where can I find you ? I have missed you ! Yet you are ever present...warm and cozy, delightful, my soul has found refuge ! Let’s walk up and down the park...let us sing happy melodies of our encounter. Let us praise while we can...let me find you in my memory !

(C) right


Rafael G Gonzalez

My happiest moments (Revised)


Just like the cosmos hang in space, in a weightless environment

Almighty God (YHWH) bears my ups/downs in the same symbiotic state we all find 


What the Almighty and Divine, sovereign Lord of the universe seeks in form of submission is a pure heart,

with that said, something dies in (me) everyday something created internally and externally it consumes and withers the finest of (me), exhausting my reserves and I fading seeking the cause,

I wish my call came swift like the thrashing wind,

my return peaceful which my heart contends,

in the rain drops of tears, my soul soak's the journey/experience playing out an endless commotion,

in the high's and low's of distortional views, those feelings that race, shall consume just as well,

I seek the comfort of your loneliness,

your depression,

your anxiety,

your bi-polar-ism,

your autism,

your schizophrenia,

any and all imbalance that strip away your true person, the sacred person...that which in labor pains were formed, 

the anomalies attached interfering with Divine gifts, spiritual cadence, expressive frequencies, bridges, channels, a network hacked,

all man-made conditions and in that comfort of your host, send them packing to the abyss never to return..."your not needed here anymore" ! 

Embracing sanity and returning to full expression, releasing the fruits of the spirit

and acquiring the attributes of Holiest and Divine,

my happiest moments were not so difficult after all.

Praise him while you can...just praise him !

Please allow (me) to worship you (YHWH)


Rafael G Gonzalez





what dulls the senses II ? (Revised)


what dulls the senses ?

Until death do us apart, or until insanity and grief carves a better outlet,
I want no part of neither one, I'm not a masochistic or on a joy ride for proving grounds.
I'm bless to know I can decipher my conscience, and since I'm material and imperfect I carry out my sentence, cautiously and under reason.
I slave for what is good and righteous...a resistor to broken will. There is no markers pointing to either directions. If my faith is challenged my Divine being shall cover for my weaknesses.
Yet I have not failed in my quest to understanding. My sacrifice is to my beloved...but God first, this much I know !
My Lord is very close at hand all the time as the enemy extends his madness...but I'm aware on its countless attempts. The Almighty Divine always at the scene...if God on my side whom against me ?
The superlative call is to the braves, those whom yearn and sigh, mourn the greater revelation. It is to them the ancient of ancient...eternal of old, that keeps the consuming fire alive...rosie, hot. If one stays the course of the conscience, your days will have no end.

Freewill or the challenge, what dulls the senses ?

Extremism, fanaticism, over-zealous..applying a perfect law to a imperfect body, blindly.

Carrying out the mandates to the point of exhaustion. I have reasons to amend a broken rhythm (my limited scope on what is superlative).
My contention, it takes a great plot to balance out the fine prints. In my insensible chase...the senses have yielded a fine tune conscience, that is the product to work with. I beg forgiveness by stretching the boundaries in my contemptible state...I await the superlative expression that which is bestow to my conscience !

Saturday, February 22, 2025

King of King's (Revised)


King David, King Solomon and the rest of king’s 14 in succession of 500 years plus  of dynastic rule. The king’s of the North and the King’s of the South, all experienced Divine sanctions. I’m not going to point out every King and the opposition, but “I will say this”...that what the Almighty King of heavens and earth, Jehovah (YHWH) God brings into his house (tent) is a special guest.
How we cherish that invite is of particular interest, a few King’s truly valued the symbiotic relationship. It is of great recourse engaging how this Divine figure responded and reasoned it all out, in a symbiotic exchange. Some of these King’s were very wicked and vile, barbarian’s in nature, misguided by opposition and inherently against the Divine will.
It leaves me dumbfounded, lost in thought, exhausted in spirit, yet renewed at the passing of this allotted space I occupy in my master's domain. I speak of King’s because who am I ? but a miserable mortal, searching my master’s house...chasing his heart...stretching the fruit’s of the spirit, he left behind and attributes I can’t encompass.
I get emotionally charged in revealing the work’s of the Holy spirit, and also consider how charged is the Holiest-of-Holiest, host-of-host. A power structure I can feel...sense...and see all to obvious through the power of faith, and how every living things declares glory.
Praise the Almighty God Jehovah (YHWH), To the highest power.
El rey David, el rey Salomón y el resto de los 14 reyes en la sucesión de 1.500 años de gobierno dinástico. Los reyes del Norte y los Reyes del Sur experimentaron sanciones Divinas. No voy a señalar a cada Rey y la oposición, pero “diré esto”... que lo que el Rey Todopoderoso de los cielos y de la tierra, Jehová (YHWH) Dios trae a su casa (tienda) es un invitado especial. .
Es de particular interés cómo apreciamos esa invitación, algunos reyes realmente valoraron la relación simbiótica. Es de gran ayuda comprender cómo esta figura Divina respondió y razonó todo, en un intercambio simbiótico. Algunos de estos Reyes eran muy malvados y viles, de naturaleza bárbara, descarriados por la oposición e inherentemente contrarios a la voluntad Divina.
Me deja estupefacto, perdido en mis pensamientos, agotado en espíritu, pero renovado ante el paso de este espacio asignado que ocupo en el dominio de mi maestro. Hablo de reyes porque ¿quién soy yo? pero un mortal miserable, registrando la casa de mi amo... persiguiendo su corazón... estirando los frutos del espíritu, dejó atrás atributos que no puedo abarcar.
Me siento cargado emocionalmente al revelar la obra del Espíritu Santo, y también considero cuán cargado está el Lugar Santísimo, la hueste de las huestes. Una estructura de poder que puedo sentir... sentir... y ver todo muy obvio a través del poder de la fe, y cómo todos los seres vivos declaran su gloria.
Alabado sea EL Dios Todopoderoso Jehová (YHWH), Al poder supremo, mas alto.
 10/16/23 12:42 PM
Rafael G Gonzalez

Thursday, February 20, 2025

Global family/much love


Thank you all for the support and allowing our blog to grow, expand and reach it's audience. Facebook and google have been instrumental, along the many other media outlets. April has been a good month, so I express it in all gratitude. The nations of the World, the global family, and friends who have stay the course through some very rough times. You have gone beyond my expectations, and that's why I'm still here and will remain a while. I shall continue publishing articles poetic notes and journeys, and what ever internally seeks in the outside.
Much love,
You have my blessings,
Rafa EL G Gonzalez

Sunday, February 16, 2025

Un tributo a la paciencia (Revised) *


Un tributo a la paciencia
Perdoname por no haber cedido a tus impulsos,
a tu direcion,
a tus momentos designados,
 Te vestiste de gala y recevistes el premio major,
a tus actos benevulos,
cuando mas necesitado...hay estabas tu,
Nunca me dejetes sin salida,
Me llenates de gran agaunte,
Me orientates en gran consuelo,
Como un marca paso y reloj de arena, no hacias cuenta del tiempo,
Estuviestes siempre a mi alcance,
Nunca te molestates con mi ignorancia,
Endureces y cedes con razonamiento inolvidable,
Tus actos para conmigo son superlativo,
Tu presencia a lo largo de mi camino te are compan~ia eternal,
Mi impaciencia no fue tu quebranto, sino tu fortaleza…
Te as comportado como una enigma Divina, y reabastecido mi mas grandes 
deseos...en deudas estare por duracion y existencia.
A tribute to patience
Forgive (me) for not having conceded into your impulses,
to your direction,
to your designated moments, 
you dressed to the nines and received the major prize,
to your benevolent acts,
When I were most in need,
Never left (me) without a way out,
You fill (me) with great endurance,
You guided (me) in great comfort,
Like a pacemaker and hourglass,
you didn't keep track of time,
You were always within my reach,
Never bother with my ignorance,
You harden and yield with unforgettable reasoning,
Your actions towards (me) are superlative,
Your presence along my path will be my eternal company,
My impatience was not your brokenness, but your strength... You have 
acted like a Divine enigma,
and replenished my greatest desires...I will be in debt for time and duration of my existence.
 * special guest      : }

10/1/24 3:44 AM
Rafael G Gonzalez

Saturday, February 15, 2025

Moon Light (Revised)

Moon light strangeness

I'm strange and stranger than none...I feel uninvited in the world in which I tread, yet all are invited to seek my strangeness,

when ever this moonlight is absent I cannot inspire even the night becomes too silent and creation is in the same low spirit,
But when it’s full or not being obscured this light is the gift that compliments such a vast array of phenomenal physics that I could not embrace,
Sometimes it is only half full and my anticipation grows and grows, like that of a mighty river raging for her to fully mature,

The flower beds rejoice at her sight as they have early blossoming from her blessed mist, and in the morning feel refreshed and invigorated,

The prairies, mountain tops, hills, valleys, the oceans, the young calf, the prancing colt, the wing creatures, that nest happily in their resting place,

The gentle fresh air, that makes the open night such pleasant a moonlight, She is the light that shines and shines causing so much commotion, yet innocent partaker in all her actions.

Moonlight the kaleidoscope of extraordinary events, keeps her radiant and focus,
The ever burning spotlight that pierce my soul, nothing like her in splendor, nothing like her in absence.

When I step into the night from my cradle there is this bright light a celestial body that never seems to leave me, It follows everywhere I tread illuminating my pathway, and when it’s full it resembles a lamp someone set up with purpose,
The creatures of the night howl, cry, and sing...their interpretations are all unique, this goes on throughout this nocturnal cycle of intrigue and charm just to repeat once again,
The flying visitors die trying to reach her magnificent splendor, and that is the beauty of it all, the Grand builder had it all well within reach for us to write and respect, fall to our knees and praise….and praise.

(C) Right Protected 2007 

By: Raphael G

To my brother Russel means (Revised)


          THE IRON RACE

Once a proud people,
Once a proud race,
once a proud land, 
now we naked and can't even bear fruits,

There is only remembrance of those who came not before us plundering, robbing, exploiting and leaving behind their madness that haunts us to death. That's why he That strives in ambition hate and egoism, comes and goes leaving a path of pain and sorrow.

Unfortunately this land and there people, do bear witness to the tragedies these ill-guided wondrous brought. We as a people, we as a nation, were in peace with ourselves, and our neighbors, now only a selected fist-full of valiant heroes of peace manage, to survive in captivity or reservations.

We have learned a great lesson from our white brothers,
and yet they have a lot to learn from us. If this is what civilization brings and if this is what civilization offers,
we want no part of insanity.

we have not celebrated or smoked peace pipes, to initiate the welcoming of land raiders who stain and tarnish the living.

© Right Protected

By:Rafael G

                                                       Infinite quotes
I find myself in one of the most difficult undertaking,
that's trying to bridge an understanding between human-kind,
I believe that we are all brothers and sisters...the same seed.
We all have a path filled with challenges, which must be recognized
and interpret in the order it comes, time makes the calls' we only are subjects of infinite space, time mass that pushes our limit.
I truly believe that people have good intentions or motives but somewhere in
time' the only drawback is that commitment is obscured by wasteful negative barriers that are preset.
By: Rafael G

Engaging in profound spiritual quest
to reach a higher state of spiritual enlightenment
to understand the beginning of things and ending of things
to be one in mind, soul and body...where one own conscience
guides the sober inner self.
Where there is ideas the possibilities are endless,
Do not follow in anyone’s footsteps as not to become discouraged,
A life time achievement...a relentless pursue of mind, body and spirit
the integration of excellence's and virtues.
It is not easy to become totally chaotic...it takes more strength that what one can image.
The mind wanders, the body and soul enables thoughts to become free of the physical realm,the spirit carries out an endless search that allows the mysteries to play there role in a web so fragile like the thought itself.

By: Rafael G

Truth is separate than any other rules or values, it stands alone!

truth is unwavering in it's convictions, it will question a person

inner and outer self...seeking to understand...rather than to punish

it will punish when all things have failed.

It is a perfect value among imperfect subjects...it endures a life time, for all those who seek it.

By : Rafael G 

If we want to achieve a higher state of spiritual endowment
we must shun off the works of the flesh.

By doing this we become like holy ones in reason and understanding
we become teachers of the science that is good...deciphering the mental state

of chaos...where confusion and order are constantly re-evaluated.
It would be oblivious for man to grasp the fundamental things of life and be lost in the clouds thought.

When a man loses everything in life whether that be hope or inspiration, his inner strength and spirit leaves him, he goes and seeks a different sense of awareness where he reconciles with his inner counterpart to awaken the slumber or true virtues of dreaming minds, where thought is not chastise or wandering souls disregarded in absence of motive.

I don’t entertain excuses or pardons, so
that the intentions of the heart can reach its target,
and so one can’t wash darkness with me,
thread lightly into the light as to not being blinded by it.
Day and night comes in many shades and spectrum's…seek he who doesn’t change,
He who is like a timeless statue yet…hosts myriads of reasoning.

Ink and paper
  The ability to self-express, I mean really to convey the true person (the secret person) individual,takes on a whole dimension and approach.
Being spontaneous to many is like bursting with words and actions aimlessly. But to the well trained and sight, being the true-self, took on a life time of achievements.

The emotional-self(nurturing being)and logical-self(mechanical being) these characters are at a cross-point, since the beginning of time, and just as ancient ! The balance of gifts, may take someone a life cycle and then at our last death stroke we become endow with the ultimate expression.

To be truly free is not rationalizing that we are the wind...to ride the wind is an abstract mindset.

To flow like a mighty river or a gentle stream invokes great passion, when the spirit is stirred it reveals wonders...yet there is a hollow void that chokes at the end.

So where are we ? When the questions and answers are so inspiring crafted, that seeking the ultimate-expression can lead to a host of the unknown !

Again I take to the Ink and white paper, they hold and record the knowledge...lost and found, seeking its audience, breaking all barriers...setting a path on which there can be guidance, not demanding nor dictating , just benevolent...patient and all embracing.


I give thanks to all my subjects that become part of my tragedy, knowing or not' they brought out the best in me. In my pains, depression, loneliness, my sadness...also I give great thanks to my Lord and master, the creator of all things for sticking with me in my hardship. It's really been a blessing knowing that through-out these years God Almighty has been preparing a place in his kingdom for me. He has given the knowledge to pen my thoughts in stone sought of speaking...because thoughts flowed and I had nothing around to record the memories.

© Right Protected

Please leave, drop a line or two...it will be very much appreciated; it gives me feedback on your intake. Also some of the article may need to be updated. Others were removed on what ever basis seem appropriate. This blog goes back in time when Google plus was still functional, for the masses.

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Everlasting Apologies/disculpas eternas


Let be the expression my everlasting apologies,

the poetic notes a sentiment searching it's host,

actions and reactions a misalignment of a bi-polarized model of radical

high's and low's,

that shifts, transition it's axis in complete despair ,

the room that filled the eagerness of heart,

love in the chills of ice,

colder and colder working it's web,

the end-times cycle (receiving end)...the assembly of faithful under the greatest of trials,

but the true word never failed,

a beginning or end...the signs all to obvious, 

the search not for the faint of heart,

I prefer you stay in your place and allow the expression to find it's audience and contend,

under severity, machinations of the hidden hand a small gathering at work,

So I praise and praise...Almighty God (YHWH) what's next ?

let (me) sing to you my song everyday "take me home a place suited for each other...but take (me) home ".

Que la expresión sea mis disculpas eternas, 

las notas poéticas un sentimiento en busca de su anfitrión, 

acciones y reacciones una desalineación de un modelo bipolarizado de radicalidad de altos y bajas, que transiciona su eje en completo desconsuelo, 

la habitación que llenó el entusiasmo del corazón, 

el amor en los escalofríos del hielo, 

más y más frío tejiendo su red,

el ciclo del fin de los tiempos (marcadores)... la asamblea de fieles bajo la mayor de las pruebas, 

pero la verdadera palabra nunca falló, 

un principio... un fin... las señales son demasiado obvias, 

la búsqueda no es para los débiles de corazón, 

prefiero que te quedes en tu lugar y permitas que la expresión encuentre su audiencia y contienda, 

bajo severidad, maquinaciones de la mano oculta una pequeña reunión en acción, 

Así que alabo y alabo... Dios Todopoderoso (YHWH) ¿qué sigue? 

Déjame cantarte mi canción todos los días "Llévame a casa, a un lugar adecuado para cada uno...pero llévame a casa".

Rafael G Gonzalez